Whats the silliest MJ thing you've ever bought?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Liverpool, England
I have bought alot of useless things just because it has had something to do with Michael!

The other day i bought 8 money boxes from a shop because they had Michaels face on them. There just staked up in my bedroom hoping to be used some day! he he

A little while ago i bought a little rubbish painting of him from a man in the market. The guy was so happy to see me buying it, but the poor thing barely resembles him and is just sitting in a draw in my room!

I was wondering if anyone else has made stupid MJ, MJ related purchaces and what they have bought?
Does anyone of you all remember like 15 years ago those bubble gum packs that you got collectable cards (or was it stickers?!) with in each pack?
Man, those bubble gums tasted like crap, and I even bought a couple of packs that the expiration date had went out on just to get the cards :lol:
I bought like 30 packs and my father was like: "Child you're crazy" :D

And anyone that ever bought one of those Mystery drinks knows that the only mystery about it was how it could taste so horrible as it did :lol:

But this beats everything; as a kid I used to buy a whole load of international magazines (usually from Germany) just because they had Michael Jackson pictures.
I mean, this was back when people "really" idolized their artists by having pictures all over their walls and in their lockers.
I know people still do that, but it isn't as crazy at it used to be - I mean, you couldn't even see my wallpaper in the room, and I even had my ceiling covered, real talk. :D

That was the 90's, that was my childhood growing up together with Michael.

OH BTW! My mother used to work at H&M, and Naomi Campbell was a model for H&M about the same time that the "In The Closet" video was out - and of course my mother looked out for me and got home a big cardboard picture of her :D (I wish I still had that one)

Man I can go on for daaays about stuff I used to buy - this really brings back memories.
I bought a cd that's calle Michael n'Bossa it's a brazillian kind of music, it's not Michael who sings but it's Michael's songs... I hear it just once :lol:
Does anyone of you all remember like 15 years ago those bubble gum packs that you got collectable cards (or was it stickers?!) with in each pack?
Man, those bubble gums tasted like crap, and I even bought a couple of packs that the expiration date had went out on just to get the cards :lol:
I bought like 30 packs and my father was like: "Child you're crazy" :D

And anyone that ever bought one of those Mystery drinks knows that the only mystery about it was how it could taste so horrible as it did :lol:

But this beats everything; as a kid I used to buy a whole load of international magazines (usually from Germany) just because they had Michael Jackson pictures.
I mean, this was back when people "really" idolized their artists by having pictures all over their walls and in their lockers.
I know people still do that, but it isn't as crazy at it used to be - I mean, you couldn't even see my wallpaper in the room, and I even had my ceiling covered, real talk. :D

That was the 90's, that was my childhood growing up together with Michael.

OH BTW! My mother used to work at H&M, and Naomi Campbell was a model for H&M about the same time that the "In The Closet" video was out - and of course my mother looked out for me and got home a big cardboard picture of her :D (I wish I still had that one)

Man I can go on for daaays about stuff I used to buy - this really brings back memories.

Aw I loved this! :lol: Sweet post. The Mystery drink really was bad! :lol:
I was going to buy one of the MJ moneyboxes...until i realised that they're impossible to open!! Anyone worked that out yet?

If you mean the tin ones, I read somewhere that you're supposed to open them with a tin opener :) .
I didn't buy it at the time but i made myself a Jam sandwich cause i thought of the song Jam
i think it was when i bought the michael jackson doll with the microphone was prolly when i went over the edge. hehe
Does anyone of you all remember like 15 years ago those bubble gum packs that you got collectable cards (or was it stickers?!) with in each pack?
Man, those bubble gums tasted like crap, and I even bought a couple of packs that the expiration date had went out on just to get the cards :lol:
I bought like 30 packs and my father was like: "Child you're crazy" :D

And anyone that ever bought one of those Mystery drinks knows that the only mystery about it was how it could taste so horrible as it did :lol:

But this beats everything; as a kid I used to buy a whole load of international magazines (usually from Germany) just because they had Michael Jackson pictures.
I mean, this was back when people "really" idolized their artists by having pictures all over their walls and in their lockers.
I know people still do that, but it isn't as crazy at it used to be - I mean, you couldn't even see my wallpaper in the room, and I even had my ceiling covered, real talk. :D

That was the 90's, that was my childhood growing up together with Michael.

