Whats the silliest MJ thing you've ever bought?

I bought a shirt once that said Agent on it and I wrote MJ under it lol
I was going to buy one of the MJ moneyboxes...until i realised that they're impossible to open!! Anyone worked that out yet?

I have them lol I think they're wicked yeah you use a can opener to open them but beware I injured myself opening the thriller one (not good)

i use that one for storing all my random knick knacks in (i can't be bothered to open the others i don't fancy suffering more injuries lol)

but they're very lovely!
I didn't buy it at the time but i made myself a Jam sandwich cause i thought of the song Jam
lmfao soo funny ahheeheee :D

The MYSTERY DRINK!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: OMG, it tasted AWFUL! :puke: :lol: And yeah, I only bought it because it was sponsoring MJ and because MJ's name was on it. :lol: I took a sip once to taste it and almost vomited so I never drank even one bottle of it...but I bought a couple of cans anyhow...to "support MJ". :lol: I still have one unopened can. I can only imagine how it would taste NOW after about 12 years....:puke: Or who knows...maybe it's like fine wine and gets better with age? Maybe one could actually be able to drink it now? :lol:

Let's see...what things have I bought with MJ's face or name on it? Bed sheets...wallet...watch...chocolate...belt...and...I used to always only drink Pepsi when it was still sponsoring MJ and refused to drink Coke. :lol: And when Pepsi stopped sponsoring MJ, I refused to drink Pepsi and only drank Diet Coke after that. :lol: :lol:

Oh and I just saw a Michael Jackson chocolate Christmas calendar and I thought of buying one! Gotta get that one! :kickass: :lol:

Ohh bed sheets I always wanted MJ bed sheets (still do!!!) on ebay I saw some going for £150 i thought f**k that (i shall keep my eye out for one that doesn't cost the earth)

I have 2 MJ watches ( I made them myself though) i always wanted the history one!

I pretty much don't have anything silly MJ related items. Unless having this counts as being silly:


My mother got that for me as a Christmas present 2 years ago I think. I really don't know if it still works or not. Cause I really don't have any records to play it on. But it was one of the MJ items from the 80s. During Michael mania probably. I keep it on a shelf in my bedroom closet now.

wow I love it i have records but no record player (i want one like your now *sobs*)
I bought a shirt once that said Agent on it and I wrote MJ under it lol

Haha I love that. When I was a bit younger I bought like all this Peter Pan stuff cause MJ loved Peter Pan :heart: but Peter Pan is awesome so I don't think that's silly :p lol! I guess my MJ cigarette holder could be considered silly since I don't even smoke haha. Hmm but I love all my MJ stuff...I will buy like anything of him or that reminds me of him.

And I even started working at KFC because he loves it! Hahahaha not really! But I do work at KFC and the only good thing about it is MJ :D
And anyone that ever bought one of those Mystery drinks knows that the only mystery about it was how it could taste so horrible as it did :lol:

But this beats everything; as a kid I used to buy a whole load of international magazines (usually from Germany) just because they had Michael Jackson pictures.
I mean, this was back when people "really" idolized their artists by having pictures all over their walls and in their lockers.
I know people still do that, but it isn't as crazy at it used to be - I mean, you couldn't even see my wallpaper in the room, and I even had my ceiling covered, real talk. :D

That was the 90's, that was my childhood growing up together with Michael.

Aww, I had almost forgotten about the Mystery drink! But yes, of course I had to drink it back then because of Michael, even though I really did not like the taste. But I tried to convince myself that I did like it, because I could not dislike anything that had to do with MJ. :lol: :girl_love:

And that part about buying international magazines in different languages (because of MJ pictures) and having every single part of the room covered with Michael Jackson pictures sounds more than familiar! :yes:
As a teenager in the 90´s there was not one tiny part of my room not covered by Michael Jackson pictures and posters in all sizes. I remember my mother at one point back then when I was 12 yrs old telling me that enough is enough and that she thought my idolizing had gone a little bit too far in her modest opinion and that she thought that maybe I should start focusing on some other artist or group for a change. But of course I could not and did not want to.

