When Was the Last Time?

Re: When was the last time..?

today, when i was cleaning the bathrooms.

when was the last time you had a drink?
Re: When was the last time..?

on friday night

when was the last time u smiled x
Re: When was the last time..?

I don't remember

When was the last time you bought something ?
Re: When was the last time..?

long time ago

when was the last time you ate popcorn ?
Re: When was the last time..?

2 days ago. yum

when was the last time you brought a laptop or a computer?
Re: When was the last time..?

2 years ago

when was the last time you kissed someone ?
Re: When was the last time..?

I don't remember, I'm rarely sick

When was the last time you went to the cinema ?
Re: When was the last time..?


When was the last time you ate a burger ?
Re: When was the last time..?

2 weeks ago

when was the last time a stranger came up to you and declared their love for you?
Re: When was the last time..?

never :D

when was the last time you sneezed ? :p
Re: When was the last time..?

hmm not sure

When was the last time you never carried an umbrella, and it began to rain?
Re: When was the last time..?

I don't remember

when was the last time you cried ?
Re: When was the last time..?

yesterday, I think :p

when was the last time you traveled ?
Re: When was the last time..?


when was the last time you drove a car ?
Re: When was the last time..?

long time ago...

when was the last time someone gave you a rep ? :p