Who killed Michael Jackson? - For us hard to take?


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Jul 25, 2011
Bremen - Germany
Who killed Michael Jackson?

By Yolie Cerda 05/20/2010

Last year, we were all shocked by the sudden death of an American idol. He had been an idol all his life. No one, but no one, saw it coming. No one expected that he would leave us so quickly; in fact, we all thought he would live forever. After all, this is what a living legend does, right? He is not supposed to die. So, lo and behold, when Michael Jackson (MJ) died, most of us did not know what to do, how to act, what to say, how to respond. It shattered us beyond belief. How could this happen … to him? Isn’t he the King of Pop? He couldn’t have died; he had a role to fulfill. Besides, multitudes of his devotees eagerly anticipated his performances at all his sold-out concerts.

But no, it WAS true; MJ had indeed passed away at his home in Southern California on June 25, 2009. They weren’t rumors after all. Naturally, we all ran to confirm that these weren’t just rumors; sure enough, they were all true. We walked around stunned for the rest of the day. How did this happen? Who was responsible? A myriad of questions swirled around in our minds, and confusion reigned supreme. How were we possibly going to continue living without MJ in our lives? Even if we rarely listened to his music, he was a part of our daily lives, like it or not.

And this is why I pen these words — because I believe there is something much more intrinsic going on here. For you see, my friend, MJ had no privacy. He couldn’t walk, or breathe, or think … or move without the blinding camera flashes going off like machine guns in every direction he turned. They have become piranhas; the paparazzi have gone mad. They don’t care about people’s lives, or children, or need for peace and solace …. My heart hurts for MJ; it truly does.

MJ and I grew up in the same era; this is the only thing we have in common. I was able to run, and skip, and jump, and play as long as I wanted. I was able to go to college. I was able to get married, and have babies … and get divorced in peace. MJ didn’t get to do any of these things. He couldn’t take a walk without a pack of savage wolves trailing him, snapping pictures left and right, each hoping to get the perfect shot to earn fame and fortune before the world. Wolves have a way of imposing themselves in the most unexpected manner; they sneak and poke around in search of prey.

And so I pen this in honor of MJ — a man who never got to be a man, a child who never got to be a child. A man who lived and died a very desperate, lonely life. He never got to know himself, for he never had the freedom to do so.

So who killed MJ? In my opinion, we did. We couldn’t get enough of him. We couldn’t let him live his own life. We couldn’t let him make mistakes. We couldn’t let him be human. The tabloids devoured him, piece by piece. When will we learn, folks, to let pop stars and celebs just be? They have a need for freedom, just as we do. They don’t want to have to look good wherever they go. Sometimes I take my kids to school in my Tigger pajamas. One time, my kids locked me out of our family vehicle just to get a good laugh. I stood outside my door, begging them to let me in before the entire neighborhood saw me.

MJ couldn’t do that. Oh, no, he would have been plastered all over the tabloids the very next morning, in his Tigger pajamas. So, hey Michael, at least you have peace now; at least you can run and play and laugh and scream as loudly as you want. I’m so sorry you never got to do these things while you were in our midst. We were too selfish to let you live your own life. We had an insatiable hunger to know everything about you. No matter which way you turned, we were there, clicking away like crazed maniacs. On some days we adored you, and yet on others we loathed the mere utterance of your name.

Some people would say you did this to yourself … that you wanted the adoration of the masses, that you couldn’t live your life without the flashing cameras. I don’t think so. It’s human nature to seek freedom and comfort and relaxation. It’s human nature to pursue wholeness through the company of others. Most of all, it’s perfectly normal to want to be left alone. Sure, you were meant to be on stage and become famous, but that didn’t mean we needed to destroy your privacy. That didn’t mean we needed to run your life into the ground … literally and figuratively.

Yolie Cerda, mother of five, is a freelance writer currently developing a multimedia-style teen curriculum: The ABC’s of Life: a Survival Guide for Today’s Teens, and writing a book: The Pursuit of a Dream. Yolie resides in Santa Paula and loves the County of Ventura with all her heart.

Me desculpe
Mas nao concordo
Nós demos vida a Michael
Ele amava isso da fama e de ser amado
Quem o matou foi a midia
A midia o detonou, acabou com ele
logo depois daquelas acusações absurdas
que marcaram seu coraçao

But I do not agree
We gave life to Michael
He loved it the fame of being loved
Who killed him was the media
The media the ended up with him
soon after those absurd accusations
that marked your heart
shes not talking about michael fans, because we were never like that.

we couldnt get enough of him, true, but we never put expectations upon him. we were just glad for the way he was and happy that he was living and enjoying life.

we never wanted him to be perfect, we loved his imperfections.

great article though, and i think it applies to non mj fans, but we definitely didnt contribute towards this. we gave michael life and happiness. he lived for us.
the article is ok,,it is only one person's opinion..so I dont take it to harshly..,but...we have seen Michael in his pajamas plenty of times...he loved his jammies. But that is who he was..and we loved him for it.
i think she is talking about media ,paparazzi in general.but the 1st part is very true ,it applied to everyone ,no one knew how to process that news or that day.it was like every one was in shock at the same time mj fans and non mj fan.
Going from saying that fans made it impossible for him to have a normal life to saying that that is what killed him is a pretty huge jump, and one that she fails to fully explain or defend her argument for.

