Who gets the custody of the Kids?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I hope Mike was secretly married to Grace Rwarmba (which i always thought was possible) coz for me she is most trusted person after katherine. I hope Grace & Katherine get joint custody of the kids.

Its very important other vultures in & around the family circle are kept away in the long run.

Also, I hope someone blocks all the unfinished & Unreleased material of Mike, cuz they are supposed to be the lifeline for his kids in the long run (during their life time).

The last thing we want is the money hungry people to use it all up in the next few months to make money off MJ's savings for his kids.

I apologise if the timing of this thread is inappropriate.. But with Mike gone we fans care for his kids the most.
The family lawyer had said this morning that previous arrangements had been made for the kids to go to Katherine Jackson. Who knows...
The family lawyer had said this morning that previous arrangements had been made for the kids to go to Katherine Jackson. Who knows...

I hope that, that is the case. However don't get me wrong but Katherine is very old herself so I wud also like to see Grace getting some control. I dont know, but for some reason I feel that Grace has been the only person in MJ's life who selflessly cared for him & his family. but again that's just my feelings.
theres enough family members. who knows. those poor babies mj made provisions in 05
I don't think it's any of our business who gets custody of Michael children. I presume it will be one of the Jackson's, or someone who was very close to Michael.
Are you talking about Brian Oxman? Because I don`t believe a word he says...

I agree Mr. Oxman has not spoken to MJ for a long time and to call in and go on all the media outlets saying that MJ was being handled like Anna Nicole Smith and could be addicted to drugs...Why couldn't he have waited?...No, better yet..JUST SHUT THE HELL UP and allow the family, friends and fans to grieve in the loving and wonderful memories of a true LEGEND. The Greatest Entertainer the world will ever know. Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson. May he Rest In Peace
Outtake from x17:

"Michael Jackson's children, Prince, Paris, and Prince II were taken to UCLA Medical Center this afternoon AFTER their father was pronounced dead, for a final goodbye.

A chauffeur-driven SUV took the kids from their Beverly Hills home to the hospital and the children stayed at UCLA for approximately an hour and then returned home.

The family's attorney Brian Oxman has said Jackson's mother Katherine will now care for the children."

i feel so sick. headache, my eyes are swollen. oh god.
i guess Katherine will stay with the kids
I'm sure Michael's children will be cared for in the greatest respect anything beyond that is out of reach right now so we shouldn't spectulate.
I hope Kate takes them. She loves them so much. But it wont be an easy life for them. Especially when they grow up more, paps will be there. Of course it depends on what they are going to do as an adult..
Katherine she was the closest person to Michael...I pray she stays in good health for the children
we need to respect those kids as they grow up in to adults. We need to give them the privacy michael never had, we need to protect them as best we can as well. They are michael's legacy to this world and so precious.
Katherine makes a good choice.....but she's up there in age, and we don't know how much longer she has herself. This not only has to be hard on the children, but her as well. Every parents worst night mare is to lose a child of their own before their own passing.

This must be heartbreaking for Katherine. I just hope that if for some reason Katherine can't take care of the kids, someone like Grace or maybe even Janet will take care of those sweet kids
The first thing that came to my mind after the initial realization that Michael had passed was the children...

Maybe it's a sign of maturity on my own behalf (who would've thought?) or as a long time MJ fan, like others we're compelled to feel protective of the kids.

Janet, Kate or Grace... They'd be perfect IMO. Michael was so close to all 3, especially his mother.
i feel so sorry for the children they never meet a mother and michael was the hole world for them so protective and close to them,i wish for them to find the power to move on on their lifes,i wish for them their next family to love and suport them as michael did.
Another question is the succession. I guess that many greedy people will want MJ assets, maybe some creditors like Sony ? What do you think ?
I hope that Katherine gets custody of the kids. She's the best person to get custody.
I just hope they are well looked after and kept together...
I hope someone from the immediate family could take them… They must be so scared right now. I heard possibility of Debbie of taking the children.. It wouldn’t surprise me if she tried too. Crazier things have happened.. My concern if she did -- is blanklet...
Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail

Michael Jackson's family will wage an epic battle to make sure Paris and Michael Jr. do not end up in the custody of one Debbie Rowe -- this according to family members who spoke with TMZ.

The family is currently gathered together and they are reacting to our story this morning that Rowe never legally gave up her custody rights. Under California law, Rowe is in a position to get custody of her biological kids if she wants them, provided it would not be detrimental to the children.

