Which Songs Deserved Videos?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael always made the best videos, and he always had SO many amazing songs from his cds that of course he couldn't make a video for every single song. What song makes you say "Man, I SO wish he had made a video for that"? How do you think that the video should have been for the song that you pick? Or what video already made would you have done differently and how?

I would have loved to see a really cute, adorable video for PYT because it's one of my all time favorite songs of his. I could so see him smiling and flirting/trying to get a pyt and being super cute. If thriller didn't have the 50s teens in the beginning of the video, I would have set PYT in the 50's and had them go for milkshakes and to a boardwalk type cute date.
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Human Nature!!!!! I so wish he had done a video for that one... I see a Thriller Era MJ walking the streets of NYC, it's full of ppl but he's alone, like he feels alone... and is looking for a woman to connect with. I mean not in THAT way.. but you know...

Of course there is a love interest. MOI! :lol: Kinda like a SIM-lite. But 80s style cause this woulda been an 80s video.
Human Nature!!!!! I so wish he had done a video for that one... I see a Thriller Era MJ walking the streets of NYC.

I totally imagined an NYC type city too. But there weren't any people around in my imagined video lol. It was dark or approaching dawn and Michael was out alone.
Human Nature!!!!! I so wish he had done a video for that one... I see a Thriller Era MJ walking the streets of NYC, it's full of ppl but he's alone, like he feels alone... and is looking for a woman to connect with. I mean not in THAT way.. but you know...

Of course there is a love interest. MOI! :lol: Kinda like a SIM-lite. But 80s style cause this woulda been an 80s video.

i would have loooooved a human nature video. him against a window longing to go outside, getting ready and dressed, strolling the busy streets lit up well and he's smiling, different nyc type scenes like looking into the door of a thumping club, on the subway, etc....eyes meet with a pretty girl, he stares but looks away shyly, she slips him her number, they slow dance that night and he's happy...cuts to scene of him waking up, lipstick mark on his cheek but apt empty and then in comes an entourage to get him ready for some performance and thus ends his night of freedom.
Human Nature (Yes, Mike walking the streets of NYC in the evening), Baby Be Mine (Shy MJ is chasing a girl at a party and morphing into this amazing party king and she falls for his dancemoves...), Keep The Faith...
See?? U feel me right! Def a NYC backdrop. I'm telling you it woulda been hot! U just wrote a treatment right there!

It could be predawn empty NYC streets Emerald, I can see that too. MJ strolling along an empty Times Square.. I hate TS it's so touristy but you know they woulda shut it down for him..

We're good at this.. :yes:
See?? U feel me right! Def a NYC backdrop. I'm telling you it woulda been hot! U just wrote a treatment right there!

It could be predawn empty NYC streets Emerald, I can see that too. MJ strolling along an empty Times Square.. I hate TS it's so touristy but you know they woulda shut it down for him..

We're good at this.. :yes:

lol, i'm always thinking of treatments for songs/videos...i should have done it for a living because half of the time i don't agree with what they really do for the official video
Man we could so be Michaels video directors... And get fired for making him do sexy things... :D

bwahaha, he wouldn't have minded....did you SEE him at the end of Black or White?????? that man wasn't scared of no censorship....john landis cracked me up when he was talking about making that video and the surprising moves Mike did at the end. "CUT!!!! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT??" :rofl: i so wish i had been there and seen john's face when he started "practically masterbating" as he put it
bwahaha, he wouldn't have minded....did you SEE him at the end of Black or White?????? that man wasn't scared of no censorship....john landis cracked me up when he was talking about making that video and the surprising moves Mike did at the end. "CUT!!!! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT??" :rofl: i so wish i had been there and seen john's face when he started "practically masterbating" as he put it

I feel a thread-hijack coming on... :lol: Dont tempt HeartbreakHotelMJJ :lol: Yes yes, agreed 100%. Im gonna be quiet now before mods come and clean us up!
:lmao: I remember that! Where did I see that?

i was trying to remember too...i was half asleep on the 4th of july and they had some special on and that woke me up. i was laughing so hard, my cousin and mom were like is she nuts? i laughed for like an hour straight because I pictured the scene in my head. told ya i picture everything in full detail (it's the creative writer in me)
back on the specific topic of videos that should have been done: liberian girl needed a different, sultry video. not so hot on just having famous people cameos. it was a very lovely song, needed a sensual beautiful video
She Drives Me Wild/Can't Let Her Get Away
Maybe not as a "regular" video, but it would be a cool artsy piece with a little dancing on a car park or car dump or something. A little bit the same environment as Bad and especially The Way You Make Me Feel.

Liberian Girl deserved a proper video, such a waste of a beautiful song with that awful video. Might as well put out a video of "Just Good Friend" with Stevie Wonder... that would've been wonderful.

This Time Around/2Bad
This would have been great man, with Biggie in the video.
Just a dark, almost pitch black video kind of the same feel as Biggie's "Victory"

THIS should have been the first single IMO.
Have no idea of concept of video though.

One More Chance
If you only knew how angry I am that they never got to shoot the entire video.

Heaven Can Wait/Break of Dawn/Butterflies
Any of these songs, it would've caused the same rotation.
back on the specific topic of videos that should have been done: liberian girl needed a different, sultry video. not so hot on just having famous people cameos. it was a very lovely song, needed a sensual beautiful video

HAHA I see we have the same taste/opinion on that one :D
@bruce unbreakable DEFINITELY should have been the first single. it's such a kickass song and in your face as an f u to the haters. i like it a lot....you rock my world could have been next
Co-sign about Human Nature! If all he had to do was walk down the street for three minutes, I'd definitely watch :)
I Just Can't Stop Loving You-maybe in black and white with a time travel theme.

It was always a great live performance, i always felt like there was probly supposed to be a video but it never came.

Anything from invincible would have been nice to see.
Oh, absolutely Human Nature! I really loved the little clip in Moonwalker, I thought the drawing idea was amazing. I would have the real Michael inside an apartment, looking out the window, singing, and outside is a bustling nighttime NYC, not real, but drawn and computerized with electric green lights... and you see a drawn hazy MJ (as it's not really him, he only fantasizes) walking down the streets, and maybe a girl, also drawn, you can't really see her, just her silhouette and sparkling eyes.. Because it's all a fantasy. All the surroundings should be drawn at least partially, and there would be sparkling, glowing lights everywhere. Something like that. :happy:

That pretty much covers it, he has videos for most of the hits... I wanted him to have done a full cartoon video also, but I don't know which song it would fit. And Break of Dawn should have made it into a video, including some bright colours and butterflies flying around.
clever idea for the thread!
Mine would have to be " She drives me wild ". It would be like TWYMMF except 90s styled. I can see so many great outfits for that movie and a good looking girl as well. Not to mention his fantastic hair at that time. Hot. as.

It was always a great live performance, i always felt like there was probly supposed to be a video but it never came.

Anything from invincible would have been nice to see.

dangerous was SUCH an awesome live performance....I wonder what he could have done with the video, it probably would have ended up being something like "You Rock My World"
I reckon the video clip for Dangerous would be darker and much more brooding than YRMW, which is more feel good, positive upbeat. Dangerous has so much underneath, it's like the tip of the iceberg. There are all these suppressed feelings and such. I think it would've been more akin to In the Closet meets Who is it.
I would have loooved ''Break of dawn''.. just so I could have fantasized even more on that song with images to go on!

But hey, any song deserved a video.. as long as we can see Michael!!!
You know what would have been awesome? okay, has anyone seen that new pepsi commercial that will.i.am has where they split screen and do the old school clips on one side and the new school clips on the other? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XERzNJWBSuQ That would have been AWESOME if they had made an original The Girl is Mine video where they could have used MJ's clips from that on one side of the split screen and then an updated Will.I.Am side on the other side of the split screen for The Girl is Mine 2008. It would have been sooooo good.

See?? U feel me right! Def a NYC backdrop. I'm telling you it woulda been hot! U just wrote a treatment right there!

It could be predawn empty NYC streets Emerald, I can see that too. MJ strolling along an empty Times Square.. I hate TS it's so touristy but you know they woulda shut it down for him..

We're good at this.. :yes:

LOL we are!
Michael's looking out an apartment window, then walking NYC streets pre-dawn, collar up on his coat. Then for the "I touch a stranger" bit there's this sole other person walking by him, they just look at each other and continue walking. We get kind of a slow-mo on the other person with his eyes on Mike.
Electric eyes could be street lamps or something. I have yet to decide on that. haha
Then of course there has to be a girl later on for "I touch her shoulder."
I kind of see the concept of this video being a little Stranger in Moscow-esque. Looking for human connection.

the thing is back then, i did not have cable so when i watched michaels dangerous short films, i thought the part of the girl and him moving around his weird dangerous album cover scenerio WAS the dangerous video, but i thought they were only showing clips of it lol and i was thinking to myself well why wont they show the whole video then, they put the others on the tape!! then i realized it was from the pepsi ad.
but i think they should have did something with that idea and make a video too.

and agree with Human Nature, i thought that painting thing was part of a video too back then lol i was a kid!!
Human Nature!!!!! I so wish he had done a video for that one... I see a Thriller Era MJ walking the streets of NYC, it's full of ppl but he's alone, like he feels alone... and is looking for a woman to connect with. I mean not in THAT way.. but you know...

Of course there is a love interest. MOI! :lol: Kinda like a SIM-lite. But 80s style cause this woulda been an 80s video.

I thought I seen a video for Human Nature, but it was sorta like a cartoon and he was walking around an empty city.

Anybody seen this? Okay never mind Yea it was in Moonwalker, so it was just a clip.

Well I would love to have seen Butterflies & Human Nature.
You know what would have been awesome? okay, has anyone seen that new pepsi commercial that will.i.am has where they split screen and do the old school clips on one side and the new school clips on the other? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XERzNJWBSuQ That would have been AWESOME if they had made an original The Girl is Mine video where they could have used MJ's clips from that on one side of the split screen and then an updated Will.I.Am side on the other side of the split screen for The Girl is Mine 2008. It would have been sooooo good.

That sounds a little like the WBSS 08 video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd2qGORs8io