??? Who is this ??????????


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They're dressed up like that so you can upload yourself singing WATW, as if you're a part of it. It's one of those green screen effect things. I saw a news thing about it on both ET and I think HLN.

That, or the putty people from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers decided to crash the party and join in. :p. LOL.
I presume it's green screen too. Maybe they were planning on CGI-ing Michael's face in?
They said it on TV interview. It's a mannekin that is put there so when the cd is out, there's a programm that will make you able to put yourself in the video singing with everybody.

No it's not Michael... lol
They said it on TV interview. It's a mannekin that is put there so when the cd is out, there's a programm that will make you able to put yourself in the video singing with everybody.

If the song is as bad as I'm hearing from so many people (I haven't listened to it), then that's probably the last place I'd want to be. :lol:
He's a little early. The festival's not for months. :giggle:

As said above, it looks like something for CGI to me. That must have been weird though. You're singing and there's just a random green man stood in the middle, LOL.
How strange.
haha, I guess the green screen effect makes sense though.

Although, my immediate thoughts were that they were going to use this to morph Michael in the video (which would have been a bit eerie, sweet, and heartbreaking all at the same time to see). But I didn't think it actually was him. It should be interesting to see what the hoax believers say about this though....
People are standing on platforms the guy is about 6'0

He only appears for a few seconds and by the sounds of it very few of you noticed him , so why would anyone be cgi(ed) into the video , it wouldn't make any sense