When I see Michael I will be facing a Phobia! :O

n watching an explosion go off "no, no mmmmmm..still not there yet. bigger. it needs to be bigger! they need to FEEL it!"

LOL That totally gives me "Mythbusters" flashback LOL They don't seem to be able to get their explosions big enough, and I loooove the show. I would LOVE for Michael to be inspired by Mythbusters LOL
LOL That totally gives me "Mythbusters" flashback LOL They don't seem to be able to get their explosions big enough, and I loooove the show. I would LOVE for Michael to be inspired by Mythbusters LOL

LOL I love that show! XD and yeah it would be cool if he was haha!

I really really hope it is so so loud, lol

:O how dare youuuu! nah kiddin. actually i hope so too that way i wouldnt be scared of it anymore!

sorry i have nothing to offer the discussion but i did want to say what an enjoyable thread this was to read :lol:

you'll be just fine :yes:

and um ... no pun intended but I'm quite sure you'll have a blast :D



lol thank you :D haha im sure ill be ok. the beginning of it is what im really worried about heh. XD
Hopefully there won't be any fireworks at This Is It. I thought I was buying tickets to a music concert, not a Disney parade.

Puhleez. They denied elephants being there, but look at EVERY single concert of Michael's. They all have fireworks. My God, even after burning his hair, he still loves them and always uses them.

To the poster of this topic: don't catastrophize the future. Do you know what I mean? Trust me when I say, you will be SO involved in watching Michael (I was every time and barely noticed the fireworks) and you won't even notice them. If anything, this will cure your phobia by associating something scary with something you love. It can help you to change your perception.
Me too! :hysterical:

lol,me three. I thought you meant you were so anxious that now you were even scared to go.
Im sure you will be okay bp. Ive gone to a couple of concerts with fireworks and after the initial shock of it all :eek: ...youll be pretty stoked. :lol:
When I was little, up until the age of 9, at the 4th of July(USA Independence Day)my mother would have to listen to me ball like crazy durring the fireworks and shed eventally drag me to the car she was so embaressed! Luckily Disneyworld Helped cure me of that! haha.

But it still hasnt completely gone away. Durring Janet's concert I had my fingers in my ears at the beginning...and was wishing i didnt have to be such a baby about it XD

and Im worried b/c for Michael its going to be like 100 times more intence! The man is like the master of explosions and sadly enough if I where to have been lucky enough to go see him at the HIStory tour at 9 years old even tho i was starting to get over it it would have terrified me haha!

at the concert(s) I go to Im going to try and tell my friends to hold my hands down XD I am going to be scared! :p But I want to get the full experience(what Im really looking to actually is how the music feels lol).

But Ill get through it. I really cant wait for the electrifying, earth shattering experience that is Michael Jackson.

and for anyone who wants to share what this is like or can relate to me Id love your feedback! :D much love!
Forgive me for taking you as an example but allow me to edit your post (my edition visible in bolded parts!).
(This is not only meant for you but for everybody ok)
I don't see any reason why there couldn't be a Michael Jackson concert without explosions.

Explosions are not necessary to concerts in my opinion. If anything they distract from the purpose of the concert I think, which is for me to listen to live music.

In my view saying 'How can there be a Michael Jackson concert without explosions?' is like saying 'How can you eat a pizza without anchovies on it?'

The answer is quite easily, and to me personally it would actually be an improvement.

see why I did that?
If you state something what is not more and also not less but an opinion then I think we should all state it as clear as this.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion. But nobody should sell it as if it's the one and only truth or possible... because it is not.
If more ppl would do the way I suggested with Twisted Vs post we would have a lot of less bickering (possible) on this board.
TwistedV forgive me again... you're not the only one... I don't mean only you... but this was just a very nice chance to demonstrate.

Ok sorry for hijacking the topic... back on topic again please!
Michael's performance is not just as a singer - he's a world-class entertainer, and it's the whole package that people are going to want to see. Michael the singer. Michael the dancer. Michael the showman. I personally think that this show will be explosive with or without the explosives ;)
I've live in China for the last 8 months, and i've just experienced my first "real" Chinese new year....and its really LOUD and its going on the whole night for 2 days....even still saw and hear some for a week!! 0__O
and i got fed up with fireworks....i swear to myself that i will never ever saw or play fireworks again....but i guess, in Michael's concert...that's exceptional
Aw, bless ya! I'm sure Michael will take your mind off it! ;)
a michael jackson concert without fireworks and loud explosions is not a michael jackson concert.believe me....i just know by persnal experience..............one time i attend a concert i thought i burned my eyebrows, haha........the fire was so hot and the wind was a little bit tricky........
it,s nice standing front row, but not always, haha
Hey Megs, this is the best way to overcome your phobia then. I don't think you'll be holding ears during an MJ concert LOL!!! :p Not unless you're doing a reality check of some kind.... cos I think I'll need to..... just to make sure I'm not dreaming! I've already dreamt I was there a few times now, and when I wake up go NOOOOO!
Hey Megs, this is the best way to overcome your phobia then. I don't think you'll be holding ears during an MJ concert LOL!!! :p Not unless you're doing a reality check of some kind.... cos I think I'll need to..... just to make sure I'm not dreaming! I've already dreamt I was there a few times now, and when I wake up go NOOOOO!

OMG I know im gonna have to pinch myself! XD