what's gonna happen to the fans?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
+2 GMT,North Europe
What's going to happen to the world wide fan community now? Are we gonna become closer or are we gonna start fighting more? I really hope that the fan community won't die and that we will stay as close as ever.
I hope that Michael wasn't the only "glue" to keep us together. We still need each other. The world must see that we will keep Michael's legacy alive!
We need to stay together and be united and strong - we are Michaels army, an army of love. I know Im here to stay. I hope the rest of you are too
We need to stay together and be united and strong - we are Michaels army, an army of love. I know Im here to stay. I hope the rest of you are too
It sounds very nice "Michael's army of love". :yes: :)
Lets see, I'm 22 now, been a fan since I was 5. I've stuck around all these years, so I aint going no where now! I'm a die hard MJ fan 'til the very end. I hope we all will continue to support eachother and help keep his music legacy alive. I don't ever want him to be forgotten, we have to make sure he is remembered and for all the right things too.
Im here, espspecially this community, I ain't leavin it. Its my first MJ fanclub and my last hopefully!
michael is the best no1 can top him. Many can try but now one will ever reach MJ status. So as a fan from 82 to 09 i will be here until i die. I love Michael.
We will stay together to carry on Michael's legacy, spread his message and heal the world.
i didnt even think about leaving just cuz MJ is dead! there is still a lot more of MJ to come, although he is not with us :) you all became part of my life now and i cant just leave!!!
I'll be here too forever, been a long time fan. He's bought us together, and bought me great friends over the years I'll never leave them. We should stick together forever, and no fighting among us he wouldn't like us to fight.
Keep strong everyone peace!
Dear MJ fans,

Just wanted to stop by and say you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Michael Jackson was a music genius who united the whole world with his music.

I mean every one is paying tribute to one of God's unique creations that ever lived on planet earth.

Michael Jackson truly loved and cared for everyone he could reach. To him, it did not, indeed, matter if you are Black or White!

But he loved YOU, his fans, MOST of all.

ALWAYS remember that and celebrate the love and peace MJ evoked!

Stay strong, like Michael - who never gave up :)
I'll be here as long as this place is here. :)

I think his passing sort of brought us together... I've talked to and seen people on here in the past few days that I haven't spoken to in YEARS! And we're still a tight knit little family. Our adoration for Michael is what brought us here and that's what will keep us here.
I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to stay among others and keep his legacy on and on.
I think it could get larger
I was on the forum on the official MJ site till it got shut down after he died, so I joined here today so I could still be on a MJ fan forum site to be around other fans :)
We will always be united through his music and forums like this. Michael had such a big impact on so many people it would be impossible to forget about him altogether.
Been a Michael Jackson fan since the early 80s. I am 29 now and besides when I became a Michael Jackson fan back then I became a fan forever. I just wish I could live near some of you guys. I just hate living in a town that does not like Michael Jackson.
I mean it when I say that Michael's fans are the only group of people I've ever felt I belonged with. I'm sure the community we have will continue. It would be too hard on our own. xx
i am totally determined to keep visiting the boards for the rest of my days. we need to keep MJ alive. plus i enjoy it.. theres nothing that can put more of a smile on my face than discussing our michael :)