What's helped make this last year easier to bear?


Premium Member
Jul 25, 2009
I don't know what I would have done without youtube. I go there everyday, and always find something to brighten my spirits, even if it's something that I've watched a million times.

TII helped a lot.

And of course this board...it was so great to find a place where so many understood my grieving.

What has helped you get through these last eight months?
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Absolutely This Is It and this board.

What also really really helped was MJ's popularity this last year. It's as if the world, or most of it, apologized and recognized who he was. It's sad it took his death for the world to know what it had. But boy, seeing MJ redeemed and respected made this whole thing livable.

But still, I find myself crying to this day. I've never met the man and he's more exposed now than he's been in years. Yet he's missing. He's just missing. It's so painful.
easier? I don't think there is such a thing.

@some members: How could TII help you in grieving? :blink: It's beyond me.
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This Is It really helped.

My friends at work, one in particular, she was really upset, as was I and everyday we'd just put on MJ songs and sing and dance :)

I've got 3 MJ cd's that I've always had in my car but all 3 of them have been playing in my CD player non-stop since June (I rotate them every couple of days because they've started jumping cos I've listened to me so much!) they're all I ever listen to, I cant even remember what radio sounds like!!
Here and the lovely people. Michael loving friends who have understood and my Mummy shes always there when i feel sad, she knows to just put mike on when im looking down in the dumbs!
Absolutely This Is It and this board.

What also really really helped was MJ's popularity this last year. It's as if the world, or most of it, apologized and recognized who he was. It's sad it took his death for the world to know what it had. But boy, seeing MJ redeemed and respected made this whole thing livable.

But still, I find myself crying to this day. I've never met the man and he's more exposed now than he's been in years. Yet he's missing. He's just missing. It's so painful.

My sentiments exactly :mello:
My wife, my mum, this board (not any others, just this one), TII movie and song.

I still have my moments though. It comes and goes, sometimes I think I'm doing alright and then bam, it hits me all over again.

One thing which HASN'T helped me was how intense the coverage was when it first happened. Everybody and their dog were talking about MJ, his music and videos were everywhere, people who couldn't really give a shit about him before (and probably don't give a shit now) were just jumping on the bandwagon.

It made me feel very alienated from the whole thing, as if MJ had just become public property, just another hot news story.

Now the crazy media coverage has died down, the fair-weather fans have come and gone and we're mostly left with the same people who cared before June 25th, I finally feel as if I can begin to try and make sense of this last year.

Getting my MJ tattoo felt like a special way for me to mark what he meant to me and how much he inspired me. I feel so proud to show it off to people, to show them that he is still admired and respected and remembered.
The only thing that made it easier is expanding my awareness and consciousness of what life is, what death is, and what it's all about....my beliefs and discoveries and understandings have helped me trememdously. If I truly believed that Michael had completely dissappeared, and that we would never see him again, I wouldn't have been able to bear it. But I believe, I KNOW, in my heart..that THIS IS NOT IT. We are all everlasting energetic conscious beings, and time is not a real phenomenon. It's just a perspective. Past, present and future are just a matter of persepective. Time is not linear, therefore Michael is not really 'gone', he exists. Forever...and that's why I can bear it. OK, I'm mad and angry and sad that he didnt get to perform his magical concerts and be with his children and fans. I'm heartbroken that I got so close to being with Michael and then it all got cruelly snatched away :no: but the thing that makes it OKAY (ish) is that I believe I WILL see him, he IS here forever, and his life and his love is of value and will always be of value, constantly reminding and inspiring humanity. He left more colour, more harmony and more love in the world. And definatley more sensitivity. His presence will always be felt and those who are connected in deep love, have to meet someday in someway. That knowing; and that belief has made all of this less agonizing.

Oh I believe, that you and I...
Could never really say goodbye..
Nothing's gotten easier. Sometimes things seem to go fine but then it hits you again and you go back to walking under the rainy cloud.

Well I must say if it weren't for MJJC, I have no idea. I would have probably ended up in the nuthouse.
Youtube and finding rare clips of MJ that I've never seen before help me to forget that he's really gone.
I listen to his music alot.
It also helps to do things he loved to do. Like listening to a favorite song or watching a favorite movie of his. Helps me to feel closer to him at times.
Sometimes I go to KFC or an indian restaurant when I'm feeling down. I don't know why but makes me feel sort of good inside knowing these were some of his favorite food spots. LOL.

