What would you want to see created in Michael Jackson's honor?

I just have to bring this quote in from Alan 'Big Al' Scanlan, who ran the Neverland amusement park for 15 years. There is an interview with him with The Examiner online.


This is what he said about Neverland and it possibly being opened up to the public:

Q: In your opinion, would you like to see Neverland Ranch become a place for fans to visit in the future to honor Mr. Jackson?

A: Absolutely! I know there has been talk both good and bad about that possibility. There have been reports of Mr. Jackson saying he hated Neverland and would never live there again. Given the acts of the DA, the Sheriff and 'that family', I do not doubt those reports. I believe eventually Mr. Jackson would have re-opened Neverland. Why do I believe that you ask (?). During my 15 years at Neverland, sitting at a picnic table under a huge oak tree, I had several long conversations with Mr. Jackson about Neverland. Looking into his eyes and hearing his voice, there is no doubt that the charity work done at Neverland was one of the most important things in his life. In time, I believe the importance of those magical days for those sick kids and inner city kids would have found its way back into Michael’s heart. The letters from doctors and nurses from children's hospital and the letters from parents who hang on to the memory of their child and that trip to Neverland, make it very clear how important Mr. Jackson’s charity work thru Neverland was. I became very good friends with a kid with Cystic Fibrosis (number 1 genetic killer of children). Jeff visited Neverland once with Children's Hospital of Los Angeles and twice as my guest during the annual employee family day. One day after taking it (Neverland) all in ... he looked at me and said "I don't know if I like Michael Jackson the entertainer (Jeff was a Lollapalooza kind of kid) but I am sure I like Michael Jackson the person". Jeff truly understood Michael and the importance of Neverland ... and as I write this and hang on to those happy memories of Jeff at Neverland, I understand the importance of Neverland. If Neverland were brought back to its 'Hay Day' condition and opened to the public part of the time to support itself and part of the time for invitation only charity events ... it would be a win - win situation.

When he puts it that way, I just hope and pray that it might someday become a reality. I really think Neverland is a very, very special place and that is why people wanted to ruin it. They wanted to ruin Michael through his loves- children and Neverland.

Well, wouldn't it be putting a stick up their arses if Neverland was restored and opened up to children again?!?!
That is a fantastic idea MsMo!

It would make Michael proud that his fans would be carrying on his charity work in the name of children and music.

Is this posted under the MJJC Legacy project as well?


Actually, I'd just thought of it while I was in this thread...runs to post it in the Legacy Thread :cheeky:

I just have to bring this quote in from Alan 'Big Al' Scanlan, who ran the Neverland amusement park for 15 years...

This is what he said about Neverland and it possibly being opened up to the public:

When he puts it that way, I just hope and pray that it might someday become a reality. I really think Neverland is a very, very special place and that is why people wanted to ruin it. They wanted to ruin Michael through his loves- children and Neverland.

Well, wouldn't it be putting a stick up their arses if Neverland was restored and opened up to children again?!?!

It's a lovely thought, a beautiful place and I tend to agree with the gentleman. However, so much has been dismantled and scattered, it would never be quite the same, i.e., animals have been placed in new homes, rides sold to various amusement parks/fairs...idk, anything is possible, and "things" can be replaced.

It certainly was no problem before busing folks in for the events all those years...

I'd really love to see it happen. Maybe it will. Something sure needs to be done with the place...

Okay, yeah, I've talked myself into believing. Why the hell not?!?!
YES! Wouldn't it be great if they hired us fans to work there :wild:
I think Michael would approve :D

Well, a girl can dream, can't I?
I'd love to see the 'children's day' he wanted become a reality, and I'd love to see that happen every august 29
I think that instead of turning Neverland into something simular to Graceland, I think it should be exclusive to a childrens charity in his name. Michael created Neverland for children who are sick or unfortunate in order to lift their spirits. Neverland would loose its magic if any common person could just show up in my opinion.
Mohammed AL Fayed said that he had commissioned a bronxe statue of MJ to be displayed at Harrods didn't he? He said it would take a couple of months to complete, but I haven't heard any more about it since. Does anybody else know anything about this?
I want to see Neverland be restored to the place it once was - Maybe then when the public can come and visit they will see the beauty of it and understand Michael a little bit more - and most importantly, the place itself can finally be justified.

I feel that we need our own "church", and Neverland would fit perfectly.
Michael Jackson Museum , a massive one like a Presidential Library (ex. Reagan Library).

- to include ALL his awards, memorabilia, etc.
- interactive activities to learn and dance like him (hehe)
- a huge theater to view his music videos
- a portion of the Museum to include his library
- a section of the Library to promote and teach visitors about all of his humanitarian works, trips, etc.

i am sure there's more. i need to think about it more.

Annual gathering for fans will be great.

I would really want to see a place that exhibits his awards and world records. Michael is the most underrated artist I've ever seen. If he wasn't, no one would compare anyone with him. All these records and hundreds of awards, and people have the audacity to compare him with others. His achievements need to be preserved and displayed for the world to see. I would like this center to be in America. Not because it's his country, but because that's where he's seriously under-appreciated. MJ is the global phenomenon. He needs to be given the respect he deserves.


Gaz, you are the BEST!!!!

MJJCommunity will be having its very own charitable foundation

The Childhood Foundation - In Honour Of Michael Jackson

Coming Soon Guys
these ideas are great! Something really should be done in Michael's memory. Its doesnt seem fair that alot of fans of passed icons have something to visit and memories to share all together. Michael was just as great and any of the others so Im all for Neverland being a musueam or traveling coventions.
I think that instead of turning Neverland into something simular to Graceland, I think it should be exclusive to a childrens charity in his name. Michael created Neverland for children who are sick or unfortunate in order to lift their spirits. Neverland would loose its magic if any common person could just show up in my opinion.

