Where were they when MJ needed them?


Proud Member
Aug 14, 2005
Okay I know I shouldnt be feeling angry about this, but it's to the point now where I can't hold back any longer.

So 1.6 million people want to be at the memorial do they? Millions of people have brought his music? He's at number one in most countries? He's being hailed a wonderful father and a musical genius?

Well, where the hell were these people when Michael was alive?

A couple of years ago, he was being branded a child molestor by these same reporters now mourning his loss. There were fewer than a hundred people at the santa maria courthouse during the trial. Where were they when Michael desperately needed to know that he was loved and believed in, desperately needed to know they were there for him unconditionally?

But thats not the worst part, becasue we dont know these people. But when its happening with your own friends, I find it appalling.

For example, one friend of mine not so long ago said that speechless was her favourite song, but stated as a fact that he was a pedophile. As a fact. As if she knew.

Now she's claiming all over facebook that she's shocked and saddened at his death.

Other friends are doing the same thing. One girl called him an ugly freak when he was alive, and now she's loving the man.

I dont understand. Its like everyone's jumped on the bandwagon. Cant they think for themselves? when everyone hates him, they do too. When everyone loves him, they do too. It is simply lowering their value to me as a friend.

Of course I'm happy that he's being recognised as a genius, of course I am. But its like before people were afraid of expressing their love, but now that he's gone, something has been unblocked. It is now, once again acceptable to be a fan.

I just hate knowing that Michael never got to see this. He might have thought that the oublic and press thought he was a bad father if he only heard the press rabbiting on about the balcony scene and other such nonsense. MAybe he died thinking most people hated him and only hardcore fans loved him, when really, the truth is anything but.

What do you lot make of this trend?
I know how you feel.
I am an MJ fan for 1 and a half year.All my classmates made me weird because I listen to Mike and now everybody's like: give me that song pleasee!!!

It's making me sick...
It hurts, its sad, and cruel of these people. Its everything but good that they love him now. I mean, he's gone now what does it matter anyway? I know its that the rest of the world who hate him see that he's loved by EVERYONE but them, still, I think it aint makin a difference no more. He couldn't see this. dont jump on me tho, these people should $%#$^. I really think this is what God wanted to show the haters, that he IS loved.

and to everything you wrote, I feel ya. I really do.
Okay I know I shouldnt be feeling angry about this, but it's to the point now where I can't hold back any longer...

Ditto that Stranger... but I think its cos alot of people wanna be 'counted' in this "event" for the want of using a word.

I have been a fan of Michael Jackson for 30 years. I grew up with him. I vaguely remember ABC being on tele (I was born early 70's) and I went to his BAD concert in Wembly in 1988. I have everything he's ever done. Even when the stupid tabloids came out about the abuse of children, I knew it was all rubbish and it was a way of some stupid person trying to get some money... which she did... and even admitted (the mum of Chandler I think) that she did it to get money. Sickening. I find it even more sickening that they bring out the video of the "new" allegation where they say MJ of "smiling". SMILING? anoyone who watched this broadcast MUST have been MJ's eyes go wide in disbelief of the new accusation. I really felt for him ... and he can't even defend it.

The tabloids and pap and the lowest of the low. Look how they "killed" Diana.

The Tabs and paps are saying that he "took drugs" etc etc. Well, hey, is there any other singer and dancer who started their career at 9 years old and carried on until quite literally, they dropped ? No, bet they cant. It is no wonder then that MJ had problems with his back. At 9 years old you are still growing. MJ was learning routines and dances and did this solidly for 40 years. Is there any wonder he took pain killers ?!

He was so god-like and he had to die before the world would appreciate him. This is unbelievably sad.
I know what you mean, most people I know always said he was a freak and a child molester, but me & my lovely Nan always believed and loved Michael, and always stood up for him. We never believed in any of those lies and all the rest.

I have proudly remained an MJ fan since I was about 5 years old, and not one part of me ever doubted him. I always stuck up for him - and can't believe all those people I defended him to act like they never judged him.

Don't get me wrong, like you say its great that we are all celebrating his amazing talent, but as you said, where was all this years ago? I don't need to celebrate the man's career right now, I am celebrating the man himself - I've always looked up to him and loved the person he was - and that's who I'm remembering now.

It's sad that people become bigger legends once their gone - he should have remained the legend that he always was when he was still here.
Because people are hypocrits
If this love was showed when he was still here this probably wouldn't have happened.
People are arseholes.
I hope I dont get in trouble for saying this, but I read all these celebrities want to perform at the Memorial service but I never saw any celebrity friends at the trial with Michael supporting him except Al Sharpton and Chris Tucker. I dont even remember anyone from Hollywood publically speaking up for him.

It was a while ago, so i could just not be remembering correctly. Am I wrong?
I hope I dont get in trouble for saying this, but I read all these celebrities want to perform at the Memorial service but I never saw any celebrity friends at the trial with Michael supporting him except Al Sharpton and Chris Tucker. I dont even remember anyone from Hollywood publically speaking up for him.

It was a while ago, so i could just not be remembering correctly. Am I wrong?

No, unfortunately you are not wrong. His fans were there for him at the trial, in one way or another, and he knew that. I desperately wanted to be there in person for him, but I live across the country, and I didn't have the money to go and couldn't get off work. I wrote to him, I made things for him, I sent gifts to him and participated in other things to show that I cared. I wore my MJ shirts, and I defended him to everyone. I got into fights with my family, friends, strangers, etc. I grew up listening to him and watching his videos. I had all of his CDs (including the ones from Jackson Five days), DVDs, books, shirts, dolls, necklaces, buttons, autographed photo, trading cards, etc. before he died.

So I understand exactly how you are feeling. It bothers me tremendously that all of these celebrities who are professing their love for him and saying how sad they are weren't there to support him when he needed it. That trial could have killed him, and maybe if he'd had more support, he would have been stronger. It could have helped him to not think that people were against him.

It makes me mad that they didn't do more to help him because they had the power to do that. They had the TV shows or concerts or whatever and could have reached a lot of people, a lot more than just you or I walking down the street, defending him to one person or a few. They chose not to, and now they are so sad. Of course they are sad, and I completely understand, and I'm glad he is getting the respect and admiration he's always deserved. I just wish they had been there all along, like we were.
It's the cruelity of this world. I'm just glad that Michael will never have to go through the pain, injustice and intolerance of this ugly world ever again.
know what you mean, I was looked at as mad by some of my friends when I said I had gut feelings that he was innocent, now one of them though has said 'yes I did lean towards him being guilty but now I feel so bad that I did' Its hard to know what to say, Michael had a good heart so I'm sure he'd just be pleased that now people believe him, its so so sad that he had to die for it to happen :(
that's human nature - when you're alive people don't appreciate you and they leave you alone when you need them, then you die - you're a hero and they were your best friend
The thing I'm having trouble with in my head is when you think of your own day to day life, its dis-heartening that he didn't get all this when he was alive and he was a kind hearted soul who deserved it. What I mean is I always like to help people but often they don't even think to do back what you do for them or they are funny about you for no reason when all you've been is nice. You feel like saying, I'll stop trying - but I can't stop being nice. Know what I mean?
Okay I know I shouldnt be feeling angry about this, but it's to the point now where I can't hold back any longer.

So 1.6 million people want to be at the memorial do they? Millions of people have brought his music? He's at number one in most countries? He's being hailed a wonderful father and a musical genius?

Well, where the hell were these people when Michael was alive?

A couple of years ago, he was being branded a child molestor by these same reporters now mourning his loss. There were fewer than a hundred people at the santa maria courthouse during the trial. Where were they when Michael desperately needed to know that he was loved and believed in, desperately needed to know they were there for him unconditionally?

But thats not the worst part, becasue we dont know these people. But when its happening with your own friends, I find it appalling.

For example, one friend of mine not so long ago said that speechless was her favourite song, but stated as a fact that he was a pedophile. As a fact. As if she knew.

Now she's claiming all over facebook that she's shocked and saddened at his death.

Other friends are doing the same thing. One girl called him an ugly freak when he was alive, and now she's loving the man.

I dont understand. Its like everyone's jumped on the bandwagon. Cant they think for themselves? when everyone hates him, they do too. When everyone loves him, they do too. It is simply lowering their value to me as a friend.

These people are simply 'sheep' my friend. Stand proud like the rest of us that we supported and loved him for years on end and were always there for him :)
people are sick hypocrites and im about tired of dealing with them.

i hate them all. they've made this beautiful universe an ugly hell.
I hope I dont get in trouble for saying this, but I read all these celebrities want to perform at the Memorial service but I never saw any celebrity friends at the trial with Michael supporting him except Al Sharpton and Chris Tucker. I dont even remember anyone from Hollywood publically speaking up for him.

