Who stands to make the most money from MJ's death

Why so much focus on the will? Its the terms and detail contained in the trust that's the thing. I'm sure there are many variations which were made to the trust document over the years, none of which we will ever be privy to.

I'm speculating but would imagine the trust is set up in such a way so as to mean his mother wants for nothing and is well provided for financially by the trust but when she dies those benefits ie the income she has received..die with her. In effect she will have a life interest only. She will not inherit anything so have nothing from Michael's estate to leave to anyone else in the family. She is probably benefiting from an income from the estate only.
Why so much focus on the will? Its the terms and detail contained in the trust that's the thing. I'm sure there are many variations which were made to the trust document over the years, none of which we will ever be privy to.
Spot on.

One of the advantages of the trust approach is that for most purposes you don't have to make a new will. You can simply change the terms of the trust.

I'm speculating but would imagine the trust is set up in such a way so as to mean his mother wants for nothing and is well provided for financially by the trust but when she dies those benefits ie the income she has received..die with her. In effect she will have a life interest only. She will not inherit anything so have nothing from Michael's estate to leave to anyone else in the family. She is probably benefiting from an income from the estate only.
In addition, if the assets were left to her outright instead of in trust, when she died those assets would potentially have been subject to tax twice - once when left to her, and again when passed on from her in the event of her death.
Go to the link for the rest of the article. "The Trust" will make a lot of money and disperse to the family as specified. AEG will ALSO make a lot of money. It's not clear who had the rights to the rehearsal footage. AEG AND Michael? Oh, gee, it's a great thing for AEG that they had so much rehearsal footage, taped in high-definition?

See quote, below.


"If Jackson is determined to have died accidentally — for example, if the toxicology tests show he died of an overdose of prescription medication — then Phillips said AEG has a legitimate claim and "we claim the full $17.6 million." Other potential sources of revenue include a documentary using the more than 100 hours of high-definition video shot of Jackson's rehearsals, including his final one just two days before his death. The majority of the proceeds from the sales of that project would go to Jackson's estate, but some would be shared with AEG, as well as profits from a televised tribute concert in London being discussed that would use some of the elaborate stage sets Jackson was going to employ during the shows."
His family are the ones who will receive the most money - and the most straight out profit. The only thing that makes me wonder is the connection between Tohme, Colony, and Jermaine - and Jermaine does appear to be pushing on Neverland.

This is one link of people - you forgot the owner of AEG in that link(links here http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1615320/20090706/jackson_michael.jhtml and http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-et-michael-jackson31-2009may31,0,1441957.story?page=1) and then another link you have is Branca, Dileo and Katz who are linked with Sony and MJ. So many conflicts of interests going on.
The will said 40% 40% and 20% for charity… isn’t that a bit odd to anyone? We all know that MJ was a great humanitarian but I just can’t imagine him giving his children less. They are only getting 13,33% each. IMO something is just not right. Who will pick the charity organizations?
why is everyone against Branca, he was the executor behind the presley estate and look what happened to that? We should not state that he took half of Michael's money when we do not have the facts

Also Jadore, when Katherine passes, her share will go to the kids
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why is everyone against Branca, he was the executor behind the pressley estate and look what happened to that? We should not state that he took half of Michael's money when we do not have the facts

Also Jadore, when Katherine passes, her share will go to the kids

I agree. Branca is a good man and a great business man and an even better finance guy to have on board and has already proven this.

This is a business world and I would bet there are a lot of people who have invested in Sony and music publishing rights.

Unless you can prove he is stealing, its best to just state is as your personal theory and nothing more.
The will said 40% 40% and 20% for charity… isn’t that a bit odd to anyone? We all know that MJ was a great humanitarian but I just can’t imagine him giving his children less. They are only getting 13,33% each. IMO something is just not right. Who will pick the charity organizations?

the will said 40% 40% and 20% of PROFITS are distributed to beneficiaries, the will said Katherine's share goes back to MJ's kids when she leaves this earth . the will said the executors determine what amount goes to the beneficiaries , the will said the executors have full control over everything .

MJ's kids will inherit 80% of the estate and the charities 20% . there is nothing odd about the will unless you were Randy
the will said 40% 40% and 20% of PROFITS are distributed to beneficiaries, the will said Katherine's share goes back to MJ's kids when she leaves this earth . the will said the executors determine what amount goes to the beneficiaries , the will said the executors have full control over everything .