The family complained to us the kids don't even know Debbie Rowe -- she hasn't been a part of their lives. They say the kids must remain "within the family."
Re: Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail

I really don't think we fans should take sides on this. I would think that Michael Jackson would've had who would get custody of his kids legally taken care of in the event something should happen to him. Please be aware of shows like TMZ and other media outlets who are going to claim that they know the scoop on everything.

This is the part about the death of a legendary Icon that I hate. Everyone coming out claiming everything and probably don't know SH!T.
Re: Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail

they don't know that. she's the one who wanted the masks and mj's has honoured that for 12 yrs. she lied so much to get on the state's witness list...tehy took her out for dinner the night before her testimony and she served them for breakfast. and after the trial, mj had grace and kerry take the kids from bahrain to visit deb in la.

so i hope this goes well. i hope they don't make it a fight. by being this forceful this fast when she has the rights to do this, may not seem right to some, but she has the rights could actually cause her to get upset and take the kids.

and if she does, they will be separated from their baby brother and im sure she's considering all options and wouldn't want to do that to her children. so maybe they'll come to an agreement. she can see them, she lives in palmdale, not far from encino. so let her be a part of their lives.

they d idn't do the termination of rights correctly. so she still has rights so legally, even w/ a will, she's the legal person to take the two oldest. the baby, since his mother was not named, can go to who mj requests b/c there is no other parent to lay claim to him. so i hope she doesn't get shady and do this to her children.

and this came out a few hrs ago.

note that this is from iris who deb fired a few yrs back. she doesn't know if deb's seen the kids and she's saying she's 'sure' deb will fight for the kids when inreality, the woman's not been able to even speak.first she says she doesn't know if deb will try to get them. then she says she' ssure she will. and the articles came out an hr or so apart from each other. seven and six hrs ago.


Debbie Rowe: "No Idea" if She'll Take Back Jackson Kids

Debbie Rowe remains the legal parent to Prince Michael, 12, and Paris, 11, her two children with the late Michael Jackson.

But her former attorney tells Usmagazine.com he has "no idea" if she will take on custody now that the King of Pop had passed.

No matter what she chooses, "I support her 1000 percent," lawyer Iris Finsilver tells Us.
Rowe wed Jackson in 1996 (he was a patient in the dermatologist's office, where she worked as a nurse). They divorced in 1999, but during their custody fight, she agreed to give up her parental rights, insisting Jackson was a good father.

Rowe's attorney said she is not holding up well after Jackson died after going into cardiac arrest Thursday at his rented L.A. home

"She is inconsolable," Finsilver tells Us. "But she will always love Michael and she always considered him a dear friend."

Brian Oxman, the Jackson family attorney for 20 years, told Usmagazine.com late Thursday that the kids are currently "in the care of a nanny" and are staying with their grandmother, Katherine.
Said Oxman, "Ms. Jackson will care for them and I'm sure there will be all kinds of discussions that will take place about the kids"



LOS ANGELES -- A lawyer who represented Debbie Rowe in a custody matter says the mother of two of Michael Jackson's three children is inconsolable.
Attorney Iris Finsilver says she was the one who told Rowe of Jackson's death.
The attorney says she isn't currently representing Rowe, but has no doubt Rowe will seek custody of the children.
Finsilver says she doesn't know if Rowe has been having visits with the children, Prince Michael Joseph Jackson and Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson. Rowe and Jackson married in 1996 and divorced in 1999.
Finsilver says Rowe is trying to grasp the fact that Jackson has died. She says Rowe loved Jackson for a long time.
In a prepared statement released by Finsilver, Rowe calls Jackson "a beautiful and loving soul."
Her two children as in the care of their paternal grandmother, along with Jackson's third child, Blanket.
Family friend Brian Oxman told Us magazine that the pop star's three children, Blanket, 7, Paris, 11, and Prince Michael, 12, are with their paternal grandmother, Katherine.
"Ms. Jackson will care for them and I'm sure there will be all kinds of discussions that will take place about the kids," he said.
Re: Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail

We also dont know what is true and what is tabloid right now. If Debbie handed over parental rights, then theyre father has the right to determine what happens to his children in his passing Im assuming. Im sure MJ would have given his kids to his mother which is where they are now.
Re: Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail

they're reporting it wasn't done. his own attorneys said it. she has rights. and right now in the eyes of th elaw, if she wants them, they're hers and then the battle begins.

but w/ the family jumping out of the gate and being so damn forceful, wtf would u do? they're tellingher she can't take her own kids she gave birth too. granted she didn't raise them but she has more rights to them then they do. they have to fight, she acn come in and take them.

it sux but she can. so y prompt her? y be so negative and say no way in hell she can even be near them? it's so harsh on their part. especially when her comments thus far have been only positive and showing her love and devestation at this