What would you want to see created in Michael Jackson's honor?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
We all know that Michael Jackson was one of the most influential musical and dance performers of the 20th century and that his contributions are going to continue to affect generation after generation. But it's well-known that if there is a tangible place or an event remembering a certain important person, their memory is kept alive even more and stronger. We all know that Graceland has kept Elvis's music and memory alive and kicking for the last 30 years. The Kennedy family have libraries and even the Kennedy Center in Washington DC. Dolly Parton has an amusement park.

So I have a few ideas of what would be a great way for Michael's name and legacy to stay fresh for each generation. Tell me what you think and add your own ideas.

1) Neverland- Of course, it would be wonderful if Michael's former home could be turned into a type of Graceland. But it seems there are too many barriers. There has been talk about moving Neverland to a different location, but it wouldn't be the same for me. Michael lived in Neverland in Santa Ynez County.

2) Michael-Stock- Sort of like annual musical festival to celebrate, like Woodstock. . . well, it would be as big as Woodstock! LOL!

3) Michael Jackson Museum- Maybe in Los Angeles or NYC. Also, have a traveling exhibit that goes all over the world.

4) Michael Jackson Library- This is one of my favorite ideas because Michael loved books and loved to read. I would love for a beautiful library to be built in his honor and somewhere were a lot of people could visit. Maybe there could even be a mini-museum in the library to display some of his memorabilia.

5) Michael Jackson Performing Arts School - This is my favorite idea because it brings together Michael's most passionate endeavors, performing and children. At this school dance, music, acting, etc. can be taught to children.

6) Michael Jackson Conventions- A place where MJ fans can meet and have lectures, seminars, parties, and just go to celebrate Michael. Can learn anything and everything about Michael here.

7) Michael Jackson Performing Arts Center- Like the Kennedy Performing Arts Center in Washington DC.

So what are your ideas????
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I think it would be wonderful if there was a hospital in honor of Michael, something kind of like Shriners.
I think it would be wonderful if there was a hospital in honor of Michael, something kind of like Shriners.

Yes me too! A performing arts school as well, I really think he would love that. Also a national childrens day, that he talked about. And it should be on August 29th, in his name.
I love all these ideas!

I think a Children's Day, like Michael wanted would be the ultimate honor. But how would you go about getting that official? Like who made official Mother's Day and Father's Day?
Michael Jackson Museum , a massive one like a Presidential Library (ex. Reagan Library).

- to include ALL his awards, memorabilia, etc.
- interactive activities to learn and dance like him (hehe)
- a huge theater to view his music videos
- a portion of the Museum to include his library
- a section of the Library to promote and teach visitors about all of his humanitarian works, trips, etc.

i am sure there's more. i need to think about it more.

Annual gathering for fans will be great.
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I'd like to see schools built in third world countries where education is very scarce.
Michael Jackson Museum , a massive one like a Presidential Library (ex. Reagan Library).

- to include ALL his awards, memorabilia, etc.
- interactive activities to learn and dance like him (hehe)
- a huge theater to view his music videos
- a portion of the Museum to include his library
- a section of the Library to promote and teach visitors about all of his humanitarian works, trips, etc.

i am sure there's more. i need to think about it more.

Annual gathering for fans will be great.

OMG, I think I would go visit this place every single year!!! Maybe even move to the city where it is located and get a job there. LOL!
Michael Jackson Museum , a massive one like a Presidential Library (ex. Reagan Library).

- to include ALL his awards, memorabilia, etc.
- interactive activities to learn and dance like him (hehe)
- a huge theater to view his music videos
- a portion of the Museum to include his library
- a section of the Library to promote and teach visitors about all of his humanitarian works, trips, etc.

i am sure there's more. i need to think about it more.

Annual gathering for fans will be great.

Wow, so many great ideas :D Either one of them would have been great, but I don't know about the Neverland-thing :S It might have been great, and I would definately have visited, but the hatred Michael had about it after the police tore it apart is always haunting my mind.. The Neverland Michael built will never be the same :/

The international children's day would have been awsome! He would love for that to happen..
The town I grew up in have a children's day and I remember that I always loved and looked forward for it, I had so much fun! Each child in the world deserves such a day.
A Gigantic Statue like the HIStory one!

But aren't there already statues in various parts of the world. Isn't there one in Norway?

Artwork would be a cool idea. Maybe an exhibit with sculptures, paintings, and other expressions of art.
But aren't there already statues in various parts of the world. Isn't there one in Norway?

Artwork would be a cool idea. Maybe an exhibit with sculptures, paintings, and other expressions of art.

Yea I know, but I was thinking the size and scale of Liberty (New York's one) or Christ the Redeemer (the supersize one of Jesus Christ in Brazil).

Now that would be cool!
Yea I know, but I was thinking the size and scale of Liberty (New York's one) or Christ the Redeemer (the supersize one of Jesus Christ in Brazil).

Now that would be cool!


I love the Christ Redeemer statue in Brazil.

Where would you suggest they put this super sized MJ statue?
Michael Jackson Museum, a massive one like a Presidential Library (ex. Reagan Library).

- to include ALL his awards, memorabilia, etc.
- interactive activities to learn and dance like him (hehe)
- a huge theater to view his music videos
- a portion of the Museum to include his library
- a section of the Library to promote and teach visitors about all of his humanitarian works, trips, etc.