MJ's kids will inherit 80% of the estate and the charities 20% . there is nothing odd about the will unless you were Randy

I agree. And the charities were chosen in the will also, but not all of it was made public. The "TRUST" part of the will discusses many things that we will never know and its none of our business. If Michael wanted everyone to know all of his business he would have told us all.
And how much will JOhn Branca make? I have been told he gets 3% of everything in the estate which will add up to a lot of money
And how much will JOhn Branca make? I have been told he gets 3% of everything in the estate which will add up to a lot of money

It is standard that the executors of any will receive money because actually it is a lot of work to do all they need to do and be responsible for the settlement of the estate.

This is standard though and Michael specifically chose who he knew would do the best job.
the will said 40% 40% and 20% of PROFITS are distributed to beneficiaries, the will said Katherine's share goes back to MJ's kids when she leaves this earth . the will said the executors determine what amount goes to the beneficiaries , the will said the executors have full control over everything .

MJ's kids will inherit 80% of the estate and the charities 20% . there is nothing odd about the will unless you were Randy

Ok then it make sense :)
John Branca is one of the best in the business and has a LONG relationship with MJ. I think MJ was bestman at his wedding. Theres was a long relationship, decades, and he help MJ earn a lot of money.. and he has continued to do that since his passing. MJ mentions him in Moonwalk and in album dedications.

2003 Number Ones album-
JOHN BRANCA .. From the days of 'when' .. to the present.. Thank You for the years. I love you, Michael Jackson.

Also there is a msg to John McClain

JOHN MCCLAIN.. For being there..always.. I love you, Michael Jackson

So its not like he's just here out of the blue. There is history there.

He deserves to be paid for his work, and just because he has links with Sony doesn't mean anything. Of course he is going to have links with Sony, cause of the business he's in, and the level he's at.
And how much will JOhn Branca make? I have been told he gets 3% of everything in the estate which will add up to a lot of money

Well Micheal's dear "friend" John (the fixer) Branca and company is now asking for (millions)more money. You know he has been stealing millions under the table(the standard lawyer practice)

They will be the biggest profiteers along with Sony. Their plan is working out well; for them.
Well Micheal's dear "friend" John (the fixer) Branca and company is now asking for (millions)more money. You know he has been stealing millions under the table(the standard lawyer practice)

They will be the biggest profiteers along with Sony. Their plan is working out well; for them.

Can you elaborate on how John Branca is asking for millions more? How so?

Sony did not know they would be making all this money and they didn't get the catalog away from the estate and they had to pay for the footage to This Is It so I'm confused.
Branca & co have hired three law firms to assist them in sorting everything out , they are specialised in Music and show business , but there were many creditors claims filed left and right , plus lawsuits still pending before MJ's death and add to that katherine, Randy and joe attempt to throw the executors out of the estate which actually according to the new reports costed the state a million dollar , weizman is asking for half a million and soon katherine will ask for the same , because as we all know $ 85.000 a month are not enough to pay hayvenhurst electricity bills , so it is a fair guess katherine would ask the estate to pay the legal expenses . and soon joe will do the same once he get his allowance .
Branca & co have hired three law firms to assist them in sorting everything out , they are specialised in Music and show business , but there were many creditors claims filed left and right , plus lawsuits still pending before MJ's death and add to that katherine, Randy and joe attempt to throw the executors out of the estate which actually according to the new reports costed the state a million dollar , weizman is asking for half a million and soon katherine will ask for the same , because as we all know $ 85.000 a month are not enough to pay hayvenhurst electricity bills , so it is a fair guess katherine would ask the estate to pay the legal expenses . and soon joe will do the same once he get his allowance .

Soundmind, I posted an interesting tidbit the other day.


The estate pays for everything regarding the house and the house they are all living in is owned by the estate (Michael) and he has been paying the expenses there for all these years.

The Jacksons have been living very well rent free.
look at the brothers , they were ALL with the exception of Marlon ( before mj's death) were dependant on MJ through katherine one way or the other , tell me now when these siblings get older and katherine is no where to bail them out , who are they goining after for money ? they will all do what joe did , because joe built the estate as jermaine said and they all behind MJ's success so they are all entitled to his money .

people tend to forget what jeramine told Larry king when they were in neverland , " My mom is very well taken care of financially , so all of us " somepeople are not ashamed of themselves for sure . they do believe they have a right to everything MJ' had and his kids now have .
look at the brothers , they were ALL with the exception of Marlon ( before mj's death) were dependant on MJ through katherine one way or the other , tell me now when these siblings get older and katherine is no where to bail them out , who are they goining after for money ? they will all do what joe did , because joe built the estate as jermaine said and they all behind MJ's success so they are all entitled to his money .

people tend to forget what jeramine told Larry king when they were in neverland , " My mom is very well taken care of financially , so all of us " somepeople are not ashamed of themselves for sure . they do believe they have a right to everything MJ' had and his kids now have .