OH BTW! My mother used to work at H&M, and Naomi Campbell was a model for H&M about the same time that the "In The Closet" video was out - and of course my mother looked out for me and got home a big cardboard picture of her :D (I wish I still had that one)

Man I can go on for daaays about stuff I used to buy - this really brings back memories.

Do I ever remember those gum packets!!! I used to collect the stickers and cards (cousins in America used to send me over loads of MJ related stuff.

I kept one packet and never opened it - I've still got it.....it looks like Michael's wearing red lipstick on the wrapper.

I started drinking Pepsi instead of Coke in the 80s when Michael was endorsing it, even though I hate it!!!
After Pepsi dropped Michael after the allegations I told my mum never to buy Pepsi. I said 'we a coke family now.' I was like 7!
this thread is incredibly cute! :lol: hn, lemme think..I dont think i remember one now:p ill post when i do

yesyes I remember one! I didnt buy it but I was with my friend in H&M once while looking at these military jackets(just because Michael wears them:lmao:) around march, maybe? when the MJ hype stuff and songs were all over the radio they played his song and I SWEAR EVERYBODY looked at me like, wth when I yelled ''MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!'' while holding one of these jackets...yeah. not so much but I cant remember so much..
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I'm glad you y'all liked the post, I tried to make it as vivid as possible so even newer fans can get a vision on I'm talking about - I'll try to come up with more "typical" stories later. (I'd love for anyone that has been a fan since the 70's/80's to share their stories)

For those who don't know - this is the infamous Mystery drink that was sold as a promotion item around the time Michael were on the HIStory tour.

I can't find any pictures of the bubble gum though - the only ones I find now are from the 80's, which isn't the same as the ones I collected.

Aw I loved this! :lol: Sweet post. The Mystery drink really was bad! :lol:

Haha yeah it isn't an exaggeration to say that the drink is actually pretty horrible :lol:
The worst part is that before you drink it you have this high expectations that it's wonderful, then you taste it and have to hold back so you don't throw up :lol:

Do I ever remember those gum packets!!! I used to collect the stickers and cards (cousins in America used to send me over loads of MJ related stuff.

I kept one packet and never opened it - I've still got it.....it looks like Michael's wearing red lipstick on the wrapper.

I started drinking Pepsi instead of Coke in the 80s when Michael was endorsing it, even though I hate it!!!

Ohh this makes me want to see if I still got all my MJ stuff or if my parents in secret have thrown them away :ph34r: - I think I need to go on an scavenger hunt in the attic.

Haha I looove Pepsi though (I'm actually drinking it right now) :lol:
Does anyone of you all remember like 15 years ago those bubble gum packs that you got collectable cards (or was it stickers?!) with in each pack?
Man, those bubble gums tasted like crap, and I even bought a couple of packs that the expiration date had went out on just to get the cards :lol:
I bought like 30 packs and my father was like: "Child you're crazy" :D

And anyone that ever bought one of those Mystery drinks knows that the only mystery about it was how it could taste so horrible as it did :lol:

But this beats everything; as a kid I used to buy a whole load of international magazines (usually from Germany) just because they had Michael Jackson pictures.
I mean, this was back when people "really" idolized their artists by having pictures all over their walls and in their lockers.
I know people still do that, but it isn't as crazy at it used to be - I mean, you couldn't even see my wallpaper in the room, and I even had my ceiling covered, real talk. :D

That was the 90's, that was my childhood growing up together with Michael.

OH BTW! My mother used to work at H&M, and Naomi Campbell was a model for H&M about the same time that the "In The Closet" video was out - and of course my mother looked out for me and got home a big cardboard picture of her :D (I wish I still had that one)

Man I can go on for daaays about stuff I used to buy - this really brings back memories.