ETA: Thank you, though, for posting this mjdove. Definitely interesting to read and she does bring up some valid points.
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The fans were there for him when no one else was and Michael loved the fans deeply. We were the ones that stuck by him when everyone else turned their backs and Michael treasured us for it. It was the media who made his life a misery with their lies and gossip, following him everywhere he went, and now they are stalking his kids.
Hm, whom is the author of that article referring to? Him/herself?

I don't go easily on guilt trips because of others usage of "we". I didn't kill him. If that person feels some kind of guilt than that's up to him/her, I don't know why that person feels guilt, maybe is it some collective guilt of journalistic endeavours, I don't know.

I didn't kill Michael Jackson. I loved his music and art and admired him since I was 12. I never stalked him, nor am I conscious of violating his boundaries by stalking him, harassing him or buying any kind of tabloid rags. I never read Halperin's book and don't plan on it either.

People need to take personal responsible for their own actions, not guilt others in the seductive usage of "we". I didn't kill him.

People need to decide for themselves if they did anything to carry that cross of guilt, period.

I didn't stalk, I didn't chase him in my car- I only wrote him a letter of support in 1993 when those disgusting extortionists showed up the first time.
That's hardly a contribution to killing him.

He was an artist, he wanted his art to be loved, his music listened to. That's not what killed. I'm looking for WHO killed him.

And those that killed part of him by accusing him of disgusting crimes- those should take the guilt because it's theirs to take. Those that were unkind, those that lied, those that slandered him, those that speak ill of him despite knowing better- they can take all the guilt there is, rightfully so.

It's a tall order, taller than at first sight- be kind to one another, don't speak ill about someone, don't slander someone- because just a few unkind words can be enough.
He gave me a good wake-up call what it really means to misalign somebody, to trash someone behind their back- I will never again gossip if I can somehow avoid it. THAT'S my lesson, it even influences how I view certain people in his surroundings- I never spoke to them and just hear a lot of 3d hand hearsay.

But I didn't kill him. I love his music, I love his art and I love his vision. He said that all he wanted to bring people is joy and happiness- not unjust guilt.

His supporters who believed in his innocence all the way got called ugly names, delusional idiots with more than a couple of screws lose- now the same people are responsible for killing him? Please. The coroner's report stated his death as acute propofol intoxication in connection with benzodiazepine effect- not dead by love.
I love him, I didn't kill him.

Find his murderer(s), not guilt those who loved him truly.
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Some fans were so agressive in loving him so they made tabloids agressive in trashing him. This is how it works. One goes after another.
Those that did violate his boundaries have their share to carry. But I refuse to release those of their responsibility that SLANDERED him, trashed him and treated him like an emotionless piece of wood.

Every fan needs to decide for themselves if they violated his boundaries- but that does not mean AT ALL that the (potential) misbehavior of one person means others should follow suit. That's nuts. Nobody "makes" anybody do anything. If a guy decides to beat his wife- that's the first thing he'll say "she made me do it." Don't fall for it.

Tabloids are responsible for what they did to him, they might have fed of the fan frenzy- but nobody forced them to shoot the fan frenzy and fans didn't put the gun to any tabloid rag saying "here, shoot him leaving the store, call him disgusting names". Media alone is responsible for the media crucifixion. Even if people applauded them, bought their stuff- the one putting it out there is STILL the one responsible for it.

If some idiot down the street beats his child does this mean I start too? No.

Don't get me wrong, there is some fan behavior that does worry me and yes, fans were among the reasons he had bodyguards in the first place.
But that's not what killed him.
When was the last time you heard him being ridiculed for wearing his PJ pants? When was the last time fans gave him a hard time for that? I only see fans trying to buy similar ones on ebay, not rip MJ to pieces in a "how could he" way.

His life was a cage in many ways but pinpointing the fans as the "cause for making the media aggressive" is not something I will agree with. Just because person A engages in maybe questionable behavior doesn't release me from my own responsibility.

But it wasn't fans who called him child ******* and THAT really poisoned him slowly but surly.
Wherever he was there was AT LEAST the same amount of media and cameras that matched the number of fans- or even outnumbered the fans in many instances. They asked ridiculous questions, it wasn't fans shooting a presumably dead man in the ambulance.