I believe Michael knew this well and thats why he didn't want any family involved in the will. He KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt that his children would not be protected at all.
And how much will JOhn Branca make? I have been told he gets 3% of everything in the estate which will add up to a lot of money

Branca stands to make an absolutely staggering amount of money. The better he does for the estate, i.e the more revenue he brings in, the more he will make because he gets a percentage.
good for him , he has a motivation to do great because he will get even more .
Can you elaborate on how John Branca is asking for millions more? How so?

Sony did not know they would be making all this money and they didn't get the catalog away from the estate and they had to pay for the footage to This Is It so I'm confused.

First a little poetry:

To earn my daily bread, I go to markets where lies are bought and tomorrow; I become one of the sellers.

John Branca is making his move( don't believe he has not earned anything until now, this will become a "career" for him) He took the position of executer it was not given. Sony has been planning the marketing of a michael Jackson death ever since 2003 when they started releasing and re-releasing collection after collection without reason until June of this year then it all made since.

as I typed before

Nothing is as it seems and many persons do not want the "official" version of Michael Jackson's death and even his business questioned. This referring to the "infalible" Mr. Branca or Sony Music USA the "perfect" Michael Jackson partner.

Keep an eye on John Branca and SONY the Application and the De- synthesis(from Maria MJ) will be revealed. You may not except this now but in the years to come as they begin to act more freely I will remind you of this thread. I have saved almost every thread here(IU) and elsewhere plus links and vids(nearly 300 gigs and growing)

Read between the lines. especially when money is involved. This includes the Jackson family; but they did not want him dead. In Michael Jackson's "sudden death" he lost control of SONY/ATV , SONY was given free a reign and their "boy" Branca will giving them everything they want ; brick by brick.


Note they use the term Invaluable yet somehow Michael Jackson (while alive) their partner is "broke" and had a history of "money problems" This is business and it is done everyday. If you believe SONY had no part in Michael Jackson's misfortunes that is your right; time will tell and we will see.
Well Micheal's dear "friend" John (the fixer) Branca and company is now asking for (millions)more money. You know he has been stealing millions under the table(the standard lawyer practice)

According to an article someone posted in a thread in News and Happenings Branca is refusing the money he is actually entitled to..is this right?

We don't 'know' he's been stealing money. We do know Michael hired someone to investigate him, years ago. If he'd found something dodgy ie. him stealing MJs money then why would he hook up with him again?

He took the position of executer it was not given.

It was written in the current Will, and the previous one.. so I don't know where that statement comes from.
Will they be any money left after the sharks feed?

[In addition, Branca and McClain also want fees "for their extraordinary services," though that amount is not specified.

According to the new documents , fees some of the law firms connected with the estate are asking for are huge. For example, the law firm of Greenberg Traurig wants $1,547,064.50. The firm of Hoffman, Sabban & Watenmaker wants $957,644. The firm of Kinsella, Weitzman, Iser, Kump & Aldisert wants $420,062.50.]

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/12/15/micha...obate?icid=sphere_tmzcom_inline#ixzz0a0SBUOQj


Knowing how the court system works, I'm betting after the dust settles if it ever does, there won't be much left for the family.

Top feeders: Sony/ AEG
Middle feeders: Lawyers
Bottom feeders: Plaintiffs

Estate splits the crumbs.
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why is everyone against Branca, he was the executor behind the presley estate and look what happened to that? We should not state that he took half of Michael's money when we do not have the facts

Also Jadore, when Katherine passes, her share will go to the kids

Just want to clarify something here...John Branca was not an executor of Elvis Presley's estate. I don't know where that myth came from but it floats around from time to time. The original executor was Vernon Presley (his father). When he died, his will named 3 executors: Priscilla Presley, the Nat'l Bank of Commerce, and Joseph Hanks (long time accountant for Elvis and Vernon). No John Branca.
I have a question.
Did Michael outsmart the plot masters?
Did everything go according to his or their plan?
Branca was the attorney who worked with the executors, Elvis was Vernon's only child , so there was never a conflict of interests , Vernon was no joe , so he was not going to screw up his granddaughter money , unlike joe and his sons who don't even believe the kids are biologically related to them .that's why MJ trusted Branca to be an executors over members of his family , nothing weird at all .
Branca was the attorney who worked with the executors, Elvis was Vernon's only child , so there was never a conflict of interests , Vernon was no joe , so he was not going to screw up his granddaughter money , unlike joe and his sons who don't even believe the kids are biologically related to them .that's why MJ trusted Branca to be an executors over members of his family , nothing weird at all .
Amen -_-