What's helped make this last year easier to bear?

Immediately after his death, YouTube and finding this board helped A LOT. Then, the board kind of spiraled out of control, as we all know, so I only came on here for news/merchandise related posts.

In late July, I started my new job so I had extra money and I started buying memorabilia--just the albums and t-shirts in stores and such. I became addicted to it (and eBay, naturally), but for some strange reason, it still makes me a little bit happier when I get new MJ merch.
Michael was a phenomenon in life and afterlife. So much so in afterlilfe, that as much as I miss him, I can still feel his presence. It saddens me that it is only spiritual now, but I am so grateful I connected to him early in my life and have things like youtube and this board filled will all these great photos and moments that help me relive the magic of Michael Joseph Jackson.

I couldn't have said this any better. Absolutely beautiful words. :) I too am happy that I've known Michael and had him in my life since before I could talk actually. Losing him was devastating.

I appreciate people that are finding Michael now and are genuine fans. I don't understand it, personally. I've met more that one person who has said that they haven't heard Thriller and it blows my mind every time.
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Almost no one and nothing except all dear fans around the world. But still I can`t recover and I think I will never succeed. Without it, I'm half a person. He is my soul, my everything. I can`t get over him.

A friend sent me this. It's not about MJ specifically, but it was another thing that helped me some.

As I stood frozen, absorbing the news,
I inwardly pleaded, don’t let this be true,
I’m not ready yet, he can’t be gone.
We can’t be through.

I need him everyday, he always
helped me in everyway,
He can’t be gone.
God, please don’t let this be true.
How can I go on?

But oddly no tears would come.

No answers either came, and friends all said the same.
Time would make the difference to end the pain.
Each day drifted by, then a year was gone, and
then two years had floated away.
But everyone was wrong, the ache was still there, and
I realized never would there be relief from despair.

But still no tears would come, they seemed all inward,
and I just didn't care.

Another day drifted by, then another year was gone,
and then two years had floated away.

And then it happened,
On one glorious night, he was there.
I knew I was dreaming, but this was
the first time I'd seen him in four years.
It was wondrous, until I fully saw his beautiful face.
It was streaked in tears.

I was overwhelmed and confused.

In the last year of his life, I had seen
him suffer unbearably,
but no tears from him ever came.

My own throat constricted. and I felt that
flood about to burst from inside.
Why, why are you crying? I asked.
And he said. You brought me so much joy,
and I am bringing you only so much pain.

No,no…I said, you have been my only joy.
And then he asked, then why are you not living?
Why are you not being all I want you to be.
Why is everything I taught you about appreciating life
being forsaken and you are living in complete disdain.

Because I miss you daddy, I miss you so.

Then, live for me. Please don't let your life go.

I awakened then, and cried and cried,
because he was again gone.
But I swore I would not disappoint him again,
I would live my life as fully as he did and would
want for me.

I took one step at a time, starting
with looking at that photo of us laughing so hard
that tears from both of us flowed.

Every day, I took another step toward fully living again
and each day drifted by, and soon a year was gone, and
then more years floated away.

I still carry the ache of losing him everyday,
But I always rejoice now for having had him in my life,
and respect his wish for me to live in everyway.
I've done a lot of writing. I've thrown myself more fully into learning more about music than I did before. I was already a music major in college, but now I'm learning every instrument I can so that I have as many ways as possible to say everything I need to say.

Connecting with other fans has been wonderful. If I thought I was alone, no writing and no music would ever soothe my pain. Fans are the best. :wub:
I personally find that working creatively helps to get my mind off of things whenever I feel too sad.
The forums are great though. I don't know what I would be without them. Its nice talking about it with fellow fans. Other people don't understand.
The people who are lovely on MJJC.

If MJJC didn't exist I don't know what would have happened.. :/

Also, Michael himself.. his message.
Michael's music.

The only three things to help me make it through all of this..(no particular order of course).
-MJJBoard friends
-A special group of personal friends
-Escapism... through books... music...
-Michael.... :(
The turnaround of many people's opinion is absolutely amazing. I know many fans are conflicted and even angry that so many now suddenly like MJ. For some of the newcomers, it really is jumping on a bandwagon and just following a trend.

But for others, the feeling is genuine. His passing was indeed like an electrical bolt that devastated fans and struck the hearts of nonfans alike. Something cosmic happened on June 25. You could feel it in the air.

When you read about people crying over his passing who had been previously generally oblivious to him, you realize MIchael inexplicably connected with people in a manner none of us may ever completely understand. And once he passed, that connection was gone, and some cried and mourned and tried to understand what was happening to them, and what had suddenly been lost. Those of us who were always cognizant of the connection were able to at least identify we were missing and mourning a part of us, a part that lightened our spirits and world.

Michael was a phenomenon in life and afterlife. So much so in afterlilfe, that as much as I miss him, I can still feel his presence. It saddens me that it is only spiritual now, but I am so grateful I connected to him early in my life and have things like youtube and this board filled will all these great photos and moments that help me relive the magic of Michael Joseph Jackson.

I think the bandwagon phase has passed. Those still around are probably all genuine fans. Once you become a fan of Michael, it's EXTREMELY hard to detach yourself from him. I can try to do that forever and ever but It'll never happen, I love him too much.

On June 25th the world flipped upside down, and I don't think it'll ever turn right side up. :(