I think interactive exhibits in an MJ Museum would be cool too; like you press a button on one and it talks or plays a video. Something like that. I know there are interactive exhibits in the Washington Library. Also the room wouldn't just play his music videos but his concerts too (J5 and solo artist stuff). But I agree with you completely, I see an MJ Museum that would be something like the Presidential Libraries. It would have the latest technology.

3) Michael Jackson Museum- Maybe in Los Angeles or NYC. Also, have a traveling exhibit that goes all over the world.

4) Michael Jackson Library- This is one of my favorite ideas because Michael loved books and loved to read. I would love for a beautiful library to be built in his honor and somewhere were a lot of people could visit. Maybe there could even be a mini-museum in the library to display some of his memorabilia.

5) Michael Jackson Performing Arts School - This is my favorite idea because it brings together Michael's most passionate endeavors, performing and children. At this school dance, music, acting, etc. can be taught to children.

6) Michael Jackson Conventions- A place where MJ fans can meet and have lectures, seminars, parties, and just go to celebrate Michael. Can learn anything and everything about Michael here.

7) Michael Jackson Performing Arts Center- Like the Kennedy Performing Arts Center in Washington DC.


The Performing Arts School, Conventions and Museum sounds great. The Library sounds good too. I think would have to be privately funded to have a museum in it. If it were a public library (for example, in Gary) people would have to push for it. The law building at my unversity was named after the father of our local representative b/c he pushed for it.

Does anybody know what buildings are named after Michael or in his honor? I think he has an auditorium or gym named after him in Gary, but I think his name was covered up during the trials. There's also the Michael Jackson Burn Center.
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Does anybody know what buildings are named after Michael or in his honor? I think he has an auditorium or gym named after him in Gary, but I think his name was covered up during the trials. There's also the Michael Jackson Burn Center.

Argh, are you serious? That's so ghetto. And they wanted him to be buried in Gary?!?!?
I feel like Michael just was never respected anywhere after the allegations took their toll on him, both of them.

How about this? The estate buys a private island and makes it a Michael Jackson paradise! They can relocate Neverland there. We can have the museums, library, statue, conventions, hospital, all there on one island!

It would be like a small Michael Jackson country! Oh god, that would be the ultimate honor! Maybe they can even move his body there and then he can reside as King of his own little island!

What a dream!
I feel like Michael just was never respected anywhere after the allegations took their toll on him, both of them.

How about this? The estate buys a private island and makes it a Michael Jackson paradise! They can relocate Neverland there. We can have the museums, library, statue, conventions, hospital, all there on one island!

It would be like a small Michael Jackson country! Oh god, that would be the ultimate honor! Maybe they can even move his body there and then he can reside as King of his own little island!

What a dream!

if i can get a job and a house i'll be there with you Elmari:dancin:

you're right. its really really sad.
if i can get a job and a house i'll be there with you Elmari:dancin:

you're right. its really really sad.

Yay! And it would be a really classy place like Neverland was.

We'd also demand that Jermaine has nothing to do with it! LOL!
Oh let's see..

A children's Hospital...

Libraries all over the country ... since he loved reading :)

Scholarships in his name...
[FONT=&quot]Lots of marvelous ideas y'all.

Just the other day when I saw this commercial: http://www.vh1savethemusic.com/ ,
I was thinking that it would be cool if we, as a group, could send a donation in Michael's name to:


A non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of education in America’s public schools by restoring music programs in cities across the country, and raising public awareness about the importance of music participation for our nation’s youth.

:agree: Yeah, it's a VH1 foundation, but it's for a good cause and other celebs are already contributors...it's another option that we could do with minor effort this year, because it's gonna take a while to create a foundation of our own.

I'm still that Michael's estate will create an organization that we can all be a part of. I think that would actually be better than a lot of small fragmented foundations doing duplicate types of things.

One "Major Love" organization with several branches would be really fabulous. Like even right here on this forum, we have a MJJ Legacy Project in the works that the ideas in this thread could be a part of. [/FONT]http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=77535
Just my 10 cents.

Save The Music Foundation has received support from the following celebrities:

[FONT=&quot]Lots of marvelous ideas y'all.

Just the other day when I saw this commercial: http://www.vh1savethemusic.com/ ,
I was thinking that it would be cool if we, as a group, could send a donation in Michael's name to:


A non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of education in America’s public schools by restoring music programs in cities across the country, and raising public awareness about the importance of music participation for our nation’s youth.

:agree: Yeah, it's a VH1 foundation, but it's for a good cause and other celebs are already contributors...it's another option that we could do with minor effort this year, because it's gonna take a while to create a foundation of our own.

I'm still that Michael's estate will create an organization that we can all be a part of. I think that would actually be better than a lot of small fragmented foundations doing duplicate types of things.

One "Major Love" organization with several branches would be really fabulous. Like even right here on this forum, we have a MJJ Legacy Project in the works that the ideas in this thread could be a part of. [/FONT]http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=77535
Just my 10 cents.

Save The Music Foundation has received support from the following celebrities:


That is a fantastic idea MsMo!

It would make Michael proud that his fans would be carrying on his charity work in the name of children and music.

Is this posted under the MJJC Legacy project as well?