whats your Phobia ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know it sounds strange but i have a phobia of Butterflies, i shiver every-time one comes near me,

Ive always been frightened by them since i was about 4 years old.
It can be worser some ppl have phobia's of objects like a shower - Lol
I kinda have a phobia or hornets. They always scare the hell outta me. I got scared of them ever since I got stung once.
I have so many weird phobias that it ain't even funny.
To the more strange ones are phobia for antique (textile) furniture and old people's homes.

And standing in line, I can't bare it, especially when I have someone standing behind me.
I always make sure that there is no line if I'm gonna buy something or that I'm in a check out that is computer controlled. I think they're called shop express or something.
Many of you think like "oh yeah yeah, we all think it's boring to stand in line" - But it's nothing about being bored, it's the opposite, I almost get panic attacks.

I'm pretty sure there's no one as messed up as me here, hehe :)

I know it's cliche, but it would get to the point where I start sobbing.
I can't stand bugs period. I wouldn't go as far as cry about them but they just really bug the crap out of me. Spiders in particular...I simply can not tolerate any form of them.

A friend of mine we found out in class that she was afraid of clowns. I mean she was really flipping out. I had heard about that but when you actually see someone flip out at a guy in make up smiling; its interesting i guess.
I have a crowd phobia, I get really nervous around crowds. Or large groups of people in general.
I have Melissophobia or Apiphobia. That is the fear of bees. I am extremely deathly afraid of them. I don't even talking about my fear. Cause of the fact I can feel one of my panic attacks starting every single time I talk about it. Not only am I deathly afraid of bees. I am also deathly afraid of hornets, yellow jackets, and wasps. It is because of those little creatures is why I have a major hatred towards the seasons Spring and Summer. I very rarely go outside during those seasons. In fear that I might see them. To me this world would be a much happier place if there was a world wide mass extinction of those creatures. I don't know why we have to have such creatures as them. But I so badly wish they would just go away forever.

My fear started with them when I was 6 years old back in 1986. And I remember living at my mother's parents house at the time. With my mother and brother. I remember coming home from school on a Friday and going upstairs to my mother's bedroom to change my clothes. In to more older clothes. And I saw at my mother's one bedroom window several honey bees on the inside of the window. And that made me forget about changing my clothes and going back downstairs. I told my mother what I saw. And for the next few hours my mother and her mother had spent the time upstairs killing nothing but bees that kept coming in to the house. It turn out on the side of the house up near my mother's front bedroom windows. Was a bees nest. And with the house being as old as it. The house was built back in 1833. The bees were coming in to the holes in from the attic. Which was my mother's bedroom at the time. It was like around 6 PM that Friday night. My mother told me and my brother that we had to go stay at her boyfriend's house for the night. Because the bees were still coming in to her room. And tomorrow my mother would try to really take care of the bee problem. And I forget who but I think it was one of my mother's brothers who was also living there. Went up on to the roof of the house. And destroy that bees nest to solve the problem with the bees coming in to the house.

I didn't started to become deathly afraid of them until the 4th of July week back in 1993 (I think it was that year.). When a bee stung me on the palm of my hand. And for the next 3 days I was in intense pain from that sting. The only relief there was for my hand was ice.
My phobias include:

snakes,spiders,coach roaches(eww) and being in small closed areas...
I can't stand bugs period. I wouldn't go as far as cry about them but they just really bug the crap out of me. Spiders in particular...I simply can not tolerate any form of them.

You just summed up my fears :D

I used to know someone who had a fear of feathers :ph34r: Like, she'd actually start screaming whenever she saw one :mello: And someone else was afraid of dust....not that they didn't enjoy it (who does? :lol: ), but they were literally afraid of it!
I can kind of understand the butterfly phobia - they're insects after all and kinda creepy up close!

The closest thing I have to a phobia is that I get anxious about being late. I just can't stand being late! This means that I go through life always being waaaaay early for everything: at the train station, the airport, classes, when I meet my friends for something (and half of them are constantly late for everything lol).
I have a phobia of heights, I can't even stand on a stool or anything because after about 5 seconds all I can think about is getting of the thing. I've had lots of panic attacks when it comes to heights. (The panic mostly comes when things are really high for me) I even get it when driving over a bridge.