It was a while ago, so i could just not be remembering correctly. Am I wrong?

God bless you for speaking the TRUTH!!! :no::no:
I dont even remember anyone from Hollywood publically speaking up for him.


LL Cool J & Alicia Keys Spoke up for him
I hope I dont get in trouble for saying this, but I read all these celebrities want to perform at the Memorial service but I never saw any celebrity friends at the trial with Michael supporting him except Al Sharpton and Chris Tucker. I dont even remember anyone from Hollywood publically speaking up for him.

It was a while ago, so i could just not be remembering correctly. Am I wrong?

Not many. Indeed that is true.

However there were few numbers of celebrities that defended Michael during the trial.

Can't type proper grammar. Eyes too sleepy. Good night.
Elizabet Taylor alwaus had been on his side! The one.

I am fan over 21 year since I was 7.
All people around me had have the laugh at me because I loved Michael Jackson . And every time there was something new bad about him in Press, they had make fun about in my presence. And that was painfull for me.

Now every one is a fan ! Everyone. And all celeberty people now saying they always loved Michael. But in that time, very hard period for him, he was alone with Elizabet and his family.
All these people left him as soon as vitiligo hit.
My son is 6 yrs old. He never asks me why Michael's skin changed colors. He never asks why the rest of his family has dark skin. All he knows is that he loves Michael.
Why the f*ck couldn't these people love him?
So his skin changed? It's not his fault! So he had a nose job? Hell I would too if I had the money.
So he has kids over to his house? He never said he slept in the same bed. He said he slept on the floor. It's out of respect. If a friend spent the night at my house, I'd sleep on the sofa and give them my bed.
Sorry, can't finish my thoughts. Crying cause The Way You Love came on.
oh my..this just sadden me even more..i couldnt bear to think about this..but its alright..Michael is still loved by millions and millions anyway..Its good to have these people feelin sad for Michael right now and maybe learn the truth and appreciate Michael as time goes by, but Michael will be just fine even without them.

People tend to take things for granted..they will never really learn how to apprecaite things only until they are gone...and its so true..what is the point of being so nice right now? therefore, i hope Michael will see all this and eventually brings a smile to his face..his happiness is more important than anythin else.
this kills me!
michael has been my angel, my love since i was 4...
i 've gone through so many pain for him...
my family, my best friends, my relatives, my classmates,
everybody had always laughed at me for loving michael.

thanks to michael i have alwayes been stronger them.
of course it was painful, very peinful,
it felt they were killing me when they said somthing bad about my angel,
but i have always been very strong for michael.

now when he's gone they come and say to me Oh we're so sorry,
it must be very big loss for you, he really was genius and the best .
we are so heartbroken! we feel your pain...

O god this is disgusting!
where in the hell they were?
if michael was so good why they hated him, and killed me with their wards?
i just wanna know why?!

yes! where have you been when i needed you most?
when i was devastated to see him in prison, than in trial?
answer me, WHERE?

you know what? i hate you!
you have never been my friends...

Michael take me with you, pleaseeee..
i just don't want to live with the people like this..... i feel sick...
This statement might offend a few people, here in America Micheal felt abandoned many people turned against him many hated him.Micheal was ridiculed and criticized persecuted and crucified for loving kids and being different. How the hell could people believe that Micheal would ever hurt a child? Many American's wouldn't buy his album. Micheal felt so alone that he left his beloved neverlands and fled to another country in order to escape all the hurt. Micheal was called so many despicable names by the media and those who turned on him.

Now that he's gone they're all acting like he meant something special to them. While he was alive all he meant to them was ratings, now that he's dead it's the same old thing. I hate these people, especially Diann Diamond, because she for one is still talking crap about Michael
Bravo to you! "stranger"! I completely understand where you are coming from.

I am old enough to remember how a few of the names on the memorial list from TMZ applies to exactly what you are talking about in your post.

During the first allegations back in 93 a few of these very celeb's distanced themselves from Michael and a few of them made public statements to the media. And is was not supportive of MJ at all. I knew their a$$'s would be on the guest list for the memorial. I just knew it.

Guilt is a mutha. People are just phony.

Their love or friendship wasn't unconditional. It had condition. I do believe with all my heart that in the end, Michael knew who his true friends were. He admitted he had only a few to be counted on one hand during the Geraldo interview. Remember?
yes...for a lot of these people, it's not a memorial, it's a guilt absolver. at least, an attempt at a guilt absolver. it's about looking out for number 1. for one's self.