The MYSTERY DRINK!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: OMG, it tasted AWFUL! :puke: :lol: And yeah, I only bought it because it was sponsoring MJ and because MJ's name was on it. :lol: I took a sip once to taste it and almost vomited so I never drank even one bottle of it...but I bought a couple of cans anyhow...to "support MJ". :lol: I still have one unopened can. I can only imagine how it would taste NOW after about 12 years....:puke: Or who knows...maybe it's like fine wine and gets better with age? Maybe one could actually be able to drink it now? :lol:

Let's see...what things have I bought with MJ's face or name on it? Bed sheets...wallet...watch...chocolate...belt...and...I used to always only drink Pepsi when it was still sponsoring MJ and refused to drink Coke. :lol: And when Pepsi stopped sponsoring MJ, I refused to drink Pepsi and only drank Diet Coke after that. :lol: :lol:

Oh and I just saw a Michael Jackson chocolate Christmas calendar and I thought of buying one! Gotta get that one! :kickass: :lol:
I haven't bought anything I would consider silly, but I'm sure if I see something having to do with MJ and I don't even need it, I'll probably get it. Well there was the one time I saw a vinyl of "ABC" in Best Buy. I almost considered buying it even though I don't have a record player. I think Michael is probably the one person that could make me empty my pockets that fast. :ph34r:

i just got KFC thiinking of MJ lol

I have done that. :)
Oh I already love this thread, haha! Awesome to read all those youth stories. :clapping:

Ah where shall I begin....so much to remember....I bought a lot, from mags, to posters, to candy, to Thriller 3D photo reels (those would give you square eyes watching it too long, LOL), to mugs, to clocks, to boyclothes a la Black Or White...gee there was so much! But I missed out much since I was only a kid and always had to have my mom with me when I went out to buy stuff.

Uhhh...but the silliest thing right? Guess that wasn't exactly an MJ product, but one time we had a gala at school or sth...and you had to dress up. So yeah, that should be Michael for me ofcourse...that was around the time Remember The Time got out (or maybe a little later, but I remember it was a hype that time) so I went to my grandma and she made me a whole awesome Remember The Time-outfit! :wild:
With a golden skirtthingy and stuff...oh god I think she might even have kept the pics. So I got at school and busted out some MJ moves...everyone was like 'Whoa! You're Michael Jackson?! But u know you're blonde and a girl right?'
LOL... :blush: Oh how I wish to go back to these days.
I pretty much don't have anything silly MJ related items. Unless having this counts as being silly:


My mother got that for me as a Christmas present 2 years ago I think. I really don't know if it still works or not. Cause I really don't have any records to play it on. But it was one of the MJ items from the 80s. During Michael mania probably. I keep it on a shelf in my bedroom closet now.
I was going to buy one of the MJ moneyboxes...until i realised that they're impossible to open!! Anyone worked that out yet?

Well if i ever get round to using them! he he! You just cut them open with a tin opener after using them, then i thought afterwards id use them as a MJ vase or something like that! :)
The MYSTERY DRINK!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: OMG, it tasted AWFUL! :puke: :lol: And yeah, I only bought it because it was sponsoring MJ and because MJ's name was on it. :lol: I took a sip once to taste it and almost vomited so I never drank even one bottle of it...but I bought a couple of cans anyhow...to "support MJ". :lol: I still have one unopened can. I can only imagine how it would taste NOW after about 12 years....:puke: Or who knows...maybe it's like fine wine and gets better with age? Maybe one could actually be able to drink it now? :lol:

Let's see...what things have I bought with MJ's face or name on it? Bed sheets...wallet...watch...chocolate...belt...and...I used to always only drink Pepsi when it was still sponsoring MJ and refused to drink Coke. :lol: And when Pepsi stopped sponsoring MJ, I refused to drink Pepsi and only drank Diet Coke after that. :lol: :lol:

Oh and I just saw a Michael Jackson chocolate Christmas calendar and I thought of buying one! Gotta get that one! :kickass: :lol:

You know, I never actually tasted it. :fear: Kinda wish I did now, But no way I am trying that 12 year old un opened can I have. :puke: :lol:

Umm, Lemme think.. :unsure: I actually don't think anything I have got is silly. :thinking: well have to look through my things to see. LOL
Confession time:
I think that mystery didn't taste that bad.. Actually, it was quite alright. I've drunk many cans of it :ph34r:

Carry on :p
I bought a bunch of Michael t-shirts at a market in Spain once, and then I stupidly washed all of them at the same time, and the print came off!! I was so sad, I cried for days... :( :lol:
I bought a bunch of Michael t-shirts at a market in Spain once, and then I stupidly washed all of them at the same time, and the print came off!! I was so sad, I cried for days... :( :lol:

Aww i hate it when that happens! I got like the best Michael top awhile ago, and it wasnt cheap and nearly all the print came of the first time i washed it!:(
I hate when that happens! Maybe if it was turned inside out it would come out okay.