Who is the best female/or all around singer/vocalist ever?

I definitely think Carey's problem are her song choices and not her voice. She needs the right songs to showcase her voice, this constant whisper-voice stuff needs to go.

but he doesnt dance and mover around or perform at the intesity level as michael. so its easier for him 2 sing live lol. mike is aa wayy bettter vocalist than stevie wonder..but ill save that for another time since this thread is a FEMALES lol

I think you missed my point. I wasn't saying Stevie is a better performer or that Michael should sing live. I'm just saying I just don't hear MJ sing live very much. Sure, of course he's justified: he's an entertainer. And MJ being waaayyy better is your opinion, and a valid one. But when it comes to Stevie, me picking him is just as valid, they're both machines.

I thought this thread was about women, but I saw like.. tons of posts on the first page with people just throwing their opinions on all vocalists around so it just kind of evolved into a vocal discussion in general. But I think I'd have to go with Whitney as number one, with some females who I don't particularly like such as Celine Dion and Streisand being up there as well. Not my thing, but you have to admit they have pipes.
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It's not so much quality for me with Stevie as it is quantity. If you just plunked down an album from each guy and said "Decide who has the better voice", I couldn't do it. But Stevie, for nearly a half-century, has sung live on almost every single appearance. Grammy shows, BET shows, MTV award shows, NAACP shows, thousands and thousands of live concerts... the guy sings live in full on every single performance. I haven't heard MJ sing live in 7 years, and it was Jackson 5 songs. The guy has a hell of a voice, but outside of his albums, there's nothing to gauge anymore.

I understand that. I'm not disputing you at all. I think, from a technical perspective, they're about equal. I find the quality of Michael's voice more beautiful is all, and I think he's a better singer, just in terms of styling and being emotive. But I can totally understand why you like Stevie best.

About Michael not singing live, I learned recently from other posters that he started having a lot of trouble nearing the end of the "Bad" tour, which is understandable because he was on the road for 16 months with 120 plus shows, and he suffered laryngitis. It reoccured so badly on the "Dangerous" tour that he started taking pain killers heavily just to go on stage and use his voice. He lip synched almost the entire "History" tour because he also had laryngitis and because "Dangerous" almost destroyed his voice, he didn't want to risk that again.
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I see your point. Mariah probably would get more respect if her music was consistent. Her newer music lately has been straight trash and I'm not hating just being real. Its just mainstream mess. Her old school 90's music was really good BUT that being said that doesn't take away from her being a great vocal talent. But you kinda have to admit why folks would feel that way. I look at it like this, you can be a great vocal talent but if the lyrics your singing about is garbage then what is that suppose to do for the listener? AND thats another big problem with the artists out now, they have a descent voice but there music is just trash.

My Picks:
Michael Jackson
Stevie Wonder
Mariah Carey (vocally)
Aretha Franklin

I agree her music lately sucks. But so does everybody's whose trying to stay current. It sucks that she has to confrom to stay relivent because with a voice as good as hers, she should be able to sing what she wants. People shouldn't dismiss her vocal ability simply because they don't like her music.

Anyway, here's another video of Streisand singing "Somewhere". She's basically a freak.

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Ah, Anita does have quite a voice. I recently saw her at the UNCF ceremony honoring Smokey Robinson. She sang "Tracks Of My Tears" and tore. it. UP!
Ah, Anita does have quite a voice. I recently saw her at the UNCF ceremony honoring Smokey Robinson. She sang "Tracks Of My Tears" and tore. it. UP!

Bra she's going to perform in my country on the 24th but I'm planning something huge for my girlfriend's birthday on the 29th:D, so a concert ticket would just throw my off course. I found out about her coming down here only a week ago.:(
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Best singer/vocalist probably is Celine Dion or Babra Streisand.

But I'll personally always prefer Whitney Houston.
I agree her music lately sucks. But so does everybody's whose trying to stay current. It sucks that she has to confrom to stay relivent because with a voice as good as hers, she should be able to sing what she wants. People shouldn't dismiss her vocal ability simply because they don't like her music.

others : Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Barbara Streisand
I didn't notice the part about best all around singer/vocalist ever, so I'm going to revise my list.

Michael Jackson
Darren Hayes
David Bowie
Tori Amos
Kate Bush
Peter Gabriel
Stevie Wonder
Paul McCartney
Phil Collins
Janet Jackson
Christina Aguilera (forgot about her)
Celine Dion. she has a really good instrument - not that it moves me really in any way, i prefer to listen to something like alanis morissette even though her vocal technique is not so good lol.
Female singer? Whitney. What a powerhouse...
Although, Shanice's voice is incredible. It's superior to Mariah's, if you ask me.

Overall? I'd have to say Michael. His vocal range is bananas.
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Although, Shanice's voice is incredible.

Shanice isn't well known really. She and Chante Moore have gotten very little radio and video support. I have all of Shanice's albums. I think all 3 (including Mariah) have listened to a lot of Minnie Riperton. Terry Ellis from En Vogue has a powerful voice also (all 4 members are great though).
Whitney Houston,Kelly Clarkson,Jennifer Hudson,Tamyra Gray,Alicia Keys,Beyonce.
Etta James, Aretha Franklin, Mariah Carey, Beyoncé, Whitney Houston.
But my favorite EVER is, and will always be, Michael's voice :yes:
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I'm such a moron I had a brain faze when I wanted to enter my choice for best female ever... but I'm back now with:


listen to her sing a Leonard Cohen song and try to tell me she hasn't got one of the greatest voices ever.
She was featured on the documentry "The Voice" which looked at singers and singing styles over many weeks and wow *melts* great voice.

All I know is Mariah and Whitney are somewhere in this category lol.
Michael Jackson is the best all around singer ever..in all forms of music..be it opera country rock whatever.