But the silliest MJ related stuff I bought back then was perhaps white tape, because I wanted to have my fingers taped the same way Michael had. :lol:
These stories are amazing! They are sweet and funny.
If I had more money I would get random MJ things even if I wouldn't use them. Right now I'm saving to get all his CD's and the DVD's. I would get more posters but I have no more room on my walls:lol:
These stories are amazing! They are sweet and funny.
If I had more money I would get random MJ things even if I wouldn't use them. Right now I'm saving to get all his CD's and the DVD's. I would get more posters but I have no more room on my walls:lol:

He he, i have no more space on my walls either but keep buying beautiful posters and framed pictures of Michael, there just staked up in my room. Ive started putting them all round the house now, but my mum keeps taking them down lol!
He he, i have no more space on my walls either but keep buying beautiful posters and framed pictures of Michael, there just staked up in my room. Ive started putting them all round the house now, but my mum keeps taking them down lol!

lol I have pics & canvas prints of MJ all over the entire house

mum says Mj has taken over our house but she doesn't complain

just rolls her eyes and goes where you gonna put that now lol

I joked recently we should open up our house as an MJ museum/gallery type thing lol

I of course was kidding but it is like living in an MJ museum/gallery hehehe
I have to say all the pins I bought during the time he was here for the Dangerous tour. :D I still have 2 or three with the Pepsi logo on. I really don’t know how many MJ posters I had during the 90s in my room but it was enough to not see the color of my wallpaper.:doh: I was totally in to Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan the basketball player and 2-pac I really bought everything with their picture or name on. I even remember I called my uncle in Paris to see if he could find something unique there, he was like what did you say Michael Jackson & 2 who?:lmao: :hysterical:

i bought Lancom Powder ,i read an interview with Karen Faye saying that they are MJ's favourite , and it is really expensive but the problem is the i do not use it ... i'm not into copmact powder... but i love to see it every day with my make up collection it is just an MJ rminder. as if i can forget him LOL.
oh I got another one.. I saw a snow tube last week that said Thriller on it!!!!! I just had to buy it bc it was only $3 and perhaps I will make a video with it for fun lol.
Im always buying things that remind me of Michael especially Disney and Peter pan stuff.
lol I have pics & canvas prints of MJ all over the entire house

mum says Mj has taken over our house but she doesn't complain

just rolls her eyes and goes where you gonna put that now lol

I joked recently we should open up our house as an MJ museum/gallery type thing lol

I of course was kidding but it is like living in an MJ museum/gallery hehehe[/QU

He he...im managing to convert my mum, ive had a canvas of him in the living room now for three days and she hasnt moved it! lol
My mum has always been a massive David Bowie fan, and it rubbed of on me because i love him to, so she can always see where im coming from with my love of Michael and doesnt think im crazy! Now im starting to make my mum a fan of Michael, shes always liked his music, but i got her to read Dancing the dream and i think shes fell in love with him a bit too! He he he
A goofy pink perfume stick thing back in the 80's. Or would it be an unopened Pepsi can (imagine 25-year-old Pepsi slowly leaking from the seams, lolol) with the Victory Tour design on it from ebay, since my opened version of the can got squished at one point some years ago. Oh wait... or would it be a white (i.e. no color) square that was held up by an audience member during the Superbowl performance of HTW, just because it was "in his pesence" ;) Eh, I think the stupid perfume stick takes the cake.

Gosh, I keep thinking of more.... how about mini bottles of Bal a Versailles and Black Orchid perfumes because they were said to be what MJ liked and wore most often this year. And then a big huge bottle of BaV because I keep using it and didn't want to run out. It sure isn't cheap either :lol:
lol I have pics & canvas prints of MJ all over the entire house

mum says Mj has taken over our house but she doesn't complain

just rolls her eyes and goes where you gonna put that now lol
LOL. Well, I'm almost 38 years old and MJ had taken over our house! Wait... I guess RE-taken over would be the correct term. :lol: When I was a kid I had every inch of my bedroom walls covered by Michael. I mean everywhere. Posters, pics from magazines, album jackets, 12" single jackets, on and on. When I moved out on my own, though, I wanted to have an "adult" living room, so no posters, no teeny room. And for years there was no MJ pic up in my house (just on the computer). But believe me, all those old pics, posters, etc are well preserved and saved! Then came March of this year and the TII announcement. I thought... heck... my husband and I are both fans... let's bring out the MJ stuff. So out came the flags and posters, pics in frames, etc. The sad part for me was that I intended this year, probably this summer, to buy a nice canvas print of MJ for the living room so we'd always have something nice and classy up. It felt so weird when I got one then... in August... like everyone was rushing out to buy things like this because of the situation, but I had planned to all along :cry: