When Was the Last Time?

Re: When was the last time..?

^ Haha yeah camping oops!

Todaaayy! :dancin:

When was the last time you hugged somebody?
Re: When was the last time..?

Hugged someone? well, I guess it's been a few weeks, lol. I kiss my family a lot but we don't really hug
odd. Anyway, when was the last time you petted a cat?
Re: When was the last time..?

This morning!

When was the last time you went to the movies?
Re: When was the last time..?

Some hours ago.

When was the last time you lost a game? :D
Re: When was the last time..?

When i was really small...

When was the last time you fell over?
Re: When was the last time..?

Friday night, bruised pretty bad oops!

When was the last time you watched a film?
Re: When was the last time..?


When was the last time you read a book?
Re: When was the last time..?

Pffff never? :lmao:

When was the last time you wanted chocolate really really bed but had none? :cry:
Re: When was the last time..?

hehe i always have chocolate as im addicted to it :busted: so i cant remember.

When was the last time u cried?
Re: When was the last time..?

Yesterday. :p

When was the last time you were afraid?
Re: When was the last time..?

Never. :p

When was the last time you were very angry?
Re: When was the last time..?

Don't know.

When was the last time you drew a line? :D
Re: When was the last time..?

Just a few minutes ago :D

When was the last time you started a new thread?
Re: When was the last time..?

^ :D

Today. :shifty:

When was the last time you had to read an impossibly boring book? :no:
Re: When was the last time..?

I actually should read one now :sigh: .. and the last one was probably half a year ago...

When was the last time you watched a :crazy: movie?
Re: When was the last time..?

Depends what you mean by crazy. :lol:

When was the last time you were on a boat?
Re: When was the last time..?

^sick, absurd, strange, ... :p

about two weeks ago

When was the last time you went to a zoo?
Re: When was the last time..?

^in that case... A month ago, maybe. :p

Last summer.

When was the last time you ate pizza?
Re: When was the last time..?


yesterday :dribble:

When was the last time you went shopping?
Re: When was the last time..?

Full on shopping, a while ago. Small shopping, yesterday. :D

When was the last time you had a family meeting?
Re: When was the last time..?


some time ago

When was the last time you played a game?
Re: When was the last time..?


When was the last time you touched a goat. :blink: