When Was the Last Time?

Re: When was the last time..?

3 years ago.

When was the last time you went to a professional soccer/football match?
Re: When was the last time..?

never :D

when was the last time you went on holiday?
Re: When was the last time..?

This spring.

When was the last time you ate?
Re: When was the last time..?

A few minutes ago.

When was the last time you went to a concert?
Re: When was the last time..?

May 2007

When was the last time you ate pizza?
Re: When was the last time..?

some weeks ago..

when was the last time you drove a car?
Re: When was the last time..?

Never :wink:

When was the last time you went out?
Re: When was the last time..?

some time ago....

When was the last time you watched a movie?
Re: When was the last time..?

last thursday (I had physical education :p )

When was the last time you read a book?
Re: When was the last time..?

Now. :D

When was the last time you washed your hair?
Re: When was the last time..?

A few hours ago

When was the last time you went outside?
Re: When was the last time..?

A few minutes ago.....walking my dog. :D

When was the last time you visited someone in the hospital?
Re: When was the last time..?

Last summer...

When was the last time you bought a present for someone?
Re: When was the last time..?

3 weeks ago :D

When was the last time you went swimming?
Re: When was the last time..?

on sunday :D

When was the last time you had a nightmare?
Re: When was the last time..?

Two nights ago.. :mellow:

When was the last time you did something that you regretted?
Re: When was the last time..?

Some time ago....

When was the last time you had a barbecue?
Re: When was the last time..?

Not long ago.

When was the last time you felt desensitized towards humans?
Re: When was the last time..?

some time ago....

When was the last time you took a photo?
Re: When was the last time..?

this morning...

when was the lst time you listened to the radio?
Re: When was the last time..?

yesterday :D

When was the last time you went swimming?
Re: When was the last time..?

some time ago...

when was the last time you went on vacation?
Re: When was the last time..?

not so long ago.... :D

When was the last time you went out for dinner?
Re: When was the last time..?

A month ago.... I think.. :scratch:

When was the last time you were really excited about something?