When Was the Last Time?

Re: When was the last time..?

Oh goodness...a party...hmm...I honestly can't remember...Go ahead. Stamp the 'L' on my forehead...=P

When was the last time you sneezed?
Re: When was the last time..?

Probably today 'cause it was cold this morning.

When was the last time you cut your hair?
Re: When was the last time..?

I think it was on October...

Last time you spoke with someone on the phone?
Re: When was the last time..?

About 2 hours ago...

Last time you went to the movies?
Re: When was the last time..?

Looooong time ago hehe

when was the last time you read a book ?
Re: When was the last time..?

I don't drink coffee.

When was the last time you went to a concert?
Re: When was the last time..?

I think about a month ago.

When was the last time you went for a walk?
Re: When was the last time..?

Xmas, I went to Rome with my mum and I loved it, it's my favorite city for now.

When was the last time you went out with your friends?
Re: When was the last time..?

I never did went out with friends. Since I really don't have any where I live. I never did have any actually. Only because of the fact that I am a Michael Jackson fan. And no wanted to be friends with someone who likes Michael Jackson.

Re: When was the last time..?

I never did went out with friends. Since I really don't have any where I live. I never did have any actually. Only because of the fact that I am a Michael Jackson fan. And no wanted to be friends with someone who likes Michael Jackson.

Are you serious? People didn't want to be your friend just because you are a fan of Michael? you seem like a great person. I can't understand how people can be so ignorant. Its really sad.

Yesterday and it was beautiful :)

when was the last time you held a baby :)

ohhh I really don't remember..long time ago.

When was the last time you got angry?
Re: When was the last time..?

This morning..

When was the last time you went to a family event/dinner?
Re: When was the last time..?

Are you serious? People didn't want to be your friend just because you are a fan of Michael? you seem like a great person. I can't understand how people can be so ignorant. Its really sad.

Yeah and thanks. During my high school days during the HIStory Era. I was always teased and made fun of because of me loving Michael Jackson. The other kids just couldn't understand how I could L.O.V.E. someone like Michael Jackson. Then again those other kids wanted to believe whatever lie that was written about Michael in the tabloids at the time. Instead of someone who knew the actual truth about Michael.

That will be later today since it is Easter.

Re: When was the last time..?

Not for a long while actually :happy:

When was the last time you felt someone loved you completly? :heart:
Re: When was the last time..?

I don't remember.

When was the last time you cut your hair?
Re: When was the last time..?

I think back in October...

Last time you ate so much you couldnt breath? :eek:
Re: When was the last time..?

LOL not for a while :lol: I know that feeling though

when was the last time you prayed very hard for something?
Re: When was the last time..?

Yeah and thanks. During my high school days during the HIStory Era. I was always teased and made fun of because of me loving Michael Jackson. The other kids just couldn't understand how I could L.O.V.E. someone like Michael Jackson. Then again those other kids wanted to believe whatever lie that was written about Michael in the tabloids at the time. Instead of someone who knew the actual truth about Michael.

So sorry to hear that. I'm sure you are a strong person now, you are above these people believe me. I can relate to what you are saying, people can be so ignorant and brainwashed by the media..I feel sorry for them, they are narrow minded people.
Re: When was the last time..?

Yeah they are and I tried to be now. Even though I am still not handling Michael's death very well.

I have that movie on VHS tapes. But it was probably a good couple of years or so ago when I had last seen that movie. I really do L.O.V.E. the movie but I almost practically have that movie memorized. Since I have seen it so many times before.
