What's Your Zodiac Sign?

What Zodiac Sign Are You

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I like how the cancerians are now leading and none of them have posted to say they're in the lead, unlike the leos and us scorpios have before. That shows how competitive leos and scorpios are :p
I like how the cancerians are now leading and none of them have posted to say they're in the lead, unlike the leos and us scorpios have before. That shows how competitive leos and scorpios are :p

I like how the cancerians are now leading and none of them have posted to say they're in the lead, unlike the leos and us scorpios have before. That shows how competitive leos and scorpios are :p

i see we are tied for the lead again...
But we all know leos are heros. and scorpios are zeros.

sorry, my leo-ness got the best of me again. ;-)
I'm a Libra!:D
Interesting that information about numerology and stuff...the description from my numbers really fit, woaw! Thanks!
» Symbol-The Virgin» House-Sixth House» Ruling Planet-Mercury» Gemstone-Emerald» Element-Earth» Most compatible with-Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn» Can be good with-Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces» A 50-50 chance with-Aries, Sagittarius, Leo» Doubtful with-Gemini, Aquarius, Libra
Practical, cool-headed and thoroughly meticulous -- that's what you are in a nutshell. You are not unnecessarily swayed by emotions and even if sentiments were running high, you can keep a cool head to weigh your approach. Often quiet and reserved, you try to stick to your world, keeping it as tidy and perfect as you can. Nevertheless, you are bustling with energy and always have plenty to do. You are not afraid of taking on challenges and prove your mettle with hard work and a quiet determination. Your quest for perfection and your inability to ignore even the smallest of faults generally proves good for you. You are Nelson's Horatio, quite content not to be in charge, but there to make sure everything runs smoothly and is done as required. You believe in fair play and rarely manipulate. Violent confrontations are not your cup of tea and indeed render you quite ineffective in your work. Honest and forthright, you do not like hypocrites and cannot hide your displeasure at sycophants. Although you are not short-tempered and in fact are slow to get angry, when you do have arguments you try to put up a stiff resistance to anyone opposing you. You tend to make bitter enemies, and like an elephant you remember events that happened a long time ago. You love to travel and generally this proves beneficial for you.
More on mine:

Not the most passionate of signs, a Virgo's love life is rarely turbulent or stormy. You are not the kind who likes to cuddle and make a public display of affection but can be quite romantic in your own way. In fact, a Taurean, Capricorn or a fellow Virgo will appreciate your style of courtship, which will include sending a never ending stream of flowers and going to romantic dinners at quiet and elegant places. Even though you are kind and loving, your no-nonsense and critical nature often puts off a lot of people. You always demand perfection and are easily disappointed. Unless you can accept people for what they are and overlook their frailties, you will find it hard to have a loving relationship. A Virgo home is neat and tidy; you go about filling your kitchen with gadgets that may not be of much practical use. Your obsession with order and neatness around the house can be quite infuriating to your partner, who will never seem to meet your exacting standards. Otherwise, you should settle down quite comfortably in marriage.

Pearl grey, silver, white and forest green are your lucky colours. Jade, green or white is your lucky stone. Wednesday is your lucky day. Your lucky number is 5. Mercury is your ruler and your element is Earth.

Virgos tend to be fussy eaters and you often suffer as a result. Mostly, you suffer from anaemia because of iron-deficiency in the diet. You also tend to suffer from back, muscle and bone injuries because of lack of sufficient calcium. Try to include fresh fruits, vegetables and fish in your meals, you should also consume milk and dairy products. The vegetarians among you will have to take care to include iron, protein, calcium and minerals in their diet. Some of you could be prone to dental problems, so you should take extra care of your dental hygiene. Many of you could face psychological problems, as Virgos tend to be compulsive worriers. Try not to let your worries get the better of you. Distract yourself by taking pleasant walks, listening to soothing music and dancing. You have sharp features, often highlighted by a straight nose and thin, perfectly shaped lips. Most of you have good complexion when young. Virgo's are mostly of a small slight build and are, in younger days, a rather delicate lot, health-wise. Many of you tend to have a weak liver and gall bladder and often complain of digestive disorders. However, your health does tend to get better with age.
Virgo, August 30th day after MJ :) I analyse everything, worry alot, I'm not selfish and love to help people(not to look good or for my own satisfaction but because its the right thing to do) I love to sing, write songs and poetry, do photography, draw and dance.
i see we are tied for the lead again...
But we all know leos are heros. and scorpios are zeros.

Haha well now cancerians are in the lead again and they're not showing off. Whereas most of you leos seem to have that in common :p Here's my proof:

Leos rule!!! lol. XD

I'm a Leo..born on august 20...

And i agree, all the cool people are born in august, haha...
Michael, Mika, most of my friends....

I'm a Leo. Born 9th August. All the best people are born in August ;)

Leo's are King!!

Leos are winning too!!!! but ofcourse, we are the Lion. hear us RoarRrR.

Whereas us scorpios know we're the best, it goes without saying :shifty: :lol:
I'm a Cancer and my Moon sign is Leo
Cancer is Ruled by the Moon and Leo is ruled by The Sun
I've always found this interesting because of the two great strenghts in the Moon & Sun and Male & Female.
Haha well now cancerians are in the lead again and they're not showing off. Whereas most of you leos seem to have that in common :p Here's my proof:

Whereas us scorpios know we're the best, it goes without saying :shifty: :lol:

Hey hey hey...we have our ego's to uphold! Hehehe :tease:
Haha well now cancerians are in the lead again and they're not showing off. Whereas most of you leos seem to have that in common :p Here's my proof:
Whereas us scorpios know we're the best, it goes without saying :shifty: :lol:


i guess your right..but your wrong about scorpios.
I'm Virgo, I can't believe Michael and I shared the same sign.