Which MJ Song Has Affected You Personally?

There are so many, but if I´d have to pick just a few then.:
Will You Be There: “In my darkest hour. In my deepest despair, will you still care, will you be there? “
I used to listen to it and You Are Not Alone as a teenager during difficult times.
Also the song With A Child´s Heart.
Man in the Mirror and Can You Feel It are very inspiring. “Cause we´re all the same. Yes the blood inside of me is inside of you”
My favorite at the moment though is Speechless. It is so beautiful, tender and sensitive. Just the way Michael was.
It's "You Are Not Alone" for me...I feel alone a lot lately, and when I put on that song, for just a few minutes, I don't feel like I am.
Keep The Faith - I'm a very negative person , a pessimist, whenever I'm feeling down about something and lacking motivation I put these song on, and Michael tells me to keep the faith and I do , for him.

I'll Be There - because my Mum's been through alot and I love her and I will always be there for here.

Also Someone In The Dark - my someone in the dark are my Taid ( grandad) & Michael. They're my angles, and they're looking down on me and when I'm sad and cry at night, they're my someone in the dark who reached out me. I miss them terribly, but I have them here in my heart.