this is exactly what happened to me, except that i'm still trying to get some peace. i was fine at the en of the year but It's getting worse in this month
I know I will never ever forget him or stop defending him but i desperately need to move on, whatever that means.
this is exactly what happened to me, except that i'm still trying to get some peace. i was fine at the en of the year but It's getting worse in this month
I know I will never ever forget him or stop defending him but i desperately need to move on, whatever that means.
Yeah, me's been horrible to see June approaching, and all my buried pain and grief rising to the surface. I don't think the fan's or the world can ever 'forget' MJ, that's literally impossible!!
I'm glad this topic has been started, cause this has been on my mind recently. How do we know when to stop grieving. I personally want to move to a place of rest in my heart, secure in the knowledge that Michael is at peace, and so should I be. Conitunig to love him and upholding his message through my day to day life. That's what I want to do. I don't think it's healthy for me to be totally consumed by his thoughts 24 hours a day, and I feel I need to bring more balance into my life. After being so very heartbroken and bitter about what has happened, after being in denial and looking for answers, i think it's time now, that I move to a better place in my heart and head.
Some thing can really help 0 for example I just watched a video of TP posted by qbee in a thread on here, and that really uplifted me. I want to think of Mike and be happy, glad for his life, glad for what he could accomplish and give. He had an extrodinary life and many blessings, and I think we can dwell on the negatives too much at times. Theres; a reason he was picked on by the media - he is the purest shining star! So naturally they had to target him, because it's unacceptable to have someone that perfect in every way.
I'll always be devoted to Michael Jackson, but I won't be sad and depressed for the rest of my life. That's no way to live. Michael doesn't want that, he doens;t need that and neither does the rest of the world. I have to remember that I will die someday, and when I do, I won't have to worry or face pain and sadness, but while Im alive I must rise to the challenges and the opportunities, or else why am I here? I have to stop driving myself crazy demnading why Michael couldn't have had one more month to realise his dream and take the stage. I have to stop asking questions that have no answer and find some peace in my own heart. For everyone's sake.
In his own words:
The pain of life touches me, but the joy of life is so much stronger. It alone will heal. Life is the healer of life.