Who killed Michael Jackson? - For us hard to take?

Hi, I´d like to post some truth about Sony. I think sony is behind Michael´s death, but the public will never know the truth. I Think Sony murdered Michael just for money (his part of ATV catalog) but it´s not on behalf of USA to tell the world the truth about what are their corporations doing to keep their billions.




I have not read all the posts, so don't shoot me, but is it me or did she just mean 'we' as in the media/journalists/ paps? At first I did think she meant all of us but after a second thought, I feel I misunderstood.
Ok, mjbunny, I got your point. You do not agree with me which is fine and you are trying to convince me that MJ fans are not responsible for anything what happened with Michael. They did not constantly watch him, they did not follow his private life and they had no interest in anything regarding his sexual relationships with women, his plastic surgeries, they did not mob him, they did not try to get close to him as much as they could to get a hug or short glimpse, they did not read tabloids etc. Hard to believe. It is easy to blame general public for everything. But it is OK. People do not like to feel even a bit guilty and be responsible for anything cos they wish to see just roses. It is human nature.
If so, I wish to ask you the last question then. As I said before, I grew up in a different culture. And I try to clear up some things for myself. I am sort of learning…. .Back home we have public graves for all famous ppl who died in this country: presidents, politicians, artists, poets, writers, musicians you name it. But you hardly may see a few ppl just walking by beside famous ppl’s graves paying their respects or just walking by accidently.
Could you tell me please why MJ grave and some other famous ppl’s graves in US have to be monitored by security and cameras 24/7?
Actually that's NOT what my point was, nor the general gist of my posts in this thread, but okidoki. In fact, I even remember stating that if fans crossed boundaries, then that's their problem to deal with and their thing to recognize. I never absolved every single MJ fan from any and all responsibility whatsoever in how Michael's life has turned out (it should be obvious we affected each other), but I'm also not going to force guilt down people's throats and make them believe that Diane Dimond's report I linked to was all because of their love for Michael. There was no need for these editors, television producers and "journalists" to be MEAN, to be BULLIES, to tear him apart and actively work to destroy them. THEY chose to do that. And I personally do not feel guilty of their crimes. (And again, it was MURRAY in the end who did the deed.)

That said, I'm not a child, nor so naive to believe I don't fit into the bigger picture of society, thus sharing collective responsibility in varying degrees (sometimes little, sometimes much) for the press, the government, the economy, our culture, the chemicals in our food, the kids working in sweatshops in the slums of Kalkuta, but in the end we simply do not all share equal personal, individual responsibility for each of these things. We all make choices, share our own personal share of guilt and/or innocence and have to take responsibility for that. But if Person A reads the tabloid while Person B does not, I am not going to bash Person B's head and tell them it's all their fault that the others read it and they should feel guilty for the rest of their life for the tabloid's very existence. Maybe they should roll their eyes and walk away and try to live a good life despite the ills of society, or maybe they should protest the tabloid, write letters, try to pass legislation against them, burn the tabloids, quit their job and patrol their city looking for opportunities to educate the tabloid readers!.... or just not support the tabloids by not buying them (or clicking on their websites) and educating people about them when opportunity presents itself in daily life. Which one of those choices is the "guilty" one? Individual circumstances are much broader and more complex than a sweeping condemnation of "we" and I'm not going to put that on "MJ fans" as a whole. And I still believe the general public are the target audience of the tabloid press, not fans.
I have not read all the posts, so don't shoot me, but is it me or did she just mean 'we' as in the media/journalists/ paps? At first I did think she meant all of us but after a second thought, I feel I misunderstood.
Probably, or the public in general.
mjbunny, I did not ask you to share responsibilities for each and every fan. I was talking in general. The main idea is understanding the problem. Btw, there is no real border between “general public” and fans imo.
General public, if they are not fans do not give a flying crap about celebrity rumors. Let face it this way. If I am not a fan, why I would be interested to read about Michael’s Jackson’s girlfriends? It does not make any sense. Besides, there are lots of crappy articles in tabloids fans still read. Sometimes journalists will publish rubbish article to make fans angry. That way they get more profit because fans read them. Simple as that. I feel guilty myself because since I came to this forum after he passed I had no choice but to learn so many private details about his life.

