What would you do if...............

time to quit thinking about dancing the night away

what would you do if you ran out of cream when you just made a full pot of coffee?
Juggle them

what would you do if everyone around you disappeared and you were the only person left on earth
Wooooooooooohooooo lol :D.. have a little fun and then get lonely and wish people were there again lol..

What would you do if you had to listen to one artist(their music) you aren't a fan of for a day??:lol:
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Oh gosh, I did that once :lol: Well I listened music that my cousin likes, and she listened MJ for about 50-100 songs :lol:

What would you do if you farted in the middle of quiet moment?
try to find my biological parents and ask them why they gave me up

what would u do if u won a day with michael ?
LOL Eavesdropperrr! :lol:

Try and find out who it was LOL be shocked.

What would you do if you placed on sun glasses and saw life as it was in your exact spot 2,000 years ago?
It has felt that way for 2 days now :upside_down: :lol:

what would you do if you saw a mountain lion in your backyard
have fun :)

what would you do if someone you were dating asked you to marry them a week after you started seeing each other
Make a run for it :lol:

what would you do if all your friends and famiy didn't recognise you anymore? :eek:
:lol: I have before and didnt realise it was just someone locked out and called the police LOL I didnt have a good view of them haha! :bugeyed

What would you do if your bath water turnt into chocolate while taking a bath?
Realise they were no good to have in my life and say Buh bye

what would you do if bubbles started to come out of your mouth everytime you sang?
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :toofunny: :bugeyed SCREAM!

what would you do if you went for lunch at someones house and the bread they used for sandwiches they made you was mouldy? :puke:
Be amazed that I stood there and counted that their were exactly 2000 :lol:

what would you do if if you opened your closet doors and the ghost from ghosts was in there and screamed HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in your face? LOL