I also have a phobia of dogs. Ever since I can remember I can't be aroud them. It's getting a little better now (I just freeze up now instead of crying) but I still start to shake and stuff when they get close to me. As long as they are on a leesh and not near me I'm fine.
I have a rodent phobia..i think its called musophobia...
I can't even look at mice or rats...they freak me out so much I'll go into a panick attack if i see one even from a distance...:dropdead:
quite frankly Id rather stick my hand in a tank of spiders than a tank of mice...Im getting sick just thinking about it...:puke:
I can't really understand how someone can be afraid of butterflies. I find butterflies really fascinating. I remember back in my 12th grade agriculture class we had built this big butterfly house. And we had spent a good a couple of weeks or so learning about them. I think they are the most fascinating insect species there is. My favorite butterfly is the madrilenial butterfly. I think it is just so very fascinating that there is a butterfly species that can suck on blood.
ehh i have had to deal with social anxiety or severe anxiety in general.. so theres that fear. which is the worst in my opinion.

claustrophobic and heights are second worse

and on a lighter note i have a fear of millipedes !!
Ahh I forgot about my fear of heights. I guess because I'm more so afraid of Spiders and most bugs. Which is amazing to think about. Bugs are so tiny and we're so much bigger than them...just makes you think. I guess its like the old Elephant and the Mouse thing.

Anyway, yes I am also afraid of heights. I don't do roller coasters at all because of them. I always fear that I'm going to fall to my death when I'm high above. It doesn't matter how secure I may truely be, If I look out and see that I'm lets say 8 stories in the air I start shaking. Luckily I have yet to be in a situation where I have to ride a plane but if and when that happens it will be quite the site to see lol.
My phobias include:

snakes,spiders,coach roaches(eww) and being in small closed areas...

I have a fear of ants (I forgot to mention this in my earlier post.) I'm not sure why, but I remember always freaking out over them.

Also, I hate heights, and I'm a bit claustrophobic.


Ugh. I'm not afraid of them, but they're just so disgusting. Flies, too.
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It's not phobia...But I'm afraid that have onde day....cancer.

God bless me and all of people that have this terrible disease.
I have a crowd phobia, I get really nervous around crowds. Or large groups of people in general.

My phobias include:

snakes,spiders,coach roaches(eww) and being in small closed areas...

I have a phobia of heights, I can't even stand on a stool or anything because after about 5 seconds all I can think about is getting of the thing. I've had lots of panic attacks when it comes to heights. (The panic mostly comes when things are really high for me) I even get it when driving over a bridge.

I have so many weird phobias that it ain't even funny.
To the more strange ones are phobia for antique (textile) furniture and old people's homes.

And standing in line, I can't bare it, especially when I have someone standing behind me.
I always make sure that there is no line if I'm gonna buy something or that I'm in a check out that is computer controlled. I think they're called shop express or something.
Many of you think like "oh yeah yeah, we all think it's boring to stand in line" - But it's nothing about being bored, it's the opposite, I almost get panic attacks.

I'm pretty sure there's no one as messed up as me here, hehe :)

ehh i have had to deal with social anxiety or severe anxiety in general.. so theres that fear. which is the worst in my opinion.

claustrophobic and heights are second worse

I hear y'all! :(

You guys dont wanna see my list, but here it goes, im really messed up! :doh:

-bugs in general, Im afraid of most but wasps and cockroaches drive me insane
- heights make me so dizzy...standing on a stool is fine, but dont make me climb a ladder EVER
- claustrophobia which is fear of small closed spaces
- and also agrophobia which is fear of open spaces...
(basically the only place where I feel genuinely safe, secure and comfortable is my home!)
-im soo afraid of having to go under any kind of surgery and also deadly afraid of needles
- crowds and lines...dont put me anywhere near many people....I go crazy, its like my mind is racing a million miles an hour...I hate banks, supermarkets, shopping malls or any event with many people both in a closed or open place...