Overzealous fans carry their share but the majority of "non-violating fans" is also not responsible for those who did violate his boundaries. Collective guilt isn't serving anybody, Michael Jackson the least.
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Hmmm, I'm only going to say that I in all of my 24 years on this planet I have always been and will always be a MICHAEL JACKSON FAN. I was born into fandom, and I have never stopped. Ask anyone who knows me, they'll tell you that if you say an ill word against Michael in front of me then you had better have all your facts straight because I will come at you hard with all of the truth. Michael, the man, his music, his words, his light have been there for me throughout my entire lifetime, when I was in the darkest place he brought the light into my world. I have and continue to look up to him in every way a person can look up to another. I loved him for all his gifts, talents, imperfections, and flaws. I never expected anything from Michael, I never felt he owed me anything. He had given me as a fan, as a fellow human being EVERYTHING he had in him to give, and I was ALWAYS grateful for whatever he was willing to give. Michael was truly the most beautiful man I have ever gotten to know in my life.

If this person is saying that I and all my fellow admirers of Michael contributed to his passing, I take great offense to that. We understood him when the rest of the world refused to even try. We stood by him when the rest of world wanted to kick dirt on him while he was down. We continued in our support of him even when the world thought we were crazy. I did so knowing that Michael would have done the very same. WE didnt turn our backs on him, WE didnt kick him while he was down, WE didnt make up nasty and disgusting jokes when it was a free for all to hate on him, WE didnt bombard the world as a collective whole with falsehoods, innuendos, untruths/half truths, and disgusting lies to try and profit from it for our personal gain. NO WE DID NOT! It was the media, the paparazzi, so called "friends", ex-girlfriends, an ex-wife, etc. who ridiculed him, allowed others to go on and on with lies about him, with the ill words. It was them NOT US. I didnt chase him down with a camera, it wasnt I who sought out pictures of his children when he did everything in his power to protect them, it wasnt I who caused him to feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. It wasn't the fans! I also know that if I had ever seen him in public I would have been one of the fans beating the paps back to at least try to give Michael some peace, and I know as a fan of this wonderful community that I would not have been alone in that. Michael TRULY LOVED EACH AND EVERY LAST ONE OF US, AND WE LOVED AND CONTINUE TO LOVE HIM! He gave us L.O.V.E. when all the rest of the world gave hate. I thank him for that, I thank him EVERY DAY FOR THAT! THANK YOU MICHAEL! THANK YOU!

It took him passing for the world to wake up and finally say 'We had it wrong. He was an amazing human being. We're sorry Michael.' To bad it came just a day too late...
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the media and the scummy families and the back stabbing 'friends' of michael lead him to his untimley death.

we, the fans, i'm sure kept michael strong throughout his darkest days.
this is my opinion and my opinion is the truth.
" White chocolate"...you took the words out of my mouth. I feel exactly the same.
Michael is such a big part of my life....without him I would not be me.
If we are guilty of loving him with all our hearts, so be it. I am guilty.
Last I checked it was Conrad Murray who killed Michael and not a fan.

Like others have said, there are and were some fans that crossed the boundaries but I think those fans were few.

What killed Michael wasn't the love from fans. What killed Michael was the two cases of extortion. If the author of the article wants to point the finger at anyone, he /she should start with those targeted an innocent man and tarnished his reputation. Those that sought to gain prosperity (chandlers, arvizos), fame (martin BASHIT)-(every leech that is writing books or have written lies) and glory (sneddon) at the expense of an innocent man.

We can go further and add people that publicly stood idly by when he was being persecuted, we can add the likes of BASHIT, and others who relentlessly mocked Michael. We can add his confidantes and friends
(rabbi, deepak, and other pretenders and users). They all have blood on their hands.

I can go on and on but I am going to stop here.

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I do not want to disprove to every point here because it does not make any sense to me what you said. But what does make sense to me is that if ppl would pay LESS attention to MJ private life and have their OWN lives to worry about there were much less attention from tabloids. Ppl have to know limits and keep some balance.
If there was no market tabloids would not exist and nobody would pay attention to his private life. Simple as that. Those things are connected and cannot exist one without another.
Any kind of market cannot exist without ppl's interest. As more interest as bigger market will grow.
My university degree in economy makes me understand this subject from more professional point of view.
Fans wanted to know every little private detail about Michael. It is the truth you cannot deny. You cannot deny that SOME fans were mobbing him nonstop "with love". This is how tabloid market grows. It grows on ppl's interests. Simple as that. Fans are partially responsible for invasion to MJ privacy imo.

Before I came to this forum, I just knew about him from his music. I did not know anything more than that. I did not know any private stories. It was not my interests because I had my own life to live.
Probably I used to live on another planet? This is how I feel now. Anyways...
Have a nice day.

Oooooh, add some Business Management to it (I found that very beneficial...) to it and have a good look at the core target audiences for the "his nose is falling off" stories, you might be surprised.:cheeky:

Fans wanted to know every little private detail about Michael. It is the truth you cannot deny. You cannot deny that SOME fans were mobbing him nonstop "with love".
Fans are partially responsible for invasion to MJ privacy.

