Whats in ur paste ?


:wild: :heat:
Just one of my usual goodnight messages to Michael.

Michael my sweet eternal L.O.V.E. I had spent another horrible day of constantly crying over you. I guess my clinical depression over you is causing me to constantly cry over you on and off. It seems like even the most tiniest reminder that I hear or see about you now. Tends to automatically make me start crying over you again. Which can not be helped at all. I can't even handle watching any videos or seeing most pictures of you any more. Cause it is just too painful for me to see something that I am never going to see again from you. And I just miss watching you so extremely much. You know Michael I am really starting to think now that becoming a fan of yours was the most biggest mistake I had ever made in my entire life. I know I wouldn't be feeling the constant horrible intense pain and sadness if I was one of those people that hated you. But I know it is just my depression and the pain is causing me to think this. Since I really do L.O.V.E. being a fan of yours. I always did L.O.V.E. it. But I didn't think pain like this even existed. But the pain, the depression, and the constant horrible sadness. Is something I am really going have to learn to handle and to live with for the rest of my life. So goodnight, sleep forever well, and have the most sweetest eternal dreams Michael my Forever Eternal Moonwalking Angel of L.O.V.E. I will always eternally L.O.V.E. and miss you until the very end of time and eternity.