But whatever… . Ppl put in their brains whatever makes them feel comfortable and special.
I believe fans have to be honest to themselves first. Are you sure that fans in general were not interested in Michael’s private life? It is simply NOT true. The whole forum is full of articles from tabloids about Michael’s private life. Ppl’s interest create the market. This rule works the same for any kind of business.
The second. You did not answer to my question.. The question was: why Michael’s grave has to be monitored 24/7?
Ok, so as long as we're in agreement that not all people did everything ;) And I know that some fans are a bit delusional in the love thing... meaning that no matter how much they stalked Michael, he "wanted" it. He was sweet to everyone and did receive much love and support from fans, but also complained about his lack of freedom, so it's not like fans didn't affect him both positively and negatively. When you want the biggest selling album in history, though, the fans come with it. It's complicated and interdependent, but that doesn't mean the world has a license for full-scale invasion of his privacy no matter what the cost or where it comes from. Not to mention LIES and MEANNESS. Those who wrote/said those things... well, THEY are the ones who must answer for it in the end. And yes, as a fan, of course I wanted information about him, but I was always hunting for any interviews I could find. I wanted to hear from his own mouth, you know. His personal words are what got to me in the begining and really made me fall in love with him. What Michael had to say is what I've always wanted. Now that he's gone it's especially tough because there will be no more interviews. :( The only sources of information about this person we love so much and want to understand now are those who knew him. Now we have to constantly determine who's lying and who's not. :mello: Everyone really has to look into their hearts and decide what they will feel guilty about or not, what they think is right or wrong to read or watch or listen to.

About tabloids again, a lot of people seemingly do care for some weird reason about the private lives of celebrities they aren't fans of. Like I seriously don't care who Brad Pitt (or whomever is the topic this week) sleeps with, but it seems a lot of people do (including those who can't stand him), especially if it means they can make a joke out of it or belittle him. Didn't you say before something about people not paying attention to their own personal lives and instead worrying about celebrities instead? And it's true. And that's not just fans. I used to babysit for someone's kids and she had tabloids lying around in almost every room and she always knew all these stupid stories about everyone ever written about. And see, those are the people who will tell you all about how Michael was bleaching his skin, slept in an oxygen chamber, was certainly guilty and on and on. They're not fans, but they've obviously consumed a huge amount of tabloidy press. And their numbers greatly outweigh the number of fans in existence (even MJ fans, lol), so someone's buying all this crap. There are way more of them than us, so they are the target market. Like, there are many more people who aren't in love with Lindsay Lohan than are, but nevertheless the number of things containing nasty stories about her purchased/supported far outweighs her fanbase. That's what I mean by general public... the average person who's not a fan of a particular person, but nonetheless has this insatiable appetite for bad news and salacious details. And yeah, that's a societal thing and a cultural thing and human nature in a social species. That's why I really love our Media Advocacy Team here and support others like Charles Thomson and Barbara and her WMDs article. It's all true, the press having dropped below the lowest standard. :(

Oh, about the grave protection issue... I can't really answer that in a way that really answers it. For Michael, weren't we all worried about vandalism and haters and the occasional crazy nutball? That's why everyone wanted him so protected and could deal with the idea of F.L. (And privacy for the family, like the ability for his children to visit without people snapping pictures.) Fans want to go there, bow their heads, cry and leave flowers, which is something natural when someone you love passes away. The sheer number of us who love him would make that tough. And he's an icon, so that draws attention from those outside our circle (like the rabid tabloid-consumers) who just want to say they've been there. I think security for celebrity graves in the end is mostly just about keeping the 1 in 1,000 weirdos or haters away (those who would seek to do harm -- and yeah, the rare one could be a fan, which is why MJ had security when alive as well. Nothing severe ever happened, THANK GOD).
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.Back home we have public graves for all famous ppl who died in this country: presidents, politicians, artists, poets, writers, musicians you name it. But you hardly may see a few ppl just walking by beside famous ppl’s graves paying their respects or just walking by accidently.
Could you tell me please why MJ grave and some other famous ppl’s graves in US have to be monitored by security and cameras 24/7?

