When you hear an MJ song in public


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
what do you do when you hear an MJ song in public?
(at restaurants shopping malls, etc.)
dance, sing, remain quiet feel sad, tell your friends "i love this song"?

personally I sing softly and then start giving little facts about the song and MJ to friends
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I usually sing to myself, softly (like you said). If I'm with a friend or someone, I will talk about the song to them and I will also sing.

One time I was walking by Charlotte Russe in the mall and I heard "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" playing so I went in there and pretended to shop just so I could listen to it. lol. Then I texted on of my friends about it because I was surprised and excited because they usually play mainstream in there.
I jump up and down and scream with excitement. Half the time, I don't even realize my reaction until it's too late lol. I get such a rush of happiness knowing Michael is loved and his music is played wherever I go. =)

Last time that happened in public was at a Wendy's. They played "Beat It."

This has also happened at the supermarket where I work. They usually play J5 music though, but I just go nuts whenever they play Michael's solo stuff. They have played "Dont Stop Til You Get Enough", "Rock With You", "Billie Jean" and "Burn This Disco Out." The last time they did this, I had to apologize to my customer for my sudden change of mood lol. xD

It doesn't happen with J5 stuff, though. That just makes me happy because I think of cute little Michael (and not sexy Michael lol.) Yesterday, for example, Michael saved my job. I was so close to snapping at one of my customers, but then "ABC" came on, and I just focused on listening to it instead. Instant mood-lifter, I swear. I was fine after that.
i smile to myself and think that even if people don't like him they are going to have his song stuck in their heads. I love hearing Michael's songs in public because it makes me feel like apart of him is still with us all.
Now I can enjoy it and it will lift up my spirits but not too long ago it would throw me off balance and I would need to run to the bathroom :cry:
I smile and get excited, I feel like he's with me. :) And sometimes I sing too..lol
I smile and ofcourse I want to hear the whole song. It makes you feel like he is with you.
I hear his songs in public a lot, shoppingmall, supermarket, you name it...

I smile and feel close to him in a way...

I especially liked the time when i was passing by the Disneyvillage in Disneyland Paris and Heal the world was playing really loud around christmas time last year...
The last time I really remember hearing a Michael song out in public. Was around Christmas time last year when I was in the craft store Michael's. And they were playing the Jackson 5 version of Up On The House Top. And I remember I was practically laughing as I was listening to that song. Which that song always makes me does every single time I hear it. But lately I haven't really been hearing Michael's music out in public unless I am playing it on my cd player.
I smile without thinking- it's like a sudden rush of happiness :)

I heard Stranger In Moscow in a shopping centre once. That was pretty special because it's so rarely played.
About a week ago I was walking past a restaurant in Manhattan that had outdoor seating and I heard an MJ song coming from inside (I can't remember which song it was though). I don't do anything. It just cheers me up whenever it happens.
hahaha..i don't know if i can explain this properly, but when a Michael song comes on, I feel all giddy, like my crush just walked in or something...:lol: :wub:
About a week ago I was walking past a restaurant in Manhattan that had outdoor seating and I heard an MJ song coming from inside (I can't remember which song it was though). I don't do anything. It just cheers me up whenever it happens.

I hear a lot of MJ being played in NYC. I was on my way to work one day last month and I heard 'Bad' on. I couldn't believe my ears.

When I hear Beat It, Billie Jean, P.Y.T., or Thriller being played I think that's cool,but when they play something other than those songs I think it's damn near amazing.
when i hear Mj songs in public i smile but also feel kidna sad bc i miss him dearly. lastweek however while i was at a Hanson concert right before they were comming on stage the sound system was blasting Jackson 5's "rocking Robin" and then "black or white" and the ENTIRE crowd was singing along to it! it was Awesome!!!
It brings a big smile on my face and makes me happier again
That reminds me of a gig we went to (Mika), before it started they were playing some instrumental version of shake your body...everyone in the audience was going nuts :lol:

And when we went to see Derek Ogilvie (a medium) he came on stage with 'Can you feel it' blasting out of the speakers'...sent shivers down my spine.
man they play mjs songs at the clubs here and i go crazy lol. i think people look at me lol. but my friends are like Eric go dance go dude u have to nobody can do it like you. then im like naww. naww i dont wanna dance but kinda do then other people get out there and i look and chuckle to self like this is cool cute. lol then almost to the end of the song my friends convince me to dance then lol everyone just wathces me and are like damn. how you do that how you do that. then i say ive been a fan of Michael Jackson my entire life.
I was walking past Baronjon yesterday in my local shopping centre and I could hear them playing You Rock My World. That's the first ever Invincible song I've heard played in a public area :D
I'd be like "Yes!" and "All right!" they're playing Michael. It's makes me happy.
man they play mjs songs at the clubs here and i go crazy lol. i think people look at me lol. but my friends are like Eric go dance go dude u have to nobody can do it like you. then im like naww. naww i dont wanna dance but kinda do then other people get out there and i look and chuckle to self like this is cool cute. lol then almost to the end of the song my friends convince me to dance then lol everyone just wathces me and are like damn. how you do that how you do that. then i say ive been a fan of Michael Jackson my entire life.

that's awesome! :punk:
When i'm out with my mates, just round the streets, we play michael most of the time and TRY to dance like him :)
It depends on who I'm with. If it's at the mall with friends, they'll probably point it out to me (they're not the biggest of fans). But other than that, I usually just stay quiet and dwell.
try and hide and not hear it. im not as bad as i was but i still try to get away from the sound. what a sad state to be in
try and hide and not hear it. im not as bad as i was but i still try to get away from the sound. what a sad state to be in
:better:hugs to you,i find hearing michael and watching him helps me in a way,at first i couldn,t hear him or watch him without being upset,i still do now,but it kind of comforts me now qa little bit,,
yeah i know what u mean. if i actually stop for a second without doing a runner and listen to the song i do find it kinda comforting.but its getting to the point of being able to stay and listen that i find difficult. although some songs i cant bare at all cause of the lyrics. i was a sporting event last sat. the dancers performed to jam b4 the kick off. i had to make a sharp exit to the toliet anda couple of weeks ago i was workingat an outside event and some kids danced to scream and i find myself standing in a portable loo with my fingers in my ears! i kid u not. mj would be laughing!
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I hear a lot of MJ being played in NYC. I was on my way to work one day last month and I heard 'Bad' on. I couldn't believe my ears.

When I hear Beat It, Billie Jean, P.Y.T., or Thriller being played I think that's cool,but when they play something other than those songs I think it's damn near amazing.

Oh yes, just today I was in a small clothing shop here in Brooklyn and they had the radio going on their sound system and for some reason they played TWO MJ songs back to back..."Working Day and Night" and "Rock With You". I think the station was Kiss FM. At first I thought it might be a marathon tribute but the next songs were not MJ so I don't know why they did that. Maybe because his birthday is coming up. I feel good when I hear an MJ song when I'm out and about because it reassures me that he hasn't been forgotten by the general public.