Where's the moonwalk?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Maybe I missed something, but did they show MJ moonwalking on the TII dvd? I can't remember seeing a full moonwalk, not even during billy jean.

not on my download. MJ stated that he was trying to preserve himself. even still, his body was electrifying to watch. gyrating. choreography, etc.
There is a small moonwalk during Smooth Criminal,but it is filmed from the front and you don't really get to see it that good..It's a shame.It was just poor editing in this case,because they had also filmed him from the side-way.
There is a small moonwalk during Smooth Criminal,but it is filmed from the front and you don't really get to see it that good..It's a shame.It was just poor editing in this case,because they had also filmed him from the side-way.

oh yeah..i remember that. i was concentrating on billie jean, and the op's question..but yeah...anyway, i was pleased with the dancing. the editing didn't mess it up for me. MJ is a special effect.
I need to Moonwalk too.

The MW during SC was short and shot from a bad angle.
yea i was lookin for a full moonwalk myself, especially since that's MJ's signature move. He marked it during Billie Jean but didn't actually go thru wit it. I thought it was strange that he didnt do it, and if he did, they didn't air it
not on my download. MJ stated that he was trying to preserve himself. even still, his body was electrifying to watch. gyrating. choreography, etc.

definitely...during Billie Jean I was in awe....this is the only way i could explain it: when his body moved, he looked as graceful as a piece of silk quickly swaying in the wind...but add flawless precision to this and you have the most incredible dancer in the world....that's why i didn't really miss the moonwalk...when you have that piece of sheer brilliance right there.....:wub:
definitely...during Billie Jean I was in awe....this is the only way i could explain it: when his body moved, he looked as graceful as a piece of silk quickly swaying in the wind...but add flawless precision to this and you have the most incredible dancer in the world....that's why i didn't really miss the moonwalk...when you have that piece of sheer brilliance right there.....:wub:

i agree. that combination of precision and silk was spoken of by Martin Scorcese of the Bad Video, when Scorcese spoke of being in awe of MJ's dancing. and...with MJ it was always about the unexpected. and in a good way. most people would think that if they did something signature, they'd do it every time. but MJ was not tied down by what his fans expected. he gave us fans the wonderully unexpected. so..when i didn't see the moonwalk, but got that, which you just described, i was in awe, too. :yes:
agree with most of you guys...tho he was saving himself for the shows, geez he taught us a good lesson on how to dance on the stars! he was so full of grace and subdued energy , he was actually sizzling when he danced, and before such a divine view, who needs the moonwalk when he gave us a glimpse of his all during the rehearsals? ;)
About the moonwalk, i heard he needed a kind of special floor to do it best, not that he needed it before but now with the lack of dance training he needed a special surface, dunno if that's true tho
agree with most of you guys...tho he was saving himself for the shows, geez he taught us a good lesson on how to dance on the stars! he was so full of grace and subdued energy , he was actually sizzling when he danced, and before such a divine view, who needs the moonwalk when he gave us a glimpse of his all during the rehearsals? ;)
About the moonwalk, i heard he needed a kind of special floor to do it best, not that he needed it before but now with the lack of dance training he needed a special surface, dunno if that's true tho

no..he didn't need a special floor. he demonstrated his moonwalk in both the oprah interview and living with Michael Jackson.

and, quite frankly, if that ever were true, it wouldn't make a difference, because i don't think any kind of floor can put the magic in his step. the magic is all his. other people do that moonwalk, and it doesn't have that same life in it...even if they were trained.

i think, the more people come up with outrageous stories about him, the more they are giving him a back handed compliment, and don't know it. it's all a tribute to his otherworldly amazingness.
i agree. that combination of precision and silk was spoken of by Martin Scorcese of the Bad Video, when Scorcese spoke of being in awe of MJ's dancing. and...with MJ it was always about the unexpected. and in a good way. most people would think that if they did something signature, they'd do it every time. but MJ was not tied down by what his fans expected. he gave us fans the wonderully unexpected. so..when i didn't see the moonwalk, but got that, which you just described, i was in awe, too. :yes:

actually, I think it was brilliant for him to NOT moonwalk..as you said, unexpected....Especially during Billie Jean...he messed with our minds...won't pull out the moonwalk until he's truly in the moment, on stage, in front of his fans..i see it as that sacred moment he's talking about...it had to be the right moment for it to strike him like lightning...he's just pure brilliance as a showman
Seriously, I think it was the shoes. He had on platform shoes, not his signature loafers. As he has said many times "loafers are the only shoes I can dance in." or something of that nature.

I don't think it had to do with being in the moment, if I remember correctly he moonwalked during the Dangerous rehearsals. I'll just blame it on the shoes. DAMN THOSE SHOES! lol
He does a very short moonwalk type move in Jam. He does the one in Smooth Criminal. and Does one in Billie Jean that then goes into the side step move.
Maybe I missed something, but did they show MJ moonwalking on the TII dvd? I can't remember seeing a full moonwalk, not even during billy jean.


There must be some where on the TII tapes, of Michael Jackson moon walking, for him not to rehearse a moonwalk just seems to me very strange, I'm sure the most highest point of the concert was to see Michael moonwalk, and for him not to perfect the slide to pure perfection does not add up. And again there must be another performance of Billie Jean, I don't believe we've seen the end of TII, there is more to come!
no..he didn't need a special floor. he demonstrated his moonwalk in both the oprah interview and living with Michael Jackson.

and, quite frankly, if that ever were true, it wouldn't make a difference, because i don't think any kind of floor can put the magic in his step. the magic is all his. other people do that moonwalk, and it doesn't have that same life in it...even if they were trained.

i think, the more people come up with outrageous stories about him, the more they are giving him a back handed compliment, and don't know it. it's all a tribute to his otherworldly amazingness.

Yes i made two mistakes: i'm sorry if i didn't make myself clear with what i said, i didn't state he needed it all the time but only now meaning last year, of course i was not referring to any other past time neither did I affirm that the floor theory was true. My second mistake i think i was wrong in quoting something i just read don't know where, guess i gave it too much importance to a hearsay. But well, that's what it comes with a legend like him.
He did do it but not all the way through. You could tell that was the moonwalk when he turned and standed and motioned it. Then I saw he did a smaller one a little afterwards right before it was him and the drummer only. He did a side one too. Smooth Criminal he did a small one. The whole performance was brilliant and I keep thinking how does he move like that? I still laugh after it was over and he turns to the band and says "at least we got a feel for it" lol. If that was just a feel for him the actual performance would have been mind boggling and he would have done the moonwalk all the way through.
I refuse to believe mj only rehearsed bj once. Some have said there was no need since he performed it alone. But if that was the case, y was human nature done at least 3 times? Can somebody get in touch with kenny ortega and ask abou this? Lol. I heard he has a twitter. Someone from this forum should ask him on there.
He moonwalks at the end chorus of Billie Jean too, and one slide in Jam before spinning around.

The angle for Billie Jean and Smooth Criminal moonwalks is really bad though.

He never really rehearses the moonwalk, because his shoes aren't proper as some of you have said. If you watch Dangerous Tour rehearsals his shoes stick to the floor and he doesn't do full moonwalk.
Maybe he really did only rehearse Billie jean once. SInce that was the only one where the other dancers, effects etc were not needed? They just did a run though and figured, MJ knows what to do for Billie Jean, so they let him practise alone and were planning on doing it properly when they were in London? Therefore, they never saw the moonwalk? Just a guess
Seriously, I think it was the shoes. He had on platform shoes, not his signature loafers. As he has said many times "loafers are the only shoes I can dance in." or something of that nature.

I don't think it had to do with being in the moment, if I remember correctly he moonwalked during the Dangerous rehearsals. I'll just blame it on the shoes. DAMN THOSE SHOES! lol
I think he might have had the wrong shoes also. If there was any rubber on the bottom of MJ's shoes, I don't think he could have done the moonwalk.
You could tell that he was struggling with his shoes and the stage surface because most of his side slides where more or less feet shuffles. But during Jam, SC & BJ he does anything resembling a moonwalk.
The thing is did he need to perfect it, Every time i have see Michael do the Moonwalk of the cuff whether it be in the oprah interview or bashits interview its just so natural for him! Like he says he does not think when he is dancing so maybe he didnt need to practice it over and over again!!

I remember on one of the pap videos of Michael one of them said Michael can you still Moonwalk and his response was Why would i not be able to, its clear Michael just naturally did these things, Practice for that in my opinion was not needed!
But wouldnt u still practice it when you do a full run through (june 23rd)? Wouldnt you want to make sure it looks ok in the staples before u go to london?...i really do think he did one more rehearsal for billie jean but were never going to see it!

also kenny says in one of the extras for billie jean "he puts his hat and jacket on and we leave him" also on the this is it film poster you see michael with a black fedora hat and a black jacket on which looks like his performing billie jean... who knows!
I'm sure MJ moonwalked in other BJ rehearsals for TII, but I get the impression that Kenny Ortega thought the most powerful representation of the song/dancing would be to show a full, unedited run-through, as this is one of the only performances in the film not edited together from various nights. It's a shame we didn't get a "full" moonwalk in TII (and yes, the angle chosen during that move in SC was poor), but we did get the "face make-up" move and "slo-mo gyrate", both of which are new to MJ's Billie Jean repertoire and make me smile whenever I see them.
I'm sure MJ moonwalked in other BJ rehearsals for TII, but I get the impression that Kenny Ortega thought the most powerful representation of the song/dancing would be to show a full, unedited run-through, as this is one of the only performances in the film not edited together from various nights. It's a shame we didn't get a "full" moonwalk in TII (and yes, the angle chosen during that move in SC was poor), but we did get the "face make-up" move and "slo-mo gyrate", both of which are new to MJ's Billie Jean repertoire and make me smile whenever I see them.
Billie Jean might have no been edited from different nights, but it was edited from different takes. The very first cut in Billie Jean editing was from a different take. You will notice that all the people that were standing around MJ are all gone all of a sudden.
While I Was Watching Billie Jean I Was Looking Out For The Moonwalk :no:. But I Really Love TII I Think Its Fantastic!
There was a moonwalk in the smoothcriminal dance break but thats just part of the dance routine , but there's also a kind of a moonwalk a very short one ,on the spot , during billie jean at the end just before the freestyle dance break , go check it out :)