I have a disease called here Panic Syndrom, which is related to agrophobia and panic attacks... Im much too anxious about anything and basically my fear is of going out (of my home)...
now, Im controlling myself more than I did a couple of years ago, when even going round the block by car was a nerve-wrecking situation...
I cant go out just walking tho, it has to be by car, cause I feel my legs are gonna succumb and Im gonna faint...
This syndrom has made me really insecure over the years, which make me afraid of anything almost, and make me feel anxious over anything...
I've had this for 6 years, but it got worse in 2005 when I quit studying because I was having constant panic attacks at college and couldnt bare it anymore. I stayed home for MONTHS without facing the streets...Im still not studying and Im working at home with my dad, and my boyfriend takes me out whenever he can so I can overcome my fear...
I have a rodent phobia..i think its called musophobia...
I can't even look at mice or rats...they freak me out so much I'll go into a panick attack if i see one even from a distance...:dropdead:
quite frankly Id rather stick my hand in a tank of spiders than a tank of mice...Im getting sick just thinking about it...:puke:

Oh boy, that's ME!
Rats and mice are the scariest thing on the planet I litteraly run away from them screaming.

And this thing made my cry like a 2 year old.


I stayed with my aunt over in Cali for a few days about two years ago, and my cousin and I were sitting in the porch talking, must have been about 6pm and this creature ran from the bushes next to the house into some trees near by, my cousin and I froze up before I started shaking and sobbing, took me about an hour to calm down.
Needles and hospital equipment
especially the tube they put on the back of your hand when in hospital on a drip
I have weird fear of going around the corners on ghost trains, but I still go on them.....Yes strange!
Its not that i'm scared of them its just wondering whats around there lol
Standing on the top step of a ladder, i'm not scared of the height its more about the ladder collapsing lol

Ok i'm going to stop now otherwise people on here will never talk to me again lol

SPIDERS!!!! :boohoo

I cant stand to look at them, kill them, or even clean them up when the are dead!
My house is brick and one day I was at home by myself, and my house is brick- and there was a HUGE centipede and I screamed so loud that my dog ran to go hide (lol- she ususally tries to play with spiders :puke: )
But I called my mom at work and I was crying and going crazy, and my dad had to come all the over to find and kill it....tee hee hee

But yeah, I was sitting on one of the tall chairs,and I was like paranoid and I couldn't stop wondering where it was and being paranoid.

I dont know what it is- but something inside of me just cant stand them. I cant help it.....why would something have EIGHT legs?!?!?!?!?!?! lol- no but really, its horrible

oh yeah- I have another story of how I interrupted my biology lecture in the huge lecture hall by screaming and running out of class from a huge centipede- but I'll save that for later....lol
I dont know what it is- but something inside of me just cant stand them. I cant help it.....why would something have EIGHT legs?!?!?!?!?!?! lol- no but really, its horrible

Tell me about it!!

I can't stand them either. I'm also afraid of pigeons:bugeyed

And... I'm afraid of heights. I can't climb the highest step of a ladder, even if it just have three steps :mellow:
Im afraid of Fire - maybe in some previous life I have been burned or something(maybe I have been a witch and they burned me at the stakes ;) j/k) - in this life im afraid of fire even from lighter to a cigarette
also insects - specially cocroaches and moths(Lepidoptera) especially there are some big black moths brr

Im not afraid of big animals or things, as many pals here know me as Sharky - well I love sharks and orcas and would jump in cage to watch Great White Shark very bravely even if I got eaten I'll die happy i have seen and touched shark close - I photograph crows and eagles and owls and i go brave close to them - I wish I could photograph a raven - bigger and prettier then crows - but if I see cocroach or moth that is small and miserable I run for my life I know i can step on it and am the stronger but still
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well I love sharks and orcas and would jump in cage to watch Great White Shark very bravely even if I got eaten I'll die happy i have seen and touched shark close



Im also deadly afraid of sharks...I dunno where that came from....I often dream Im surrounded by them or trapped somewhere where I can only scape by passing through them....yaikes, thats scary!

I leave near the beach, but whenever I get in the water I go no further than where the water is higher than my hips....and thats when Im being brave....sometimes it has to be less deep than that. lol