I highly doubt that half the people buried in Holly Terrace "need" security (Michael being an exception), there's also a lot of marketing and prestige behind that Mausoleum that somehow makes people pay a lot of money to bury their dead there. It's kind of creating an illusion there on Holly Terrace.
The relatives literally pay top dollar for them to be locked away behind those doors, sort of cementing the unreachable star appeal even in death. If just "anyone" could walk in there, it would lose the appeal of being something special. :cheeky:
Half of the place is marketing that makes people think, oh, locks and codes, there MUST be something very special going on in there, it's outstanding marketing for the most part. :cheeky:

It's very Hollywood, the best illusion in the world, even in death. You drive trough some parts of Glendale and lock your door- Forest Lawn is a strangely beautiful oasis in the middle of brown hills. It's an odd place out there, you have your mansions pretty much next to an industrial warehouse zone.

Has it occurred to you that maybe the family also might know about other possible threats to his grave? "Rabid fans" are not the only threat to his grave, there's a world outside of MJJC that's pretty harsh, not everybody looks at him in a good willed manner to put it mildly.
I know that you don't ever use google....but for those monitoring even mainstream media outlets- there was a disturbing amount of people who literally fantasized about all the weird things they literally would love to do to his grave. Some people have swallowed the tabloid hatred "he's a pedophile" pill presented to them over the years pretty badly- some of these people are not just "all talk". Do you think it's an accident that he sang "I ain't scared of no sheets"- the man knew what was up and I don't even want to know what kind of hate mail he must have received for parents to decide to veil their children's faces in public.

Also, I'm not sure how much of an exposure you had to your typical US cemetery, even with famous people being interred there. People are pretty much people everywhere, Forest Lawn and the other "famous people" cemeteries are just a dense concentration of anyone who ever stood in front of a camera, that's all. And we're talking about LA here, that's even a world different from Orange County...

.Back home we have public graves for all famous ppl who died in this country: presidents, politicians, artists, poets, writers, musicians you name it. But you hardly may see a few ppl just walking by beside famous ppl’s graves paying their respects or just walking by accidently.
Many famous russians that got to real fame tend to be buried abroad because they left when alive. What do you mean by "this country"? Canada, the US? France, where Nureyev died and chose to be interred?
Guess there's no particular reason for cemeteries like Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois (Russian Orthodox Cemetery abroad).

Vladimir Vysotsky is about the only contemporary local legend (and 99%of the people on this board will say, WHO?) buried there because, well, he didn't manage to leave the county, ya know at least his French wife was able to come to him on occasion since he really couldn't just "go". Just google a bit about what folks pull off yearly on his grave site, guess they are "rabid fans" as well.:cheeky:

Because it seems that everyone from Rachmaninoff to Nureyev took off like there's no tomorrow and NOW in death they are trying to transfer those folk back to Russia to get at least a couple of the popular sons and daughters back...

What's that about Russia and a totally relaxed non-chalant attitude towards the dead?
Let me know next time the US decides to put a high ranking politician on display in Washington DC for a few decades, surrounded by military...
Lenin, embalmed, on display, I guess all the artificial hype there for several decades just happened accidently walking by. :D
(now, Forest Lawn can learn a thing or two from Lenin's Mausoleum...)

Have you checked what's going on with Jim Morrison's grave? Must be all those rabid Americans living in Paris.

Michael Jackson is an international figure, waaaaay beyond just one country as you can obviously tell just by the participants of this board. His fame is a bit "bigger" you might say.

That's totally off-topic but hey...

