Who Owns Michael's Artifacts?

So that leaves us again with the question: will Michael Jackson's current manager stand up?

There was a gameshow once where you had three people claiming to be one person. The panel had to find out who was the real deal... Maybe we can film a special episode on Michaels management?
And further down the rabbit hole, we go. :huh: Or are we?

So if there's no dispute as to ownership of MJ's things (junk is relative and artifacts suggest the person who owned the items is no longer amongst the living so that word isn't exactly appropriate either, imo), what's the problem here? Why is Julien filing papers to determine ownership? Either the issue has been worked out between MJ and Tohme (and TMZ is late) OR there is something else at play here (not our biz, of course). Gotta wonder why TMZ hasn't provided a link to the Julien court document...or did I miss it? :unsure:

As for Tohme controlling MJJP, I'm starting to think that IF there are several managers in the mix, they may all have different things they are managing? In short, no ONE person is managing everything. What if MJJP is under Tohme, MJC is/was under Raymone and IF Frank is in here somewhere, he may be responsible for managing some other thing? What's confusing is that for a while now (after the trial) only ONE person seemed to be in charge of everything and maybe we, as fans, got used to that. MJ had cut a lot of staff and things and seemed to only need one person and an assistant to get things done.

Perhaps with him being back in the swing of things that system had to expand so now there isn't that ONE go-to person for all things MJ anymore. Each manager may have a specific thing/area they are responsible for and that's it. However, the joke from past threads saying MJ may need a manager to manage all the managers may not be a bad idea afterall. I would guess whoever that person is/would be, they would have some kind of legal background to keep track of all the contracts and be able to ensure there are no conflicts that could come up and backfire on MJ. Someone should be able to keep track of all the deals each of these managers are trying to put together. It's not necessarily a bad thing for MJ to have several ppl working to secure deals for him. I would think it gives him more choices. The issue is making sure these things, if agreed to, aren't finalized until it's assured one doesn't conflict with the other...or at the very least, until compromises are made so that everything Michael wants to do can be done without a conflict and these pesky lawsuits.
Another update from TMZ about Tohme: TMZ.com

UPDATE: Thome just contacted us again, to say that Michael is the one in charge of MJJ Productions, not him. Sounds like this is reason the papers were filed in the first place.

I can understand why Julien's is going to court. They got goods from MJ and/or those representing him to conduct an auction and then weeks before it was to begin they had to call it off and there was that legal crap. Now they need to return the goods and they don't want to go through anymore problems or legal entanglements in the future once these items are returned, so they're trying to make sure everything is clear before they hand over such valuable stuff and they end up back in court again after they think they've washed their hands of all this. And you know quite frankly, this Tohme Tohme smells fishy to me; he always has since I first started hearing about. Something just doesn't seem right and given that MJ isn't exactly the best at choosing who to surround himself with with regard to managers and the like, that doesn't make it any better.
Who the Hell Owns Michael Jackson's Junk!
Posted May 14th 2009 8:00PM by TMZ Staff

The property includes the titles to three Rolls Royce cars.

You can tell how legitimate a story is, when they call THREE ROLLS ROYCE CARS "junk."

Harvey and Company can only dream of things like that. LOL!
So Tohme contacts TMZ to say he runs MJJ Productions, but the auction items are in Michael's name. Then he calls TMZ back to say no he does not run MJJ Production, Michael runs it.

WTH? Did TMZ misquote Tohme, or did Tohme "suddenly" realize that maybe he does NOT run MJJ Productions?

It sures sounds like everyone handling any part of Michael's business should sit down in a big ol' powwow and clarify who's doing what, when, and how. And that includes Joe and Rowe. Then somehow make sure it's in writing, and have Michael review it and either okay it or send them back to the drawing board.

Maybe they have done this already, who knows. But if so, it doesn't appear to be working out real well somewhere along the line.

Another update from TMZ about Tohme: TMZ.com

UPDATE: Thome just contacted us again, to say that Michael is the one in charge of MJJ Productions, not him. Sounds like this is reason the papers were filed in the first place.

I can understand why Julien's is going to court. They got goods from MJ and/or those representing him to conduct an auction and then weeks before it was to begin they had to call it off and there was that legal crap. Now they need to return the goods and they don't want to go through anymore problems or legal entanglements in the future once these items are returned, so they're trying to make sure everything is clear before they hand over such valuable stuff and they end up back in court again after they think they've washed their hands of all this. And you know quite frankly, this Tohme Tohme smells fishy to me; he always has since I first started hearing about. Something just doesn't seem right and given that MJ isn't exactly the best at choosing who to surround himself with with regard to managers and the like, that doesn't make it any better.

:huh: The Twilight Zone moments just keep a comin', don't they? First he says he controls MJJP and now he's saying MJ is in charge. Okay is there some kind of semantics we're missing here or does "control" and "in charge" mean the same thing. Lawd!

