Who gets the custody of the Kids?

Re: Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail

I heard this one legal analyst on T.V. say that in Californian, the state usually gives the children to the surviving biological parent even it Michael left a will on who the guardianship should be. The analyst says that the judge would consider his wishes, but that they can still give the kids to Rowe. Prince and Paris that is. They didn't know about Prince II.
Re: Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail

he's exempt cuz he's not her kid. so if she does this, she will split them up and god forgive her if she does that. she'll ruin those kids. honestly, they just lost their best friend, the wounds are still fresh, their dad's familiy is getting hostile already. their mama is in a puddle of tears and honestly, the tmz quote is pretty threatening imo. they're daring her, almost. like she can't go against them.

bad way to do it, imo.
Re: Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail

Keep them in the family. For all intents and purposes, Rowe is not family.
Re: Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail

i hope the kids stay with their grandmother
Re: Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail

she just gave birth to them and her daughter is the spitting image of her. we don't know if she's seen them or not. we know she saw them once after the trial. but she did an interview saying she was living in palmdale. glad cuz close to the kids (when mj was in vegas) and she could visit them.

but u don't threaten someone who can take what u want to protect. u should hold out a welcominghand, come mourn w/ us, come spend time w /the kids. we can do this as a 'family' not threatening stuff like this.

it's baiting her. and if u know deb's attitude when she's pushed, u don't wanna bait her.
Re: Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail

She was awarded millions during the divorcee decree but can she take care of them now? Can she give them shelter as hey had while living with their dad? I thought her horses were more important than those children were to here....
Re: Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail

the law doesn't see that. the family can bring that up in their fight to get them back.

im sure deb will do what mj wants and what he wishes but im also sure she wants to see them. if we find out she was visiting them and now it'll stop, she may push to get them, thereby splitting up the trio and no one wants that.

that may end up being the 'happy medium' in all of this. if she doesn't split them up, she can see them.

she still has her rights attatched. and the rights of the biological parent usurps the right of the grandparents
Re: Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail

The judge will do what in the best interest of the kids which will be to keep them together. Splitting Blanket from his older siblings will ruin his life after this. Their best interest is to stay with Mother Jackson.
Re: Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail

of course the best interest of the kids is to stay together. so y come out w/ a nasty statement that she'd better not even think about it?

that's MY whole point. i sure to hell hope she won't try it. but don't test a person. u push too hard they may push back
I hope someone from the immediate family could take them… They must be so scared right now. I heard possibility of Debbie of taking the children.. It wouldn’t surprise me if she tried too. Crazier things have happened.. My concern if she did -- is blanklet...

I thought of the same thing too. What a nightmare:no:
I have a feeling in the days and weeks ahead, we probably will find out who Prince Michael II's mother is.
I have a feeling in the days and weeks ahead, we probably will find out who Prince Michael II's mother is.

Did'nt Mike mention in LWMJ that there is a contractual agreement with the surrogate mother? If thats the case and if mother wants to reveal her identity now then they cud bring out that agreement.

I so hope that, that women is Grace Rwarmba... (dont want it to be an unknown women to Mike).

