Who Owns Michael's Artifacts?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In Michael's arms!
Can someone tell me what the hell this is? It states Mr. Tohme is past tense but still holds MJJ Productions.

Who the Hell Owns Michael Jackson's Junk!
Posted May 14th 2009 8:00PM by TMZ Staff

The auction house that was going to sell millions of dollars of property from Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch has filed legal papers, because it seems everyone on earth is claiming they own the goods.

Jerry Hawxhurst, the lawyer for Julien's Auction House filed the papers because there's an ongoing dispute between ***** and his former manager, the mysterious Dr. Tohme, as to who controls MJJ Productions -- the owner of the property Julien's currently holds. The property includes the titles to three Rolls Royce cars.

Julien's is getting caught in the crossfire and doesn't want to give it to anyone, for fear the others will sue the auction house claiming they owned the stuff. So Julien's is asking the court to take control of M.J.'s stuff and decide who gets what

Re: Who Owns Michael's Junk?

Oh cool, more shiz. I'm waiting for his kids to sue their dad. :)
Re: Who Owns Michael's Junk?

If everything keeps going on like this, MJ will lose everything one day, not just his junk.
edit: just read that Dr tohme tohme control MJJ productions but why the hell is MJJ productions under his control instead of MJ's?
Re: Who Owns Michael's Junk?

Here we go again. Tohme is claiming he controls MJJ Productions?
Re: Who Owns Michael's Junk?

F*** tmz, indeed, troubleman. every time MJ takes control of something and something happens good for him, tmz calls him W>>> J>>>>
Re: Who Owns Michael's Junk?

I thought Michael got rid of MJJ Productions back in 2006. Is that true?
Re: Who Owns Michael's Junk?

I thought MJJ Production was dissolved becoz of Raymone? It was dissolved for the Michael Jackson Trust or smt.
Re: Who Owns Michael's Junk?

Can someone tell me what the hell this is? It states Mr. Tohme is past tense but still holds MJJ Productions.

Who the Hell Owns Michael Jackson's Junk!
Posted May 14th 2009 8:00PM by TMZ Staff

The auction house that was going to sell millions of dollars of property from Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch has filed legal papers, because it seems everyone on earth is claiming they own the goods.

Jerry Hawxhurst, the lawyer for Julien's Auction House filed the papers because there's an ongoing dispute between ***** and his former manager, the mysterious Dr. Tohme, as to who controls MJJ Productions -- the owner of the property Julien's currently holds. The property includes the titles to three Rolls Royce cars.

Julien's is getting caught in the crossfire and doesn't want to give it to anyone, for fear the others will sue the auction house claiming they owned the stuff. So Julien's is asking the court to take control of M.J.'s stuff and decide who gets what


Goodness Gracious Shadow...these items certainly should not be called junk...cause if they were truly junk...then why do so many seem to want a piece of the midas touch of junk...
Re: Who Owns Michael's Junk?

F**k TMZ indeed. They don't even know what the hell they're talking about. :rolleyes: This issue will be resolved eventually anyways so I ain't gonna lose sweat over it. :rolleyes:

And nah MJJ Productions was never dissolved. That was Ray-Ray's hope, lol.
Re: Who Owns Michael's Junk?

These "managers" are nothing but trouble and a HUGE liability to Michael.
OK, hole up a second ... MJJ Productions was supposed to be dissolved, gone, no longer an entity.

Remember a few weeks/months ago, when the Thriller royalty suit filed by J.Landis came about. He was going after MJJ Productions, for the money he allegedly had never been paid. The defense was that he was going after a company that was no longer a company. All the sudden it exhists again ??

Guess Landis can get his monies now *shrug*

This whole ish looks to be nothing short of a HOTT MESS ... with exkra funktastic grabby on the side :zformation:

For the record ... Shadow (the original poster) did not name the article that was posted ;)
anyone gotz a beef with the title, take that to TMZ.com and they staff :yes:
OK, hole up a second ... MJJ Productions was supposed to be dissolved, gone, no longer an entity.

Remember a few weeks/months ago, when the Thriller royalty suit filed by J.Landis came about. He was going after MJJ Productions, for the money he allegedly had never been paid. The defense was that he was going after a company that was no longer a company. All the sudden it exhists again ??

Guess Landis can get his monies now *shrug*

This whole ish looks to be nothing short of a HOTT MESS ... with exkra funktastic grabby on the side :zformation:

For the record ... Shadow (the original poster) did not name the article that was posted ;)
anyone gotz a beef with the title, take that to TMZ.com and they staff :yes:

Just when you think you've heard everything. :lol:

But I should've known something funky was going down because when Ray-Ray filed her suit, it seemed that the Michael Jackson Company didn't really exist either and it's not just this guy or John Landis suing "MJJ Productions", wasn't there a third lawsuit against MJJ Productions? I think so.

