When Was the Last Time?

Re: When was the last time..?

Last winter i think.

When was the last time you went to a supermarket?
Re: When was the last time..?

It's been a while now, can't quite remember, a couple of weeks ago!! :unsure:
Someone else does the shopping for me!! :D

When was the last time you paid for a drink?
Re: When was the last time..?


On wednesday.

When was the last time you went to your friends house?
Re: When was the last time..?

Never. :p

When was the last time you drank wine?
Re: When was the last time..?

Can't remember. :p

When was the last time you went out for dinner?
Re: When was the last time..?


When was the last time you went to the movies?
Re: When was the last time..?

This question should be for Erica :toofunny: because I seriosuly can't remember exact day... some time ago but won't tell which month even :unsure:

When was the last time you laughed so hard that you could move? :lol:
Re: When was the last time..?

^Yes... that's right. :D ... but she rarely visits this thread. :timer:

No idea. :pardon:

When was the last time you played a board game?
Re: When was the last time..?

.. oh gosh.. I can't remember :blink: ... some years ago. :p

When was the last time you went tobogganing?
Re: When was the last time..?

^You also will? ;)

Last autumn.

When was the last time you were at a beach?
Re: When was the last time..?

A couple months ago.

When was the last time you woke up from a nightmare and were afraid to go back to sleep for fear of having another one?
Re: When was the last time..?

oh long time ago, I had nightmares that someone's stalking me and running after me, and when he finaly catches and touches my arm I woke up :sigh: thankfully it was loooong time ago when I was around 10 yrs old

When was the last time when you felt you're crying while dreaming about something?
Re: When was the last time..?

Don't know if I ever cried cause of a dream?! :thinking:

I'll repeat it for you: When was the last time when you felt you're crying while dreaming about something?
Re: When was the last time..?

^I have the same problem, don't remember my dreams, unless woken up from a nightmare, but I never have tears for those!! ;)

Ehmm, is 3 days enough for a Holiday trip? Last July, 3 days to Disneyland Paris! :jump:

Same question: Your last time abroad for a Holiday?
Re: When was the last time..?

^Never give up your dreams... one day they might come true!! Hope so for you!! :hug:

Can't quite remember when it was, a few years ago, I went the see The Sound Of Music in theater!!

When was the last time you didn't sleep in your own bedroom?
Re: When was the last time..?

Just now, I watched It's Complicated! ;)

When was the last time you went swimming?
Re: When was the last time..?

Probably a good 3 to 4 years ago. I L.O.V.E. the album. But ever since what had happen to Michael. It is the one MJ album along with a couple of others I don't like listening to anymore.:(

Same question?
Re: When was the last time..?

Don't remember... I don't often listen to a whole album, Just a few songs...

When was the last time you cooked dinner?