I'm not sure how often I have to write that some fans violated boundaries so I'll just quote myself.

Those that did violate his boundaries have their share to carry. But I refuse to release those of their responsibility that SLANDERED him, trashed him and treated him like an emotionless piece of wood.

Every fan needs to decide for themselves if they violated his boundaries- but that does not mean AT ALL that the (potential) misbehavior of one person means others should follow suit.

Don't get me wrong, there is some fan behavior that does worry me and yes, fans were among the reasons he had bodyguards in the first place.

Just because person A engages in maybe questionable behavior doesn't release me from my own responsibility.

Overzealous fans carry their share but the majority of "non-violating fans" is also not responsible for those who did violate his boundaries. Collective guilt isn't serving anybody, Michael Jackson the least.

I'm under the impression that you hold fans responsible for what tabloids put out there- and I simply not willing to release tabloids from their own responsibility of having treated Michael Jackson like rotting garbage.
Media used both Michael Jackson AND his fans to sell their sh*t to haters.

That doesn't release fans who made him feel afraid, scared and uncomfortable- but I'm not letting people like Nancy Grace, Bashir and Dimond off the hook- THEY wrote the crap, NOT the fans. Who do you think bought the majority of the tabloid rags to hate on Michael Jackson?
Who are the people that really wanted every most private detail to hurt him? Haters. You're barking up the wrong tree.

I think it might be best if we simply agree to disagree. :)
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Hm, whom is the author of that article referring to? Him/herself?

I don't go easily on guilt trips because of others usage of "we". I didn't kill him. If that person feels some kind of guilt than that's up to him/her, I don't know why that person feels guilt, maybe is it some collective guilt of journalistic endeavours, I don't know.

I didn't kill Michael Jackson. I loved his music and art and admired him since I was 12. I never stalked him, nor am I conscious of violating his boundaries by stalking him, harassing him or buying any kind of tabloid rags. I never read Halperin's book and don't plan on it either.

People need to take personal responsible for their own actions, not guilt others in the seductive usage of "we". I didn't kill him.

People need to decide for themselves if they did anything to carry that cross of guilt, period.

I didn't stalk, I didn't chase him in my car- I only wrote him a letter of support in 1993 when those disgusting extortionists showed up the first time.
That's hardly a contribution to killing him.

He was an artist, he wanted his art to be loved, his music listened to. That's not what killed. I'm looking for WHO killed him.

And those that killed part of him by accusing him of disgusting crimes- those should take the guilt because it's theirs to take. Those that were unkind, those that lied, those that slandered him, those that speak ill of him despite knowing better- they can take all the guilt there is, rightfully so.

It's a tall order, taller than at first sight- be kind to one another, don't speak ill about someone, don't slander someone- because just a few unkind words can be enough.
He gave me a good wake-up call what it really means to misalign somebody, to trash someone behind their back- I will never again gossip if I can somehow avoid it. THAT'S my lesson, it even influences how I view certain people in his surroundings- I never spoke to them and just hear a lot of 3d hand hearsay.

But I didn't kill him. I love his music, I love his art and I love his vision. He said that all he wanted to bring people is joy and happiness- not unjust guilt.

His supporters who believed in his innocence all the way got called ugly names, delusional idiots with more than a couple of screws lose- now the same people are responsible for killing him? Please. The coroner's report stated his death as acute propofol intoxication in connection with benzodiazepine effect- not dead by love.
I love him, I didn't kill him.

Find his murderer(s), not guilt those who loved him truly.

Excellent Post..:clapping::clapping:
Modulation Alert, one simple question to you because you were a fan of him for many years.
Could you tell me please from which source did you learn crazy stuff about his nose falling down, his kids, his plastic surgeries etc. Just asking… .
I was a dfifferent kind of fan, I did not know about that till he passed.

a) the man himself was quite vocal about his treatment in tabloids, check his interviews, he has said many things throughout the years in regards to rumours etc. Just listen.

b) I watched the media circus in 2005 and was disgusted because not only did tabloid media treat him like cr*p but what is considered "mainstream" media wasn't all that far behind. All you had to do is turn on most TV channels to find him convicted in the court of public opinion. Watch "mainstream" journalist like Barbara Walters, Diane Sawyer and Martin Bashir cater to lowest instincts, it was open season on Michael Jackson on all channels, all networks, most papers.

c) there was a time when all you had to is walk by any kiosk and count the number of headlines

I also do recall BBC and New York Times coverage from the first day of his indictment- and that was really not much different. Michael was actually very kind to only refer to tabloid rags because the mainstream media didn't treat him much different, maybe he was hoping to reach one or two journalists who wouldn't trash him. The BBC called it "bizarre world of Michael Jackson" and the New York Times pretty much insinuated that he now "totally lost it".

d) when in school I have looked in depth at the biggest tabloid rag on the German market as part of an assignment (the topic wasn't Michael Jackson but it dealt with core target audience) so you can rest assured I'm not just pulling random things out of thin air.

You don't need to buy tabloids to know what it means to be convicted in the court of public opinion.

I'm actually pretty sad that mainstream media turned itself into tabloids when it came to Michael Jackson. There's a reason why I always call it an international media witch hunt. Even "tributes" in the big "respected" publications find it irresistible to point his "changing appearance in his facial features", it usually is prefaced with words like "tragic life", "the inevitable" etc- lots of pretty words to disguise the usual BS.
When I read one of the "tributes" of one of the biggest weekly publications on the German market, I was groaning.

We're being dumbed down and Michael Jackson was used in part to desensitize us, to make it look normal to talk about another human being that way.

The biggest one was his TV appearance after the raid and being photographed. Watch the pain in his eyes when he talks about being labeled and condemned by the "mass media".
He has mentioned judgement in about every interview he's ever given since the 90ies.
Oprah, Diane Sawyer (must be weird when your wife is so sick of her husband being attacked over his face), Living with Michael Jackson- these vultures were tabloid in disguises.

Just google for Michael Jackson pictures and you'll find Michael Jackson nose jokes within seconds- he was ridiculed and joked about in about every mass medium there is.
I'm personally interested in observing the mechanism of this mass character assassination to find a more "universal" meaning in it, Michael Jackson was just the vehicle.
I remember taping mainstream media coverage after the first set of allegations- when he was giving his moscow concert and I was shocked how tabloitized mainstream coverage was- in ALL countries.

I truly am admiring him for holding out so long with being slandered, ridiculed and defamed for the last 25 years of his life. Most people would have killed themselves after the first couple of years. He didn't. He didn't do them the favor until they finally did it FOR him, kill him. That's why I am watching, that's why I want to see the mechanism that drove the MJ ship until he died.
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Last I checked it was Conrad Murray who killed Michael and not a fan.

Like others have said, there are and were some fans that crossed the boundaries but I think those fans were few.

What killed Michael wasn't the love from fans. What killed Michael was the two cases of extortion. If the author of the article wants to point the finger at anyone, he /she should start with those targeted an innocent man and tarnished his reputation. Those that sought to gain prosperity (chandlers, arvizos), fame (martin BASHIT)-(every leech that is writing books or have written lies) and glory (sneddon) at the expense of an innocent man.

We can go further and add people that publicly stood idly by when he was being persecuted, we can add the likes of BASHIT, and others who relentlessly mocked Michael. We can add his confidantes and friends
(rabbi, deepak, and other pretenders and users). They all have blood on their hands.

I can go on and on but I am going to stop here.


Love it. Clap, Clap. Actually I prefer the word BULLSHIT rather than BASHIT.
Me desculpe
Mas nao concordo
Nós demos vida a Michael
Ele amava isso da fama e de ser amado
Quem o matou foi a midia
A midia o detonou, acabou com ele
logo depois daquelas acusações absurdas
que marcaram seu coraçao

But I do not agree
We gave life to Michael
He loved it the fame of being loved
Who killed him was the media
The media the ended up with him
soon after those absurd accusations
that marked your heart

while fans may not be blaming themselves for his death, they cannot credit themselves with giving him life, either. fans are not a god.

people bought his music because the music was irresistible..not because fans were doing him any favors.
So true. :( but I think if I had ever seen him in person I wouldn't be trying to take his picture or want anything from him. I'd want to treat him as a regular person. I think the same goes for any celebrity. They need their space. Michael got the worst of it unfortunately. What we take for granted, he couldn't do without people following him around wanting a piece of him.
I'm under the impression that you hold fans responsible for what tabloids put out there- and I simply not willing to release tabloids from their own responsibility of having treated Michael Jackson like rotting garbage.
Media used both Michael Jackson AND his fans to sell their sh*t to haters.

That doesn't release fans who made him feel afraid, scared and uncomfortable- but I'm not letting people like Nancy Grace, Bashir and Dimond off the hook- THEY wrote the crap, NOT the fans. Who do you think bought the majority of the tabloid rags to hate on Michael Jackson? Who are the people that really wanted every most private detail to hurt him? Haters. You're barking up the wrong tree.
I understand in ways what both you and Asedora are saying, but I agree that the author of the article sounds like they're feeling their own guilt and they really don't need to be projecting it on everyone as a whole, as if everyone was gung-ho on the tabloid 'journalism' and downright MEANness. Actually I'm "glad" in some fashion that some of those folks who were feel guilty now. That guilt is their conscience pointing out that what they did and supported was wrong, and deep down inside they knew it all along. If that guilt can serve the world by encouraging change for the better, then at least a tiny bit of that pain can be for something.