I have to agree with you, if Julien's is getting this kind of back and forth from Tohme, it's no wonder they are taking it to court to have a decision made. From moment to moment, day to day, ppl can't seem to determine exactly what their role is. Perhaps a proper statement should be released instead of this whole back and forth with TMZ. And ppl complained about Raymone. :ermm: I'm soooooo disappointed. The good doctor started off sooo well. :( Right now, the only person who seems to be on the ball is Randy Phillips and the AEG folks...altho they, too hit a snag with the viagogo thing which is keeping lots of MJ's most supportive fans from getting reasonable tickets for the London shows.

Praying, praying and praying some more. :angel:
I just put this in the news thread but thought it would serve as an update for this one as well.


The auction house bosses who missed the opportunity to sell off a treasure trove of MICHAEL JACKSON keepsakes are now calling on court officials to remove them from a legal battle brewing between the King of Pop's one-time manager and his company.

Julien's Auction House owner Darren Julien and his partner Martin Nolan have returned all 1,390 items they had hoped to put under the hammer last month (Apr09) to MJJ Productions, but it seems there's a row forming over the titles to six cars and monies Julien owes Jackson - as per the agreement which stopped the sale.

Jackson's former manager, Dr, Tohme, insists he'll sue the auction house if the titles are not returned to him and MJJ Productions officials have warned Julien and Nolan not to follow the svengali's wishes.
Jerry Hawxhurst, the lawyer for Julien's, has filed papers asking for the firm to be removed from the ongoing dispute between Jackson and his former manager.

He tells WENN, "When we settled with MJJ Productions, at the time Dr. Tohme was in charge... Subsequent to that we had some conflicting claims as to who is the current counterparty for the settlement. You have to understand MJJ is just an entity. We've been told that MJJ will no longer act through Tohme. Tohme, through his lawyers, is insisting that we continue to deal with him.

"There are car titles and some other things, that are not back with MJJ, that we have and that's listed in the complaint... We'd like to give them to someone; we just need the parties to agree who gets them. Julien's is caught in the middle of these factions.

"Tohme has threatened to sue us unless we give them to him and Jackson's people, while they haven't threatened to sue, have said, 'Operate at your own peril. We've told you not to give them to Tohme.'

"There's this procedure in our courts, where a party, like Julien's, who is caught in the middle, can simply file a petition with the court and say, 'We're caught in the middle, here are the various faction who are laying claim to this property. Please summon them to the court and have them work it out and excuse us from the fight.'"

15/05/2009 19:20

Sounds and looks like the media have meddled in how things actually went.

I'm surprised some of you take TMZ to be authoritative.
So that leaves us again with the question: will Michael Jackson's current manager stand up?

There was a gameshow once where you had three people claiming to be one person. The panel had to find out who was the real deal... Maybe we can film a special episode on Michaels management?

I agree. This topic describes the same kind of mess Michael has been getting into so much trouble for recently. In order for Michael to finally clean this up and avoid any more confusion between himself and those around him, he should pick one or two genuinely trustworthy folks who are good at multi-tasking to run his business for him. Perhaps Michael thought that by having so many people in his circle, it would make an empire as big as his easier to work. But now, you have at least 4 people each claiming to be the one doing everything and it's causing Michael nothing but problems in the long run. Because it is starting to sound like people are wandering out of their (possibly imagined), designated areas and are stepping on the toes of others in their quest to be number 2 in the Jackson camp. And it falls on Michael when the kitchen gets overheated. So something really needs to be done. There has to be a major house-cleaning. All IMO.
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Once again This seem all comming from someones playbook; as in plan or design.

Either the press is 100 percent involved with printing fabricated Michel jackson "troubles". Meaning these stories
are planted to somehow harm MJ's word, image and credibilty.

Or their is something criminal being conspired to pull MJ down. MJ has been relaxed
and keeping a low profile, just chillin with his children up untill recently has done
very little to generate this many lawsuits, "managerial conflicts" or confusion. MJ has to have better organization skills than this?

How could he (Before the 93 scam) tour the world complete multiple projects, sign record breaking deals
and be in the public eye with very little time to think beyond the next concert location and generate 100s of millions effortlessly and with no BS like he has gotten in the last 6 months????? It's incredible and matematically impossible.

Also note while all these bogust lawsuits(including John Landis) and misrepresentation and rampant chaos; Michael is casually shopping and relatively cool and collected. Yet all we hear is lawsuits, fatal health reports, more troubles and controversy.

Why would he be casualy shopping yet no one knows who owns MJ's property?

Why are we told that none of his managers are ever paid and or they are "working" without his knowlege? (Leading to a financial mess with MJ holding the bag; then they sue him!?!?!???)

Why has MJ went from being "broke" to being sued by everyone but the Queen of England; who may be next????

Why do so many believe something because the media says so. When they never prove anything they print.

Why do we not know Madonna's or Paul Mccartney's Debts nor ventures before they happen? Do they have a fatal health condition that the world need to know about?

Why has ever since 1993 Michael cannot do anything right? Or so we are told.

If any above statements or questions seem plausible then maybe a conspiracy(mentioned by both MJ and family members) may also be possible.