When did Michael get arrested

I have never seen someone so excited about being arrested lol. His positivity cracks me up. This seemed like a minor incident, so good for him that he was able to laugh it off.

That police officer was wrong in saying the car "looked" stolen. WTH?! I wouldn't go along with him just for saying that. That is utter BS. Unless he can prove it on the spot, I wouldn't go to any jail lol.

Michael was far too sweet to tell that nasty cop to **** off though. If I had been with him, I would have. =D
lol this is the first verification I've read that MJ was even a driver. (And yes I'm aware he drove for a few seconds in a video)

Cool story. Sounds like our Mike all right.
whenever I see the title of this thread, it reminds me of that horrible day when Michael was escorted into a police station in handcuffs. :( Sorry for ruining everyone's mood. :( But could you please at least add the year to the title of the thread? Or write something like "When did Michael get arrested for an outstanding ticket"?
this is what katherine wrote in her book ..

Michael’s first car was a Mercedes. Then he bought a black Rolls-Royce, which he later painted blue. It was in the Rolls that he was stopped one day -- not for fans outside the gate, but by a Van Nuys policeman. “This looks like a stolen car,” the officer said. He didn’t recognise Michael, who wasn’t wearing a disguise that day. Michael explained politely that he did, indeed, own the car. But the officer went ahead and ran a check on the car, and found that Michael had a ticket outstanding. The next thing Michael knew, he was sitting in the Van Nuys jail. Bill Bray bailed him out. I didn’t even know what had happened until he came home. “You should have asked the officer what a stolen car looks like,” I said after he related his adventure. Perhaps the cop had felt that a young black man didn’t belong behind the wheel of a Rolls. But Michael was not only put out by the experience, he professed to be happy.“I got to see how it felt to be in jail!” he exclaimed.

haha mj is a BAD ass i love it