Anyway, this will be resolved.
OK, hole up a second ... MJJ Productions was supposed to be dissolved, gone, no longer an entity.

Remember a few weeks/months ago, when the Thriller royalty suit filed by J.Landis came about. He was going after MJJ Productions, for the money he allegedly had never been paid. The defense was that he was going after a company that was no longer a company. All the sudden it exhists again ??

Guess Landis can get his monies now *shrug*

This whole ish looks to be nothing short of a HOTT MESS ... with exkra funktastic grabby on the side :zformation:

For the record ... Shadow (the original poster) did not name the article that was posted ;)
anyone gotz a beef with the title, take that to TMZ.com and they staff :yes:

well....MJ's 'junk' is the only 'junk', that apparently, everybody wants. including tmz. i mean, why are they paying attention?

and i don't care how much grief i get for saying this, but i don't agree with Landis. MJ apparently 'signed' with Motown, but they have trouble paying him for life, apparently. the only way MJ seems to be getting his own royalties for life is by following the universal law. u get out what u put in. MJ put his own money in that thriller, when nobody believed in it. Landis shoulda put money in it too. nothing signifies belief more in a project than when you sink money into it. that's another term for 'executive producing'. even before getting the title, if you sink money into something, you exec produce it. everybody in hollywood operates the same way. many actors don't get royalties for life, but the exec producer does, because he or she sank their money in the project. i don't care what you sign.
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So i am the only one that remembers that suit and the discussion that followed it ??

No vnc, all i am pointing out is that the member that posted the article was not responsible for the termage in the title.
So i am the only one that remembers that suit and the discussion that followed it ??

No vnc, all i am pointing out is that the member that posted the article was not responsible for the termage in the title.

yeah..i know. lol..i'm just venting about another subject. lol. i couldn't find the thread on that suit, but i remember seeing it, so i just vented here, after you mentioned the suit, in passing.
OH SNAP :lol:

My mistake and i am very happy to be wrong on this one :yes:
it was OPTIMUM Productions that was being sued

vnc, aint no grief to get for that opinion ... well, in my opinion anyway :lol: it makes perfect sense to me :yes:

thanks. i know that thread got closed, and a lot of people got mad, but, in my own experience, i would have a hard time paying someone for life, if they didn't sink money into something, and i did sink money into it. it's an opinion i'll hold onto, no matter how hated i am for it. i'm with MJ on this. i can be banished, but my brain can't be washed. lol. MJ is very successful for a reason. his purSUErs are not as successful for a reason lool. :lol:

to me, whatsa matta with them? no more jobs in hollyweird? lol.:D

as soon as those purSUErs are more successful than he is, i'll bow to them. i don't think i'll be doing that, anytime soon. :lol:

it's like the lyric on blood on the dancefloor 'everything's on my side'. MJ's gotta be doing something right. it applies to everybody. if you're doing whatever MJ's doing, you'll have his success, no matter what people say. the only thing i see happening against him is a lot of loud noise.:lol:

invest and ull get a return.

MJ is astute in business. his success being greater than theirs is the winning salvo. i don't need to back that up. it speaks for itself. of course there are people that will be dissatisfied with that, but so what. lol.
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Ok well if Tohme is not in control of the auction items, then I guess it's case closed. If the items are in MJ's name, they should go back to him. Don't see why they need a court for that, unless there's not clear documentation on this.

I'm gonna laugh my ass off if it turns out that Mikey is putting all this shiz out to create some hype and have his name in the press.
Ok well if Tohme is not in control of the auction items, then I guess it's case closed. If the items are in MJ's name, they should go back to him. Don't see why they need a court for that, unless there's not clear documentation on this.

I'm gonna laugh my ass off if it turns out that Mikey is putting all this shiz out to create some hype and have his name in the press.

It wouldn't be MJ if there was no drama here. ^_^
I thought MJJ Productions was no longer running, but I came across this:

Name: MJJ Productions LLC and Inc.
Profile: Management (Old company, re-activated for copyright reasons)
Established: Re-activated on 07-31-2008 (10-30-1979)
Status: Active


Apparently it was reactivated last year :scratch:

I noticed Raymone was suing this company according to her lawsuit papers so I'm sure it's still active. I had no idea Tohme was running the company though...
With all of MJ's companies and other's claming to own or run it.. My question is does MJ at least own his music?? If there is a thread about it could someone supply the link for me... Thanks in advance..
yeah mjj pro was closed down put in doorment state a few years back but was reactivited