Custody drama foreseen as lawyers ponder Jackson estate

document.write(''); While the legal details have yet to be sorted out in the wake of Michael Jackson's sudden death, a custody battle could be brewing over his three children.
Media reports have said that the children now are being cared for by a nanny along with Mr. Jackson's mother Katherine, who some, including the Jackson family attorney, have suggested is likely to be the person who will ultimately gain custody of her grandchildren.
But an attorney for the pop star's former wife, Debbie Rowe, told People magazine Friday that her client was the legal parent to the two oldest siblings she gave birth to for Mr. Jackson through artificial insemination - a boy Prince Michael Jackson, 12, and his sister, Paris, 11- and thus has the right to custody if she chooses. The attorney described Miss Rowe as "inconsolable" over Mr. Jackson's death.
As for what might happen to Mr. Jackson's third and youngest child, Prince Michael II but known publicly as Blanket, 7, is not known. The child was reportedly conceived through a surrogate mother whose identity has never been made public.
Famed Miami attorney Roy Black said that however custody shakes out, expect the legal process over Mr. Jackson's affairs to be exhaustive.
"I think it's fair to say a large number of lawyers will be making huge fees over the next several years trying to untangle the financial and emotional mess left by his death," he said.
"Because his assets are unusual," with a music catalog and royalties, rights to his image as well as publicized concerns of massive debts, "it's going to be much more difficult for lawyers to straighten out. I expect this will be a long and complicated legal road."
A family court judge will likely sort out the issues for the children. While Miss Rowe in 1999 sought to give up her parental rights, a judge in the case refused to grant the request, awarding Mr. Jackson physical custody but retaining Miss Rowe's relationship with her son and daughter.
"They're his children," she repeatedly asserted in court testimony. When asked whether she "had ever considered the possibility if Michael should die, what would happen to the children," Miss Rowe responded: "I'm sure he has a wonderful person in mind to take care of them." Miss Rowe told the court that she loved them, but "they're not my kids."
Houston celebrity family law attorney Tony R. Bertolino said most likely the judge at the time used a best interests of the children rationale in refusing to allow Miss Rowe to terminate her parental relationship. How her previous testimony would influence a future custody case is not clear.
The children have a godfather - onetime British child star Mark Lester, who starred in the Academy-Award winning film of the musical "Oliver." He told MSNBC that Mr. Jackson was a tremendous dad who would do anything for his children.
"They're the most fabulous kids. ... I'm here for them 24/7, so whatever they need, they've got from me," Mr. Lester said. "Michael was one of the best. ... He made me ashamed, he was such a good father."
Even with the broad support for the children's well-being, Mr. Bertolino said he expects the Jackson child custody case to get nasty, given Mr. Jackson's fractious family history and complex relationships with his parents, including accusing his father, Joe Jackson, of child abuse during his youth. Publicly his family has circled the wagons for the star in times of crises, standing by his side during his highly publicized child molestation case, in which he was found not guilty.
With a fortune at stake, however, things could change.
"What is pretty sad with this, is a lot of friends and family and folks that have been around Michael have always been there for a handout, looking for an opportunity to enter into contract," he said. "There was always something they wanted from him. It's unfortunate through his death - I think that mentality may enter with his own children."
Appointed guardians receive a salary, he noted, and with Mr. Jackson's wealth, such a payout to the custodian of the children could be substantial.
"You never know what someone's ultimate intent is," Mr. Bertolino said. "His entire life he's been surrounded by those kinds of people. Even with his death, that is very likely those same kinds of people will pop up from under their rocks and assert their rights in hopes of banking."
Mr. Black said the contents of a will could spell out Mr. Jackson's intentions for his children. Thus far, it is not known whether Mr. Jackson had a will.
"There could be a big will contest," he said. "When that happens, usually lawyers end up with more money than the heirs. These kind of things can be pretty vicious ... unless the family will decide to settle it.
"I assume that he left his estate to his children," Mr. Black said. "But you never know with Michael Jackson."

I just fear for his children that some greedy people will steal MJ's assets and money ? and separate them ?
Katherine is the best choice,she is the only one in the Jackson family who is trust worthy but she is very old herself and we really don't know how long she will be living.I don't trust Debbie,she gave up those kids for money and her intent could not be trusted..Yeah she kinda saved Mike during trial but with these kids millions of $$ are attached and who knows if billions..Rowe gave them up and now she dont have any right on the children and Im sure children might also not wanna be with their mom cuz Im sure they know that their mom got millions of dollars for giving them up.There's long legal road ahead and I feel sorry for the kids cuz they are too young to understand this cruel world with selfish and greedy people.:(
deb's old lawyer said conflicting things. said she thinks deb will get the kids but then says she isn't sure whta deb will do.

deb's been inconsolable so she really hasn't been able to say anything to iris or the media other than she's the legal guardian of the two older children. she can get them, no matter what his will stiuplates cuz she's the other biological parent. BUT if she does that, they'll be split up.

i just don't like, and i said it in the tmz thread, how the family came out blasting and threatening her. especially when she hadn't even said anything about the kids, her former lawyer did.

they acn do this together. let her see the kids and let katherine raise them but the hostility isn't needed. it'll only help to breed contempt