I for one do not feel guilty in this regard. I have loved Michael with all my heart for years and I never stalked him, broke into his house, pulled his hair ... or bought tabloids! And I don't want the fans who camped out at his hotel or tried to get close to suddenly feel guilty now either. Many of those exchanges were beautiful and loving and made Michael smile, knowing he was loved and supported. (If fans really crossed boundaries, though, then it's up to them to recognize that and deal with it. Some did, of course.) Fame and all that love is certainly a double-edged sword, no denying it. At times it was really annoying and at times he needed it. Just like most things in life. And how can you be the KING OF POP without a KINGDOM? It was an unusual, sometimes difficult, but often sweet two-way relationship. (I wrote about some of this relationship with fans on MLP recently - One in Love: Michael and His Fans).

In regard to the quoted post above, I just wanted to say that the market for TABLOID stories about Michael was certainly NOT FANS. Having hoards of loving fans may help make someone an interesting "subject" for the media (who want to make money, of course), but WE weren't "rabid" (as TMZ called us lately) for "W**** J****" headlines, "nose falling off" stories, suspicions and accusations regarding children and all the other horrible things said about him. That was the GENERAL PUBLIC who bought that sh*t, not fans. The GENERAL PUBLIC were rabid for mean and nasty snears at Michael, I guess because it's fun to build up your heroes and then ruthlessly tear them down. Belittling others, especially the "royalty" of our culture, makes people feel better about themselves and their own faults. People can feel self-righteous by pointing out all the crazy and terrible things about the folks who have what they themselves don't (talent, creativity, fame, money, people who love them so much they'd die for them). I'm not trying to deny the realities of capitalism. And did fans go overboard on occasion? Ok, yes, some did, but they didn't write nasty stories about Michael, probably didn't buy them and never intended to hurt him in any way. The same can NOT be said about those who perpetrated it all. In the end I find it very disturbing to think that love should go unspoken and ungiven for fear of drawing attention. I don't want to live in a world like that, where I have to be afraid to show love. It may be where we are, but if we just resign ourselves to that and walk away, nothing will ever change. I'm soooo sorry Michael had to suffer through all this. :no: I would've given anything to make people see the light and stfu.
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Hmmm, I'm only going to say that I in all of my 24 years on this planet I have always been and will always be a MICHAEL JACKSON FAN. I was born into fandom, and I have never stopped. Ask anyone who knows me, they'll tell you that if you say an ill word against Michael in front of me then you had better have all your facts straight because I will come at you hard with all of the truth. Michael, the man, his music, his words, his light have been there for me throughout my entire lifetime, when I was in the darkest place he brought the light into my world. I have and continue to look up to him in every way a person can look up to another. I loved him for all his gifts, talents, imperfections, and flaws. I never expected anything from Michael, I never felt he owed me anything. He had given me as a fan, as a fellow human being EVERYTHING he had in him to give, and I was ALWAYS grateful for whatever he was willing to give. Michael was truly the most beautiful man I have ever gotten to know in my life.

If this person is saying that I and all my fellow admirers of Michael contributed to his passing, I take great offense to that. We understood him when the rest of the world refused to even try. We stood by him when the rest of world wanted to kick dirt on him while he was down. We continued in our support of him even when the world thought we were crazy. I did so knowing that Michael would have done the very same. WE didnt turn our backs on him, WE didnt kick him while he was down, WE didnt make up nasty and disgusting jokes when it was a free for all to hate on him, WE didnt bombard the world as a collective whole with falsehoods, innuendos, untruths/half truths, and disgusting lies to try and profit from it for our personal gain. NO WE DID NOT! It was the media, the paparazzi, so called "friends", ex-girlfriends, an ex-wife, etc. who ridiculed him, allowed others to go on and on with lies about him, with the ill words. It was them NOT US. I didnt chase him down with a camera, it wasnt I who sought out pictures of his children when he did everything in his power to protect them, it wasnt I who caused him to feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. It wasn't the fans! I also know that if I had ever seen him in public I would have been one of the fans beating the paps back to at least try to give Michael some peace, and I know as a fan of this wonderful community that I would not have been alone in that. Michael TRULY LOVED EACH AND EVERY LAST ONE OF US, AND WE LOVED AND CONTINUE TO LOVE HIM! He gave us L.O.V.E. when all the rest of the world gave hate. I thank him for that, I thank him EVERY DAY FOR THAT! THANK YOU MICHAEL! THANK YOU!

It took him passing for the world to wake up and finally say 'We had it wrong. He was an amazing human being. We're sorry Michael.' To bad it came just a day too late...
Hm, whom is the author of that article referring to? Him/herself?

I don't go easily on guilt trips because of others usage of "we". I didn't kill him. If that person feels some kind of guilt than that's up to him/her, I don't know why that person feels guilt, maybe is it some collective guilt of journalistic endeavours, I don't know.

I didn't kill Michael Jackson. I loved his music and art and admired him since I was 12. I never stalked him, nor am I conscious of violating his boundaries by stalking him, harassing him or buying any kind of tabloid rags. I never read Halperin's book and don't plan on it either.