Going over memories in my life where MJ was ever so present.

Lastly and most importantly, I pray to God. Pray that I'll get to see Michael one day, when he comes back from his rest.
MJJC and the new found respect and popularity around the world.

I didn't grieve alone.
Honestly theres only 2 things have helped me through this and one was the board for usre. i dont what i would have done without this place. its a god send! also I turned to my favorite band Hanson to heal. they helped me sooo much i cant even describe it. i know it may sounds weird to some but they did. seeing them in concert and listening to their music was just the biggest help. This is It was great and i love it but it just makes me sad so i wouldnt say it helped. it just brought the pain back.
Oh yes. Youtube is a godsend. I don't know what I would do without it and without these boards. I first came here to cope and I still cope. I need Michael in my life everyday because I just feel lost without him. I make it through by just keeping his memory alive by listening to his music and watching his videos. I can't imagine going through a day without thinking of Michael and it's pretty impossible not to anyway. I feel like I need him in my life on a daily basis. :cry:
Being a part of the MJJC Legacy Project and the support and understanding my family and friends.
Definitely this place. The summer I was barely coping, couldn't talk to anyone about it, working all the hours under the sun so I didn't have to think about Michael as it was so painful. All I wanted to do was cry. I was a complete mess. Finding this place has been a godsend as there were so many people that were feeling the same way I did and I have made some amazing friends on here who I see regularly. The meet ups have helped a lot as you can feel Michael's spirit there-the worst part about the meet ups though is when everyone goes their separate ways. You really do feel awful. This Is It has also helped. Its hard to watch at times but I am so thankful we have it. Through it Michael proved all the critics that he couldn't do it completely wrong and showed us his genius.
What also really really helped was MJ's popularity this last year. It's as if the world, or most of it, apologized and recognized who he was. It's sad it took his death for the world to know what it had. But boy, seeing MJ redeemed and respected made this whole thing livable.

But still, I find myself crying to this day. I've never met the man and he's more exposed now than he's been in years. Yet he's missing. He's just missing. It's so painful.

The turnaround of many people's opinion is absolutely amazing. I know many fans are conflicted and even angry that so many now suddenly like MJ. For some of the newcomers, it really is jumping on a bandwagon and just following a trend.

But for others, the feeling is genuine. His passing was indeed like an electrical bolt that devastated fans and struck the hearts of nonfans alike. Something cosmic happened on June 25. You could feel it in the air.

When you read about people crying over his passing who had been previously generally oblivious to him, you realize MIchael inexplicably connected with people in a manner none of us may ever completely understand. And once he passed, that connection was gone, and some cried and mourned and tried to understand what was happening to them, and what had suddenly been lost. Those of us who were always cognizant of the connection were able to at least identify we were missing and mourning a part of us, a part that lightened our spirits and world.

Michael was a phenomenon in life and afterlife. So much so in afterlilfe, that as much as I miss him, I can still feel his presence. It saddens me that it is only spiritual now, but I am so grateful I connected to him early in my life and have things like youtube and this board filled will all these great photos and moments that help me relive the magic of Michael Joseph Jackson.
well I'm kind of glad I'm not alone in the grieving because then I would have no-one to talk about it with. But, people from ALL OVER THE WORLD is grieving with me!!
It's like I can just walk outside and pick a random person and they are grieving about Michael too in some way, either for his music as he can no longer make new songs=( or the person he was! and we can talk.
My Michael friends has helped me as we can talk about it whenever we want to, watch his videos (though I'm not too comfertable with that yet. I still cry.) I can't watch slow-songs musicvideos of his. too sad.
My friends, some of who are also fans and some of who are not, but all of them were there for me and just listened to me talking about MJ all the time for the whole year.

And this board and you guys. I can't thank you enough.
Almost no one and nothing except all dear fans around the world. But still I can`t recover and I think I will never succeed. Without it, I'm half a person. He is my soul, my everything. I can`t get over him.
For me it was these:

Watching Sailor Moon on You Tube-I have been a huge fan of hers ever since I was a teenager. I am 30 now and I love her more now than I did then.

