When was the first time you?

When I was a kid something my sisters done to me in the street I aint telling though :lol:

When was the first time you went to the shops alone?
back in the early 90s @ my school

when was the first time you wrote down your dreams
Usually always, I suck at telling jokes

when was the first time you embarrassed yourself? and what did you do? :eek: LOL
I think you mean when I was a baby, so I think I was 1yrs old.

When was the first time you used makeup? Hopefully is a female that answers next...lol
Wow, what a strange qustion!?!?

ummm...... 3 years ago when I was fed up with a bad teacher!:angry:

When was the first time you felt in bike:lol:?
cant remember

when was the first time u slapped urself silly?