what's gonna happen to the fans?

l was born in 1983 my brother presented for me since l was child and l will be forever till l die l hope l will die soon ,but michael will stay forever.......
We continue on. We help The Jackson Family preserve his legacy by supporting them
Well with all this unreleased material coming from MJ we will be united for a very long time
Ive been a fan since 91 so Im not going anywhere! Michael was the 1st artists i fell in love with when i was 8 years old. Im 25 now. I Think his passing will make us stronger and we all never forget him and we all always keep him alive. Michael is in heaven smiling down on us and making sure we all ok!
We are HIS Legacy! ...
I`m MJ Fan FOREVER....Michael Jackson is my passion, my King my spiritual father!
This year i lost my biological father... my daddy and now my spiritual father...my passion Michael Jackson! ... I`m soo alone now ... I have my mother and you... Michael Jackson fans around the world....

You are my family, now!
I can never ever forget about Michael i love him and always will even if he is gone i'll keep him in my heart. I'm not leaving i can never have too much of Michael :)
I love watching his interviews i love the way he talks i know it may sound crazy but i do :)
I will remain a massssssssssive Michael fan forever and ever.
The expression on Michael's face and his reaction to us continuing the legacy and the community makes me smile. Cos when I think about what he'd say, well, he's alive!

Besides, what a great bunch of people. It's no coincidence that Michael's fans have high values and compassion and consideration. We have him (amongst other things of course) to thank for that.

I see it on these forums, beautiful human principles displayed. I see that we care and listen to each other, I see that any time someone steps out of bounds it's considerately made known to them, and above all I see that we all strive to live Michael's message of peace, love, healing the world for which he is most proud I'm sure.

It's just a great place to be.
we fans need to really stay close togther and i love all of yall to death.... i actually moving to germany next summer to be close to some mj fans i love yall