Watching some of my old favorite cartoons on you tube-They also had helped me out some.

Listening to this Medieval Renaissance type group called Blackmore's Night-I accidently discovered them back in October. And became like an instant fan of theirs. Their music is just totally amazing.

Playing both video and computer games-They have been a huge help for me

Reading-In the Fall I had gone back to reading my V.C. Andrews books. And they did helped for a little while. Until I had started reading the parts in the books that made me remind me of Michael way too much. I actually think V.C. Andrews was a Michael Jackson fan. Especially with the word moonwalk being in her one book. I think it was Melody. And I also read other books and magazines too.

My MJ message board sites-They have been a huge help. Especially seeing how the other fans have been feeling the exact same way. As I have been feeling during these past horrible months.

Bollywood-Going back to watching and listening to my favorite Bollywood movies and songs. Have helped out alot. Even they did reminded me of Michael in some way.

Watching and listening to Michael-He really did help out a lot for me but not all of the time. Same goes for looking at pictures of him.

Astronomy-Astronomy is a major huge passion of mine. And even though it does remind me of Michael alot. But it also in away gets my mind off of Michael.

and sleep-Now sleep has been the biggest help of them all. Cause when I am asleep I am not missing or crying over Michael like insanely crazy. Unless I end up having a dream or a nightmare about him. But most of the time when I sleep now it is a dreamless sleep. Since I don't dream about Michael that much anymore. But during that horrible summer and in to the early to mid Fall. I had such horrible insomnia. Because I kept on having such horrible constant vivid nightmares about Michael. But yet I still slept during that time because it really did help me take my mind off of Michael.

I still do cry and miss him more than words can ever describe. In fact every single day a few or several times a day. Ever since that horrible day. I still cry over Michael. But having and doing those things has helped me out alot. Especially since I got no friends where I live. Except for my stuffed animals, teddy bears, dolls, my old fat cat, and myself. And my entire family absolutely hates Michael Jackson. I did had one family member who I thought was a Michael Jackson fan. But turns out she really was never a fan of his. Because the day the 93 allegations came out about Michael. My only by marriage cousin turn her back on him. And now she is one of the most biggest Michael Jackson haters you could ever want to meet. I knew right away Michael was innocent. I don't know why she didn't see that. She even hates the fact that I still remain a Michael Jackson fan. Even after the 93 allegations. Well unlike her I saw that Michael is innocent. And that he would never ever hurt a child. So thank god I have my online MJ friends to turn to. At least they know and understands how I feel. I just wish I lived a lot closer to them.
I just found not talking about MJ to my friends a BIG help the more i talked about how great he was and how good the TII Concerts would have been the more depressed it made me
The turnaround of many people's opinion is absolutely amazing. I know many fans are conflicted and even angry that so many now suddenly like MJ. For some of the newcomers, it really is jumping on a bandwagon and just following a trend.

But for others, the feeling is genuine. His passing was indeed like an electrical bolt that devastated fans and struck the hearts of nonfans alike. Something cosmic happened on June 25. You could feel it in the air.

When you read about people crying over his passing who had been previously generally oblivious to him, you realize MIchael inexplicably connected with people in a manner none of us may ever completely understand. And once he passed, that connection was gone, and some cried and mourned and tried to understand what was happening to them, and what had suddenly been lost. Those of us who were always cognizant of the connection were able to at least identify we were missing and mourning a part of us, a part that lightened our spirits and world.

Michael was a phenomenon in life and afterlife. So much so in afterlilfe, that as much as I miss him, I can still feel his presence. It saddens me that it is only spiritual now, but I am so grateful I connected to him early in my life and have things like youtube and this board filled will all these great photos and moments that help me relive the magic of Michael Joseph Jackson.

Wonderful post :) I agree with everything you've said....
Even though I didn't join this board when Michael died because I didn't know about it, joining it now makes me realize it has gotton me over my pain but my heart is still broken. Seeing This Is It on DVD at my home makes me feel better because I dance along with Michael on that stage and have a blast!!!! Then towards the end, I grieve a little again. This year really is helping me a lot because I got more of his CDs and listening to more of his music really cheers me up. I'd like to thank this board, too, for helping me get over my grief!!! You guys are awesome!