What's to dislike about 2000 Watts. ...my FAVORITE JAM... I'd really LOVE to know

I think it's a different song we've heard Michael do, which is why some people don't like it, but I really enjoy because it is aggressive, very masculine and with Michael singing in a deeper voice. This song should have been released as a single because I really see it being enjoyed by people today..or at least in 2001. Short and to the point dance song.
2000 Watts sounds generally boybandish. Not just Nsync,

I get that vibe from it, too. Plus I just don't think it's exactly the most lyrically strong song from Invincible...
To be fair you asked why people who don't like it don't like it & that's what you are getting. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. :)

It has always reminded me of the Nsync sound around 2000, the No Strings CD more specifically the song Bye, Bye, Bye. He also performed w/them a couple times around 2001, so I don't think it's my imagination that he liked their sound. It think 2000 Watts does feature their influence. To me, it just doesn't sound like a true Michael Jackson track.

ok i agree with you...

2 things to notice :

- MJ always had some of his tracks inspired by previous works...(see the topic dedicated to this).
- The production on 2000 watts is more "mature" and sounds better.
- If you listen "The Best" from Teddy Riley (in the GUY III album released in 2000), you will also find similar sounds...
ok i agree with you...

2 things to notice :

- MJ always had some of his tracks inspired by previous works...(see the topic dedicated to this).
- The production on 2000 watts is more "mature" and sounds better.
- If you listen "The Best" from Teddy Riley (in the GUY III album released in 2000), you will also find similar sounds...

this is the track from GUY wich I'm talking about :

it's called the best :