That would really be something to honor Michael and continue on his wishes. Sometimes I think that 20% left to charities in Michael's will should go to a charity created in Michael's name by the estate. Then that charity will supervise bringing in sick and underpriviliged children to Neverland.

I do wish that Neverland stays within Michael's legacy. So instead of associating Neverland with negativity, it will have an overpowering positive presence in honor of Michael. PLus, it would be nice if Michael's children could inherit the property because their father had loved it so much.

MJJCommunity will be having its very own charitable foundation

The Childhood Foundation - In Honour Of Michael Jackson

Coming Soon Guys

Wow, Gaz! That is wonderful and exciting. I can't wait to learn more about this new foundation!

I want to see Neverland be restored to the place it once was - Maybe then when the public can come and visit they will see the beauty of it and understand Michael a little bit more - and most importantly, the place itself can finally be justified.

I feel that we need our own "church", and Neverland would fit perfectly.

ITA with you Bruce. I want Neverland to be restored and become a happy and positive place again. Whether it be only for sick and underprivileged children or open to tourists, I just want to see it because a place of joy again.

I would really want to see a place that exhibits his awards and world records. Michael is the most underrated artist I've ever seen. If he wasn't, no one would compare anyone with him. All these records and hundreds of awards, and people have the audacity to compare him with others. His achievements need to be preserved and displayed for the world to see. I would like this center to be in America. Not because it's his country, but because that's where he's seriously under-appreciated. MJ is the global phenomenon. He needs to be given the respect he deserves.

Oh, Zizousama. . . you are so right in that Michael is the most underrated artist. People almost seemed to forgot what he had accomplished in his career since the first allegations struck. Since he passed away, some people have enlightened themselves to everything Michael had done in his short life and know how amazing he was and how prolific his career was.

But yes, there needs to be a place where all of this can be on display and learn what the REAL MAN was all about. . . not the image, not the tabloid portrayal, but the Man, Musician, Entertainer, Dancer, and Creator.
I would really want to see a place that exhibits his awards and world records. Michael is the most underrated artist I've ever seen. If he wasn't, no one would compare anyone with him. All these records and hundreds of awards, and people have the audacity to compare him with others. His achievements need to be preserved and displayed for the world to see. I would like this center to be in America. Not because it's his country, but because that's where he's seriously under-appreciated. MJ is the global phenomenon. He needs to be given the respect he deserves.

I couldn't agree with you more.:cheers: Just a room or exhibition to house his various awards would take an enormous space or room. Some people need a visual sense of the accomplishments. :dancin:
You are right, it needs to be in America and I would like to nominate Washington, D.C. so that we can say to the elite in this society (which frowns upon MJ or treated him hatefully) the HELL with you all.
Plus getting around DC is alot more easier that LA. NY would be a great place too. But NOT GARY IN.:bugeyed
It would infuriate the elite (politicians, media, snobs)to see a large museum that honored Michael which would be visited by people from around the world. If aliens existed they would probably come and visit the museum as well:hysterical:
IMO LA might not be the best place because for tourists I found LA very inaccessible and not that tourist friendly (transportation and getting around):bugeyed.
I think a Museum which can incorporate various activities, exhibitions, displays, would be great.

It would also be a great place for an annual pilgrimage of fans from around the world. Prince, Paris, and Blanket can see how loved their father was because I know the fans would show up in droves.:better:
I feel like Michael just was never respected anywhere after the allegations took their toll on him, both of them.

How about this? The estate buys a private island and makes it a Michael Jackson paradise! They can relocate Neverland there. We can have the museums, library, statue, conventions, hospital, all there on one island!

It would be like a small Michael Jackson country! Oh god, that would be the ultimate honor! Maybe they can even move his body there and then he can reside as King of his own little island!

What a dream!

and we all can live on that island!!!!! :clapping:
MJJCommunity will be having its very own charitable foundation

The Childhood Foundation - In Honour Of Michael Jackson

Coming Soon Guys

wooooow thank you so much Gaz :agree::wub:
I would like to see a museum in his honor. And I'd love to see a children's hospital and a school in his honor somewhere in Africa or elsewhere, where it would be most needed.
MJ was into helping people especially children so maybe some sort of foundation set up in his name. Something to promote music and dance would be good too.
I would like to see a worldwide children’s day celebration every year. Michael would love it the most.
I think that we need to officially document his contributions and achievements and gather them for doubters to see before creating hospitals and schools.. etc in his honor. Some ignorants would say "Why create something in honor of him?" Then, we'll be able to tell them "THIS IS WHY!" Because he's the greatest artist in him craft and the biggest contributor to charity of all entertainers and we have proof. So, he deserves to be honored and commemorated more than Elvis, Beatles or anybody else. I'm not talking about just now, but about the future. I mean come on, MJ was underrated when alive. Don't you think there will be attempts to belittle his greatness in death and especially when all the grief and interest caused by his death subside?
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I think that we need to officially document his contributions and achievements and gather them for doubters to see before creating hospitals and schools.. etc in his honor. Some ignorants would say "Why create something in honor of him?" Then, we'll be able to tell them "THIS IS WHY!" Because he's the greatest artist in him craft and the biggest contributor to charity of all entertainers and we have proof. So, he deserves to be honored and commemorated more than Elvis, Beatles or anybody else. I'm not talking about just now, but about the future. I mean come on, MJ was underrated when alive. Don't you think there will be attempts to belittle his greatness in death and especially when all the grief and interest caused by his death subside?

ITA with you. I think the MJJC Legacy project is going to help a lot with that. :)