If it was not a market, tabloids would not exist.
My background is different, I grew up in Eastern Europe, Russia. Our celebs there live their OWN lives and nobody chases them.
There are still some crazy ppl around but a very few and it is not insane. We do not have such cult of celebrity. If you like a certain singer, you go to a concert and come back home. At this point you forget about him/her and there is no interest what this person is doing on vacation, who is the girlfriend or boyfriend, gay or not gay etc. because you have your own relationships and our own life. This is what most ppl do there.
You mean level headed folks like these guys here?
These are probably just a few rabid Americans that they flew into Moscow. You are right that there's a number of fans who constantly violated him, no doubt about it. Nobody even denied that. However those are not the same people who put out disgusting stories about him in tabloids.

Your statement that tabloids don't "work" in Russia is quite wrong, these prints sell everywhere. Or turn the TV on, russian TV channels are more "western" than some western TV channels themselves. The russian press also reported on Michael Jackson aplenty. Gossip works in every society, in every country, not just with ugly Americans. Ever been to England? Just check for MJ saying that he loves London but that he just can't deal with the English Yellowpress to live there permanently, he was in tears through half that interview, so it comes from the man himself.

All of this is totally off topic and at this point I'm not sure what your point is. Yes, a chunk of fans doesn't know what boundaries are and how to simply behave- not so different from the rest of the general public. But it was tabloids whose main point it was to sell their stuff to the general public, not MJ fans. Fans have been called looneys for a long time. Yes, MJ fans have been too interested in private details, no denying that, even hating on those he once loved and that's not cool.
But MJ fans never insulted him about his plastic surgeries and they never inquired about details to make him out to be some weird freakish, asexual/homosexual/bisexual/pedophile weirdo like the press did. Fans ate up details because it made them feel closer to him- have you checked what kind of details fans loved? Pretty harmless stuff. His favorite perfume, food, what music he liked to listen to, maybe what authors he liked to read. The press only picked up on these things if they could use these details to make him look like a freak.
Fans relished in these details acknowledging him being human like them, not to hurt and insult him on purpose to make a buck.

And last but not least Michael Jackson does not despise his fans.
I have a hard time recalling any artist of his standing that would invite fans onto stage and stay calm and collected even when a fan got up there uninvited. I'm sure that he had quite his own thoughts of about some real nut cases but a nutcase will be a nutcase wether they stalk Michael Jackson or any other celebrity.
Heck, you can have a stalker even when you're not famous.
There's enough footage of him kissing fans, when a handshake would have sufficed, nobody forced him to buy pizza and hot chocolate for those that camped outside a Hotel in the cold.
Tell me how many famous write 5 handwritten letters to their fans, tell me how many people love someone enough to try help him in time of need? The owner of a fanboard got subpoenaed by Sneddon because they supported him and helped him out. Michael Jackson never forgot these things.

Fame and fortune create a golden cage, yes. Fans have been part of that cage, yes, I agree. But it was also those fans that responded to his music and his art and cemented his unparalleled success. It's hard to be an artist without an audience. He was also a major image builder, people forget that. He even said in the Diane Sawyer interview when being accused of megalomaniac tendencies "so I got your attention, good." He knew how to orchestrate what effect- gets girl on stage and sings "love needs expression" only to kiss her half a second after that sentence? He knew what he was doing.
Which artist would write a letter to his fans saying all he wants is to be loved and to please never stop loving him?
Fans and Michael Jackson are a pretty unique relationship and like all relationships this one too has it's glorious high points and some not so cool parts.

They are plenty of negative formats out there that are excellent places to beat down on fellow fans but I would hope this wouldn't be one of them.
He had a huge audience and when you have that big an audience you are bound to see pretty much every aspect of society represented in that audience. MJ fans are not better or worse than the rest, they are all humans. They all have flaws and strong suits- just like Michael Jackson.

And I do agree though that tabloids are a bit like pornography... nobody wants to be the one that bought it, yet these things continue to be successful. I do agree.
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Hi, I´d like to post some truth about Sony. I think sony is behind Michael´s death, but the public will never know the truth. I Think Sony murdered Michael just for money (his part of ATV catalog) but it´s not on behalf of USA to tell the world the truth about what are their corporations doing to keep their billions.





it's not just sony who was behind his death trust me its a damn painful shame
mjbunny but as soon as I came here I realized that ppl here have pretty stable lives but they do not know how express their emotions. They never experienced deep feelings.
At least it looks that way. There is no real fun… in ppl’s lives, no love and very often no sex.
That has got to be one of the most judgmental things I have read in a long time.

Michael’s art was very emotional art and it was like a wakeup call for ppl’s inner feelings in western culture. Because many ppl never experienced true feelings and this is one of the reasons why his songs had such a big impact finally. He even said once: I will teach ppl how to love. He knew that there is a problem.
Fans screamed as loud in Moscow, as they did in Munich.
You probably didn't realize that Japan and other Asian countries go even more gaga over Michael Jackson than Europe and the US combined?
You also disqualified all feelings Michael Jackson might have evoked in people. You also forget that men felt equally enthralled, gay or not.

What's with looking for something ugly first instead of seeing the beauty? MJ fans usually stand out because of their ability to feel deep emotions and their willingness to a)experience them in the first place and b)to express them despite having been ridiculed for at least 20 years.
Most fans are capable of crying with virtual strangers and comfort a stranger, seen it. It's a strong suit. So what if people if people focused these emotions on him? I've seen absolute strangers connect fast in a way that a lot of people would never allow themselves to do.
That's a big plus simply because it means that we are able to feel that deeply. And they answered with such a strong emotional response as a response to a very strong emotional question. Michael Jackson fans resonate with him because they he is familiar to them on a subliminal level. You wouldn't resonate with an artist if you had absolutely nothing in common. It's a beautiful thing, nothing to look down at.

And if people are able to show the same love to someone else that they showed Michael- than being a Michael Jackson is a hopeful thing. Didn't have to be just for him but seeing how much people are able to love makes me happy.

You're quite right that people need to learn how to love because that's a global issue. Arrogance and judgment are not going to help.

P.S.: I also have lived in Eastern Europe, Western Europe and the US and am pretty appalled by your comments. People are just people in every country, every continent. Gossip papers sell in Russia as well, just as TV channels will gossip, to deny that is simply denial.

Michael Jackson was pretty much a global citizen with some very American traits about him but that kind of cultural judgment was nothing he practiced or condoned. He wanted to appeal to all age groups, both genders, all races, all creeds and that kind of judgment was not something he propagated.

You just insulted whole cultures while proclaiming to know what Michael Jackson is all about. I have had about enough.
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So who killed MJ? In my opinion, we did. We couldn’t get enough of him. We couldn’t let him live his own life. We couldn’t let him make mistakes. We couldn’t let him be human. The tabloids devoured him, piece by piece. When will we learn, folks, to let pop stars and celebs just be? They have a need for freedom, just as we do. They don’t want to have to look good wherever they go. Sometimes I take my kids to school in my Tigger pajamas. One time, my kids locked me out of our family vehicle just to get a good laugh. I stood outside my door, begging them to let me in before the entire neighborhood saw me.

I disagree.

How can Michael be killed by his source of energy?
it's not just sony who was behind his death trust me its a damn painful shame

Sony destroyed MJ´s career, sony is behind the court in 2005, sony destroyed Michael´s psyche and they are behind his death, that´s what I believe in, of course, there would have been some other subject to help them, but the biggest mafia in the world is sony!




It's the doctor, period. he killed him but not on purpose
It's just so stupid how he died, he didn't deserved it in that way.
Murray didn't stop in time giving him pills all the time. No wonder he died of an overdose
And I wish Michael was a better sleeper then none of this would ever happen
he would still be here with us. Michael was in the wrong hands
It's the doctor, period. he killed him but not on purpose
It's just so stupid how he died, he didn't deserved it in that way.
Murray didn't stop in time giving him pills all the time. No wonder he died of an overdose
but he would have deserved it in another way. Period? Please, you the only one who know the truth? This is a post that makes me upset.
Is it possible I read it in a MJ board. How much more one can take? :doh::cry:
but he would have deserved it in another way. Period? Please, you the only one who know the truth? This is a post that makes me upset.
Is it possible I read it in a MJ board. How much more one can take? :doh::cry:

I didn't want to make you upset, off course he didn't deserve to die
I still believe it's murray that's it
What I am trying to say is that he killed michael by accident
because he is an unresponsible man
Michael died because he couldn´t sleep.

i think it was several things that could have contributed to it.

He was working as a little boy, I presume it sometimes became late and maybe he saw things in clubs that a little boy shouldn´t see.

He knew if he wasn´t good enough his father wouldn´t be nice at all

They were teasing him for his big nose at home and he had to be in the light on stage where everyone could see his big nose

A lot of travelling over timezones

problem with the family, friends,

vitiligo, lupus( they don´t give you bad sleep but if you are worried about how it´s going to be you probably get sleepless nights)

creative mind,working day and night

tabloid stories,who could he trust

Accused by a whole world for things he would never do( If you are human you probably feel that the whole world is against you at least for a while even if it isn´t true)
Problems with Sony

His home, the place where he can feel he can relax is destroyed emotionally by sneddon

Trial, what will happen to his kids

He feels there are no country for him

If he tries to get help with his insomnia from doctors ,he doesn´t know if he can trust someone or if it´s going to be another bad story in the tabloids


I don´t find it strange that he needed so strong drug to be able to sleep and he would still be here if he had a responsible doctor who looked after him
I do understand the author's point of view in a way. I sometimes have that feeling too, that somehow, he loved us so much that he always wanted to give us more, to please us, because he needed that love from us too.

I'm not going to say this person is crazy and doesn't know what she's talking about, because she is entitled to her point of view, and sometimes in my mind, that feeling is present too. It's a small percentage of my pain and sadness I have to admit, there are days I do feel something similar to what she wrote.

I'm sorry Michael.

Thanks for posting
This is just more conspiracy stuff................

Michael's ill health was due to evil individuals...........Sneddon, Mottola, Chandlers, Arvisos Thome Thome, and too many others to name + Media!!!

Michael's death was due to an incompetent doctor who doesn't even care about saving lives!!!!!!!!!!

Admin..............Could you please move this thread to conspiracy section.........

It's too negative for the MJ Discussion forum!!!!
I am sorry, but i have to say this.

MJ knew everything and he saw everything.
He knew our history books are all a lie
He knew there is a secret government, which he sings about in 'THEY' don't care about us!
Michael simply knew to much and he had to be stopped.
He also said that he could not say anymore, because it was all a biiiig conspiracy during a interview.
What conspiracy you ask?!

They wanted to bash and thrash him through the media, cause THEY control the damn media, and sadly everyone believes it. Still today. I am not only talking about Michael, but al kinds of things that happen today. If a country lives in fear and chaos, it is easy to control. We have to wake up!!

My point is, that Michael was systematically killed by 'THEM'. First with childabuse alligations and later on with giving him so called 'medicine' to take Michael's pain away.
The doc was just a puppet in this whole plan to shut Michael up.

The Illuminati (which i am talking about) failed with thrashing Michael, because he still has soooo many fans and TII broke ticket sales records. THEY knew he would come back with a bang with his new album and that just couldn't happen so they finished the job like we all know now, by overdosing our beloved Michael.

We have to wake up people, and see the big picture here. We are being controlled for centuries by these dark minions through our education, books, entertainment, religion, war, terror to create a state of fear and chaos, so that THEY can control the whole lot.

To take their power away we have to spiritually awake and boycot the very destructive energy we still use that is killing our beautiful planet. Michael also knew This because he was talking about it in TII, with the 4-year window he reffered to 2012. We have to wake up spiritually and heal our Mother, that is what he was telling us.
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We have to wake up people, and see the big picture here. We are being controlled for centuries by these dark minions through our education, books, entertainment, religion, war, terror to create a state of fear and chaos, so that THEY can control the whole lot.

This is true.And there is a bigger picture.
I began to think of a book This perfect day by Ira Levin