Where were they when MJ needed them?

Right on! It is sad, trully sad. I know Michael feels the love now from above... that's what matters most. The saddest fact to all this as that people can be so fake or fickled. I am glad that I have always stood by my convictions as a fan, believer and supporter. Hopefully people learn a valuable lesson from all this, because Michael deserved so much more in life. May he rest easy now *Tears*
Bravo to you! "stranger"! I completely understand where you are coming from.

I am old enough to remember how a few of the names on the memorial list from TMZ applies to exactly what you are talking about in your post.

During the first allegations back in 93 a few of these very celeb's distanced themselves from Michael and a few of them made public statements to the media. And is was not supportive of MJ at all. I knew their a$$'s would be on the guest list for the memorial. I just knew it.

Guilt is a mutha. People are just phony.

Their love or friendship wasn't unconditional. It had condition. I do believe with all my heart that in the end, Michael knew who his true friends were. He admitted he had only a few to be counted on one hand during the Geraldo interview. Remember?

Thank you for posting that, because THATS what I remember.
Hopefully people learn a valuable lesson from all this, because Michael deserved so much more in life. May he rest easy now *Tears*

Thats what I keep telling myself: "I hope people learn from this, I hope people learn from this." Yes may he rest in peace now.
All these celebrities who didn't even want to be associated with Michael during the trial and are now saying they've "always been big supporters" and "are saddened" or whatever are simply fair weather friends. Just as fake as they come.

Right now in the general public, this pro-Michael attitude is a fad. It the cool thing to do now. A week before his death if you were pro-Michael you were crazy, you were in the minority. Now if you're not pro-Michael, you're in the minority. Wait a few months and see if its still the same way.

It just sucks that Michael is not here to see this sudden outpouring of love and appreciation. Can you imagine how touched he'd be and how happy he'd be to know that more than just the 'core fans' still love him?
My heart breaks to think what a difference these people could've made in Michael's life when he was alive; if he'd known so many people still believed in him and still loved him even after all those accusations and media horror stories about him, maybe his last few years would've been happier... and maybe, just maybe, he'd still be here with us today :( If only..! :(
Right now in the general public, this pro-Michael attitude is a fad. It the cool thing to do now. A week before his death if you were pro-Michael you were crazy, you were in the minority. Now if you're not pro-Michael, you're in the minority. Wait a few months and see if its still the same way.

I agree. Let's not get too excited about how "everyone is finally understanding Michael."
I bet most will return to their ignorant selves as soon as it becomes cool to hate MJ again. They'll change back as quick as they became 'supporters'.
These people are just cowards. Recent events have given them permission to admit what was true all along -- they actually liked him. They were just afraid to stand up against the storm of negativity. Hypocritical as they may be, I just tell myself, better that he is being appreciated now than vilified all over again.
omg, I feel so sad when I read all the things you guys write! :(
And I feel so stupid and like an idiot, before he died I would listen to some of his songs, watch some movies on youtube, but I never engaged in Michael Jacksons life, I didn't know anything about him.. My parents did not listen to MJ when I was little, none of my friends are fans..

Ever since he went to the angels I've cried my eyes out, I could'nt sleep like I used to sleep and I still can't. I'm so angry that I didn't know anything about Michael Jackson before it was to late, but I never judged him and I hope that you'r not angry at me..

omg, I feel so sad when I read all the things you guys write! :(
And I feel so stupid and like an idiot, before he died I would listen to some of his songs, watch some movies on youtube, but I never engaged in Michael Jacksons life, I didn't know anything about him.. My parents did not listen to MJ when I was little, none of my friends are fans..

Ever since he went to the angels I've cried my eyes out, I could'nt sleep like I used to sleep and I still can't. I'm so angry that I didn't know anything about Michael Jackson before it was to late, but I never judged him and I hope that you'r not angry at me..


Don't worry, we're only annoyed at those who will turn their back on MJ once everybody else starts hating him again. You never judged him and we have to thank you for that. :)
Don't let anyone make you feel like you're less worthy of being a fan just because you didn't become a fan 'til recently or at 3 years old. I became a fan at 14 and though some will consider that "late", no one better tell me I'm less of a fan.

Anyway, like I said, we're just being wary of some people famous and otherwise.
This is what happens when you die. The whole world says oh what a wonderful person he was etc. But when your alive they just say bad things. It is the way of things.
Because people are hypocrits
If this love was showed when he was still here this probably wouldn't have happened.
People are arseholes.

I agree with you completely. If all these people showed this love when he was alive he wouldnt have been persecuted as he was because the masses wouldnt have bought the crappy tabloids.

People dont realise the power of people power. Imagine if everyone decided just for one week to stop buying the tabloids how destructive that would be to their empires.

In any other part of society such behaviour is scorned at, to pull someone apart because of the way they look etc and falsities.............
I guess its been going on for centuries, look what happened to Jesus..... although Jesus didnt have to endure his face being all over the tabloids and bizarre news items - I think if he had he would have been on painkillers. Perhaps the real pain Mike was trying to eradicate was the pain of life within, it must be a heavy pain deep within when you just try to be the best person you can and others dissect every part of you.
There was a couple that won tickets to the memorial. They are an aussie couple by the way - the husband and wife were saying that they're "not really fans - this is just a once in a lifetime opportunity - we are expecting a big party". The husband had to call in sick for work (he runs a family business). They have bothered to spend all that money on flights and accommodation and they aren't fans?????

That is the most absurd thing I've heard. I do agree, there seems to be so many people jumping on the bandwagon - I think it might be one of those...you don't know what you've got till its gone type things. But what I saw on the Today show with that couple sickened me.
that's what i really hate. they should give the tickets to fans who stayed by his side through thick and thin
not some people who dont even care about him

all hypocrites..:rolleyes:
It just sucks that Michael is not here to see this sudden outpouring of love and appreciation. Can you imagine how touched he'd be and how happy he'd be to know that more than just the 'core fans' still love him?[/QUOTE]

It's heart wrenching, and very sad that Micheal didn't get all this support and love when he most needed it. Things would have been so different.
I know exactly how you feel! I am so angry and bitter towards these people. A lot of these people who are "mourning" his death are the same ones who were making him the butt end of every joke just a couple years ago. It makes me sick actually. I know someone who is like that and he got a piece of my mind.. I don't hesitate to call these people out, I have to defend Michael.
Don't worry, we're only annoyed at those who will turn their back on MJ once everybody else starts hating him again. You never judged him and we have to thank you for that. :)
Don't let anyone make you feel like you're less worthy of being a fan just because you didn't become a fan 'til recently or at 3 years old. I became a fan at 14 and though some will consider that "late", no one better tell me I'm less of a fan.

Right on! Totally agree. As long as we all love him and never judged him, that's what counts :)
In terms of fans we were there in prayer and spirit if we could not be there in person.

Many of these people did say good things about him at that time, but I remember Mez in an interview saying he needed to keep it about the dishonesty of the family and nothing else, he didn't like the showbiz, dream team stuff, and wanted the jury to see Michael as their neighbour.

It is the hypocritical media that stink, but that is tabloid land and it will never change, but away from the public eye I wonder how many of them feel totally ashamed of themselves now.
Its the same if not worse for me,
at school when I told everyone I had tickets to see him they were all like why you going to some some wierd 'pedo' and know they dont stop singing his songs and talking about how much they loved him. But I'm jus happy now everyone is loving him and lets hope it stays that way

I feel for all u guys lol. It'z a shame. Thatz life for ya. Sickenin'.
I think it's really understandeble. I mean, MJ was an icoon, I don't think people realized that he was a REAL person, with feelings and a heart. I think a lot of people felt guilty for believing al the fake stories and tabloids.
Thank you for posting that, because THATS what I remember.

Awwwwww Harlow, you are most welcomed. I am so glad somebody other than me remember the real truth about these phony people.

Cruzin247, You are right on post with EVERYTHING you said. Brillant. Perfect. Truthful.

Preach on Preach on.