People need to take personal responsible for their own actions, not guilt others in the seductive usage of "we". I didn't kill him.

People need to decide for themselves if they did anything to carry that cross of guilt, period.

I didn't stalk, I didn't chase him in my car- I only wrote him a letter of support in 1993 when those disgusting extortionists showed up the first time.
That's hardly a contribution to killing him.

He was an artist, he wanted his art to be loved, his music listened to. That's not what killed. I'm looking for WHO killed him.

And those that killed part of him by accusing him of disgusting crimes- those should take the guilt because it's theirs to take. Those that were unkind, those that lied, those that slandered him, those that speak ill of him despite knowing better- they can take all the guilt there is, rightfully so.

It's a tall order, taller than at first sight- be kind to one another, don't speak ill about someone, don't slander someone- because just a few unkind words can be enough.
He gave me a good wake-up call what it really means to misalign somebody, to trash someone behind their back- I will never again gossip if I can somehow avoid it. THAT'S my lesson, it even influences how I view certain people in his surroundings- I never spoke to them and just hear a lot of 3d hand hearsay.

But I didn't kill him. I love his music, I love his art and I love his vision. He said that all he wanted to bring people is joy and happiness- not unjust guilt.

His supporters who believed in his innocence all the way got called ugly names, delusional idiots with more than a couple of screws lose- now the same people are responsible for killing him? Please. The coroner's report stated his death as acute propofol intoxication in connection with benzodiazepine effect- not dead by love.
I love him, I didn't kill him.

Find his murderer(s), not guilt those who loved him truly.

^^Well said!:clapping:
Yes as some you all know that I am officially leaving this forum I send out a pm’s and visitor messages to many of you thanking you all for all the love and respect

I try at times to address the truth but not speak out directly do to the fact that this forum has a lot of unknown visitors including the media. Any way as I sit back and read this hole article they clowning themselves. Michael had his time on this earth he was pure and generous soul us fans old and new generation stood by his side through thick and then. What killed him was not the fans the inside media along with the help of the media and the music industry killed him as much and he loved to perform on stages as much as he loved to record his music embracing us with spiritual love there were so many fake, lying, grimy, and shady people surrounding him during his early life and later on through his journey he was killed because of his pride he continue to win no matter what they drugged him with no matter how many law suits they sued him with no matter how they humiliated him and force his case through the civil rights act he made it he showed them that he was tried of being used tired of dancing for his money that was being taken tired of taking care of people when they had there own money tired of lies that why he hid away walked away from the industry with no problems showed them that he can get married , have kids and showed them he wasn’t a weirdo and he was just like you and me human they broke his sprit many who claim to be in his life to help change can go ahead with there stories because they all fake he was set up he wanted out that team and he left he knew his fate but just gave up when he decide to make that choice years ago it was all for entertainment when things took a dark turn he wanted out sadly his life was taking because he wanted to live religiously. My heart shedder, my face is purring down with tears but these people can never, ever make me show fear. I truly hate what they did to him throughout the years but now he’s in good hands with family and friends in heaven MJJ I love you even thro I never met you its hurts badly...real F'd what they did.
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I cannot agree with statement. This is simply not true that tabloids and fans are not connected. Even on this forum we constantly read TMZ and other tabloids. We just recently had tabloid circus with sunflowers for his grave but it is very little thing compared to other stories. Fans have to get real and be more critical to themselves first and understand a nature of tabloid business and then things will get better hopefully in the future..
How long has TMZ been in existence? You certainly have a point in this the past few years, where sites like that are raking it in with advertising. Prob with TMZ is that there have been times when it's served as a news site in some sick way, when they were the only ones reporting something and people wanted info :rolleyes2: The thing about Lisa Marie and the sunflowers ... she wrote about it on her personal MySpace blog. It was only later when TMZ picked up the story to capitalize on it that it became tabloidy. When I think "tabloids" I'm thinking more papers, I guess. For the majority of my fanhood there either wasn't the internet or it was in its infancy still. And no, I don't believe fans were buying that stuff... yesterday or today. The market was and still is the general public, and that's where the worst of the stories were published for all those years. And it all began so many years ago.

I ran across this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMhm_a6FVdI) the other day while looking for the Superbowl press conference from January of 1993. This is the type of attack that was happening constantly (!) clear back then, back before things really got ugly later that year. Who kept that b*tch Diane Dimond on the air? Who do we blame? The Nielsen household people who logged in the fact that they watched it and thus gave the show ratings? The advertisers during the show? The celebrity publicists who leaked positive stories to them for publicity, keeping their content fresh so that the viewers would tune in and the advertisers would keep paying up? Or maybe it's the fans' fault ... after all we loved Michael and followed him around, thus drawing attention to him and making him sound interesting. Or Michael's fault. He kept making albums, after all, thus making himself interesting and gathering all those fans who would follow him around. :doh:

At this point I don't see the value of people who MEANT well, who INTENDED no harm now bashing their heads with guilt over things they personally had virtually no control over. The Chandlers, Arvizos, Sneddon et al and ultimately MURRAY led to where we are today. I'm am so soooo sorry for all Michael had to go through from tabloid press, from isolation, from inability to just be free. It's complicated, it's amazing, it's painful, it's so many things, but like someone else said... I think he'd want us to see how things fit together, but not to sit here and feel like everything was all our fault and be guilty and feel unworthy of the love he gave us. I may as well slit my wrists over all the styrofoam containers I've eaten out of over the years, if I go with that line of thinking. I didn't discover styrofoam, make it, sell it, buy it or decide to serve the food in it, and yet I've eaten food served to me out of it. Global warming is my fault, as part of the planet's population. Sorry, I'm not trying to attack you, Asedora, so please don't take it that way. I'm just frustrated by the situation. I don't think it serves us well to make fans fill up on guilt when we're already dealing with depression. Things weren't always easy, but we love Michael and he loved (sorry, loves) us and none of us ever wanted to hurt him. He knows that. I don't feel any kind of horrid guilt on this topic... but I feel sorry (like that sign from the trial, "Michael, on behalf of humanity, we apologize"). But I guess if conversations like this lead to more people wanting to make a change, then they're worthwhile, right? :heart: If only the truly guilty parties would actually be some of them ~sigh~
How long has TMZ been in existence? You certainly have a point in this the past few years, where sites like that are raking it in with advertising. Prob with TMZ is that there have been times when it's served as a news site in some sick way, when they were the only ones reporting something and people wanted info :rolleyes2: The thing about Lisa Marie and the sunflowers ... she wrote about it on her personal MySpace blog. It was only later when TMZ picked up the story to capitalize on it that it became tabloidy. When I think "tabloids" I'm thinking more papers, I guess. For the majority of my fanhood there either wasn't the internet or it was in its infancy still. And no, I don't believe fans were buying that stuff... yesterday or today. The market was and still is the general public, and that's where the worst of the stories were published for all those years. And it all began so many years ago.

I ran across this ([B]h[I][U]ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMhm_a6FVdI[/B][/U][/I]) the other day while looking for the Superbowl press conference from January of 1993. This is the type of attack that was happening constantly (!) clear back then, back before things really got ugly later that year. Who kept that b*tch Diane Dimond on the air? Who do we blame? The Nielsen household people who logged in the fact that they watched it and thus gave the show ratings? The advertisers during the show? The celebrity publicists who leaked positive stories to them for publicity, keeping their content fresh so that the viewers would tune in and the advertisers would keep paying up? Or maybe it's the fans' fault ... after all we loved Michael and followed him around, thus drawing attention to him and making him sound interesting. Or Michael's fault. He kept making albums, after all, thus making himself interesting and gathering all those fans who would follow him around. :doh:
WTF is THAT?? "Like a real man". They were already getting ready, note the whole little children reference. What an effed up game that was.

I don't feel any kind of horrid guilt on this topic... but I feel sorry (like that sign from the trial, "Michael, on behalf of humanity, we apologize").

Who is the courageous one who made that sign and held it into the camera for the world to see? I thank you, wherever you are.

I don't feel guilt but I am glad someone said it's just not right.
WTF is THAT?? "Like a real man". They were already getting ready, note the whole little children reference. What an effed up game that was.
Disgusting, right? :angry: I think a lot of people don't know (younger folks and those who became fans later) how bad it was before the '93 allegation. They were seriously out to get him after Thriller, just as Michael would later say. I would say more, but I am soooo tired I can't even think anymore for tonight (or rather, this morning). :doh:

Who is the courageous one who made that sign and held it into the camera for the world to see? I thank you, wherever you are.
I wonder. It could be someone here. Yes, thank you, whoever you are :bow: :heart:
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Ok, mjbunny, I got your point. You do not agree with me which is fine and you are trying to convince me that MJ fans are not responsible for anything what happened with Michael. They did not constantly watch him, they did not follow his private life and they had no interest in anything regarding his sexual relationships with women, his plastic surgeries, they did not mob him, they did not try to get close to him as much as they could to get a hug or short glimpse, they did not read tabloids etc. Hard to believe. It is easy to blame general public for everything. But it is OK. People do not like to feel even a bit guilty and be responsible for anything cos they wish to see just roses. It is human nature.
If so, I wish to ask you the last question then. As I said before, I grew up in a different culture. And I try to clear up some things for myself. I am sort of learning…. .Back home we have public graves for all famous ppl who died in this country: presidents, politicians, artists, poets, writers, musicians you name it. But you hardly may see a few ppl just walking by beside famous ppl’s graves paying their respects or just walking by accidently.
Could you tell me please why MJ grave and some other famous ppl’s graves in US have to be monitored by security and cameras 24/7?

REAL TALK 100% :clap: