Whatever Happens IS AMAZING!! Who else is obsessed with it?

I am obsessed with it. I listen to it so often. I've even got a whole short film idea for it in my head. I can totally picture it like it's real. I just love it so much. I'd love to have seen what Michael would have come up with for it. Ah, man it gives me chills! :wub:
The soong iss amaaaaaaaaaziiing!!! this is really in his top 5 songs for reaal this song is amazing.. got such a good story, such good vocals... everyythiiing about it roocks!
I just love this song of Michael's. For some reason Whatever Happens and Threatened are the only songs from Invincible I can really handle listening to. I am listening to Whatever Happens now.


You've got to give it more time! My god girl, it's an absolute masterpiece this album! ;D