Who Is Going From The US?


Proud Member
Sep 23, 2011
Hey guys,

I need your help. I have never traveled to London before, actually I've never traveled outside the USA. So this will be the first time, going to 02. The 02 is my main point of interest obviously, but I want to see the other main parts of London as well. So...how would I go about this. What would you all suggest as the best airline to take, fly into what city, where do I stay? Etc...

Also, anyone willing to help me purchase tickets if need be?

Re: Help & Advice for US fan who wants to come to 02

First, do you have a passport? You will want to get that sorted first and foremost.
Who is going from the US?

I will be coming from the midwest, probably flying out of Chicago.
Re: Who is going from the US?

I'm gonna try to if I get tickets. I can imagine them selling all 10 shows out in about 2 hours.
Re: Help & Advice for US fan who wants to come to 02


first of all take advice from the above ^ get a passport.

but you need to fly into london, most likely heathrow as it's the easiest to be in reach with London from.

Basically, London is not massive. the tube is a great way to look around and see the sights while you're there. All the main things are around central London area (Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Parliament, London Eye etc etc) so they're all easily reachable if you're basing yourself around the o2 area, or central London :)
Re: Who is going from the US?

If I am able, I am 60% sure.. I'll be coming from Dallas,Texas

Re: Who is going from the US?

If I am able, I am 60% sure.. I'll be coming from Dallas,Texas


That would be a great idea but at this time I think we will just be lucky if we get tickets. I am not going to quibble over dates. I wish we could though.

So far we are pretty scattered over the US as well. Eventually we might get some matchups by region. If we were all trying for the first week chances are at least some of us will be there together.
Re: Who is going from the US?

I was thinking of going, then decided it wasn't worth it, now I'm thinking of going again. I'd have day in London, then the day of the concert, then a trip home. I think it could be great fun... if I can get a ticket.
Re: Who is going from the US?

I was thinking of going, then decided it wasn't worth it, now I'm thinking of going again. I'd have day in London, then the day of the concert, then a trip home. I think it could be great fun... if I can get a ticket.

I know what you mean :yes: I'm going back and forth too. I just think it would be SO much fun, especially with all the other MJ fans there too *sigh* I'm from Ohio, but I'm afraid I just won't get tickets....IDK....
Re: Who is going from the US?

I've decided I'm just going one step at a time. I'll try to get tickets next week. If that's a success, I'll gather the stuff to get my passport and save money for the airfare and hotel.

It all hinges on the tickets. If I'm lucky enough to get tix and something comes up and I can't go, I can sell the tickets with no problem.
Re: Who is going from the US?

im from orlando florida...and ill def be there!
I'm from Tampa area! I promised myself I'll go, even if I God forbid cannot get tickets. I'll be chanting at his hotel. ;) AND hopefully in concert!
Re: Who is going from the US?

You guys! we should try to get tickets for the same show!

I´m NOT comming from the USA lol, but will have at least one stop there.
Re: Who is going from the US?

I'm from New Orleans, Louisiana. I can pay for the tickets but airfare & hotel I'm not too sure so it looks like 80% sure I'm going. lol
Re: Who is going from the US?

I'm going. I'm trying to get tickets for the first show and then another ticket for anyday after that. But defo I'ma be checkin for the july 8th tickets.

Mostly likely I will be leaving from NYC, cuz its cheaper for me then home. I also hope my sis will be able to get me that good airline discount. what what!

I would suggest to everyone to leave from a BIG MAJOR city. You'll get a cheaper price and have more flight options. Imo
Re: Who is going from the US?

i am from los angeles and i have money for a ticket. i'm workin soooooo hard on the flight and hotel
Re: Who is going from the US?

^ lol, i used to live in torrance :p

I already posted this in another thread, but booking a in-direct flight might save you lots of money. I once booked a flight from Los Angeles to Amsterdam and had several stops (Brussel & London), it took me some longer to get there but it saved me around $500.

And be sure to book your ticket as soon as you get your concert ticket, the later you'll book a flight the more expensive it will get! Don't forget the concerts are in July, it's summer and London is a popular holiday destination, so tickets will get more expensive if you don't book within a month or 2.
Re: Who is going from the US?

Unless I win the lottery or manage to get some money together, I probably won't.
Re: Who is going from the US?

I'm from Tampa area! I promised myself I'll go, even if I God forbid cannot get tickets. I'll be chanting at his hotel. ;) AND hopefully in concert!

Me too! I'm gonna try to go...
Re: Who is going from the US?

im going! flying from phx..or i might go 2la n fly from LAX with some friends. depends on if soso and i are going together
Hey Darvon, its been a while yeah!

I am fa sho going to London!

I have the whole summer off and I am ready to roll. I knew being a teacher would pay off in many ways! Leaving from Baton Rouge or New Orleans, Louisiana.

I'm coming Michael!
U.s. Fans plannings

Hey guys I think it's time to make plans for us U.S. fans to do this smart... those of us who want to go need to find the cheapest and smartest way to get to London and save money while there.. + have fun..

things to think about:

1) travel costs
2) hotel stays
3) food
4) ticket buying
5) transportation

NOW! I think it would be smart if we gatherd MJ fans and seperated in groups to split costs of things and travel together.. Meaning, share hotel rooms in groups and bunk up! travel together and split taxi costs etc.. and if possible see if airlines would sell tickets in bundels with discounted prices.. etc.

When we move in a pack, we devide up costs making it cheaper for all of us.. + it would be a great adventure for us to take part in..

ALSO! an add in question, I have had issues registering on michaeljacksonlive.com.. Any other U.S. fans have the same problem? if so or not what should I/we do?
I plan to go.. I think it would be smart if we travel in groups..

If tour dates are announced in the U.S. however, before the concert I would end up selling my tickets and just going to the U.S. concert. however, I have to prepare as if he's not.. just in case
I'm from California and I really do hope I can come, I dont think i Can miss this for anything.
I just really do pray that I can get a ticket, at this point I dont care where I sit as long as I'm there in Michael's presence I should be thankful:) Its just really trying to figure out the tavel expenses since its very far from where I live.