What would you do if...............

I'd scare everyone away so they stop bugging me

what would you do if you woke up one morning and you had webbed feet
I would probably love it:wub:

what would you do if Starbucks gave you an extra frappuccino because they made too much, would you drink your drink plus the extra:wild: :D
I drank it all yesterday and thought I was gonna have a heart attack:wild::lol:

If it was true I'd invest it in something

what would you do if you asked for one scoop of ice cream and they gave you 5 scoops :icecream:
aaawwww probably keep it or take it to the no-kill shelter here, then post flyers and if nobody claimed it I'd adopted it:wub: I found a stray chihuahua once and did all that, his owners found him the next day at the shelter I was so happy:D

what would you do if we all had to resort to public transportation to get around, no more cars allowed
:puke: they will be buying me some new food or I'm eating theirs because they ruined mine

what would you do if you saw someone wipe their nose when they were preparing your food :puke:
I would pray they didn't fall because I couldn't take seeing something like that happen

what would you do if you woke up and your mouth was sealed shut:shutup:
wonder why? Then ask them did Guido send them? :lol:

what would you do if you heard a train coming and it all of
a sudden showed up right through your house and railroad
tracks suddenly appeared in your room? :eek:
Get the heck out of the way lmbo LOL

What would you do if you could switch and live between real life and a a dream?
I would probably think it was fake because I can't tell the difference:lol:

What would you do if a neighborhood cat kept coming into your yard and killing your birds:mello:
Be annoyed.. be mad.. Idk how to keep this cat away though??since a lot of cats like to be outdorrs.

what would you do if someone you absolutely couldn't stand tripped but didn't hurt themselves???
I would be "whoa, this is crazy, but kind of cool!!"

What if you could hear what people where saying ( in their minds) They weren't talking out loud but you could still hear them??:eek:
edit: that would be cool and scary

cry because my mind is already cluttered with too many thoughts as it is

what would you do if you were told you can only drink coffee for the rest of your life
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that would rock! reminds me of the film with mel gibson
what women want? LOL

Edit...Id like it :p

what would you do if you woke up and your were
floating on a cloud in the sky up high?
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probably pass out because I'm afraid of heights

what would you do if all of a sudden your car started driving in reverse
omg I would die hitting anything in the road

what would you do if you ordered pancakes for breakfast and instead of cooking them they gave you a plate full of batter

That would make me happy:wub:

what would you do if you asked for a glass of water and when they gave it to you a fish was swimming in it

haha that would be fun. Could you see it being in a meeting or something and someone annoys you, you levitate them up right out the door:lol:

what would you do if you were sitting in a restaraunt and a roach ran across the floor:eek: