When you hear an MJ song in public

when I hear a song of Michael's in a store or jsut out...I always stop and listen for a minute..then I sing to myself...not loud...but enough to where I can enjoy it....hearing some of his songs makes me sad still...but for the most part of find some comfort in hearing Michael's voice..I feel as though he is with me....and for a minute...I forget he isn't.
I usually smile & sing along! ...and dance too.....hahha

Even though some ppl look at me like :blink:
I get this bittersweet feeling.. On one hand, I am happy to hear his voice, on the other hand, I become sad that these things started happening only after his passing, which is very unfair.
hehe...a few weeks ago, I was in a store..shopping around for a little bit, and then I decided I was done, and then as I was walking out, Billie Jean came on...I did a complete u-turn and browsed the store again until the song was done...:lol:
when i hear a song of MJ 's at shoppingmall or where a place......
i always stay in that store till the end of the song
hehe...a few weeks ago, I was in a store..shopping around for a little bit, and then I decided I was done, and then as I was walking out, Billie Jean came on...I did a complete u-turn and browsed the store again until the song was done...:lol:

I do that sometimes too :lol:
I remember on the bus back home from school, I heard Rock With You! I was so surprised because the hits station usually only plays contemporary. The bus driver changed it to some techno crap though, I wanted to punch her in the face - HARD.
hehe...a few weeks ago, I was in a store..shopping around for a little bit, and then I decided I was done, and then as I was walking out, Billie Jean came on...I did a complete u-turn and browsed the store again until the song was done...:lol:

haha sounds familiar. I do the same too. ;)
I remember hearing D.S. in Disneyland Paris once.

See, even Mickey thinks Sneddon's a dick.
when i hear a song of MJ 's at shoppingmall or where a place......
i always stay in that store till the end of the song
I do this too.....just to finish hearing the song..:lmao:...I guess us MJ fans have alot in common..:)
When I hear an MJ song in public I go into fan-girling mode, and if I'm with either my mom or sister (they are both MJ fans too) I'm like "SHH! YOU HEAR THAT? Michael's ______ is playing!" :lol: Get this slight thrill inside of me. I remember even hearing a couple MJ songs playing during my Prom night! Specifically a J5 song, and then Billie Jean. : D
smile->do a short move-> and sing the while walking..
I smile and it gives me a warm feeling. I hear them a lot at basketball games or just sporting events. I seen the cheerleaders do a routine to PYT. People in the crowd usually dance and sing to it. I see kids just dancing cause it sounds good.
They play MJ everywhere round here so whenever I hear it I just smile but usually don't say anything or I end up having it go round my head all day lol. If I ever hear someone listening to MJ on their headphones I say, "good taste in music" lol.
i usually enjoy it quietly. yesterday, though, i heard "Jam" while i was in a store and it was very hard for me to keep still and not dance around. :lol:
I feel good inside because it's a reminder that his music will always live on.
I get all excited! It feels better listening to his songs when it wasnt even me who put them on. whoeverr im with normally gets annoyed cos i make them stay in the shop with me till it finishes :)
This has happened to me twice just in the last couple weeks. I love it when I'm out and about and hear an MJ song. I usually just say finally, some good music! I tend to get distracted by it because I do want to stop and listen. :)
I was in my chiroptactors office last week and they had the radio on in the office. As im making my next appointment, "YANA" begins to play. I did what I usually do... Smile a mile wide!!!!!!!!:D
it makes me happy smile and excited. i feel like he's with me and like he's whispring me "hey, i'm here, don't feel alone, let's do something good today, i'm with you always, LOVE" something like that.
i cannot have any time without thinking Michael already, but when i hear that "whisper" i start to walk around as Michael is walking with me, too. i know it's crazy but i can't help. BTW i'm not complaining, this makes me feel so so so so happy :)
Makes me sooooo happy!! I was in the cinema recently and before the film started they were playing the Dangerous album :D