Where did you hear Michaels music (today)?

Besides my ipod, I heard it at the UNCF walk/run today when they played MJ and asked all to stand and clap for him. Then I heard it at the stop light coming out of the car next to me.
I went to a flea market yesterday and there were R.I.P. shirts everywhere. There was a Spanish music store that played MJ the whole day, while the other ones played spanish still. I thought that was pretty cool. I also got MJ decals for my car, they were only 5 bucks! really awesome too.
Some cars who drive by.
And a week ago I was calling with the music store and they put me on hold several times and they played MJ music.
Took my daughter to an ice skating ring today and they played a lot of Michaels music could see plenty of people singing along and then while walking round the supermarket man in the mirror came on the radio.
Well it's early morning here so the only MJ I've heard so far is on my iPod.
I was in Old Navy today, and "Man in the Mirror" was played. I was so happy! :D
I was in Montreal the other day on vacation and took a dinner cruise, at the end was a little dance party and the DJ played Billie Jean
My eyes welled up with tears and it was just a sad moment for me, while
Everyone else was cheering and dancing, this little boy was doing MJ moves and I had tears in my eyes. I thought I was over the crying stage of MJ passing but that got to me.
so many places......where i never heard them playing his songs before
convience store,hair salon....
and i also heard a street vendor played Dangerous/She's Out Of My Life to sell his piracy CD~~~
the people/cars outside play mjj all the time, i didn't know this thread existed, i'll update it each time i hear something

last night someone was blasting PYT and passerbys cheered
our local mobile communication company is using "I want you back" song in their ad on tv (without voice, just music)! First I was like - I think I've heard it somewhere and then I was - it's "I want you back!". I was amused cause it's my fave Jackson5 song :)
There was the Bud Billikin Parade in chicago for back to school and at least two schools dedicated their performances to him. one had it where all the kids had on fedoras and one white glove while they did their cheers/dances to Wanna Be Starting something and Billie Jean. Another school was in their usual uniform, but one of the boys was dressed as a MJ impersonator with the Black or White Video look and they did that song, then he threw on thriller jacket and werewolf mask and they did that dance/song, then fell out in a bang to wbss. it was awesome!