What were you doing an hour ago

^^ Because its why I am what I am when I was what I became what I am now :mellow: :huh:

(THAT is what i do all day long :lol:)
That makes absolutely NO sense at all and Im not sure it's even correct :lol:
:lol; the fact I managed to confuse you to the point grammatical sense is no longer clear is amusing :lol:

Laughing my head off!
'i am when I was'? I don't think that's correct really :lol:
Karom, it isn't but it fits cause well its okay to be grammatically incorrect if its nonsense, not meant to make sense :lol:

wondering why, Karom kept inflaming my insanity?
Don't know...guess you can relate to my insanity and I to yours :huh:

any idiot could make an gramatically incorrect nonsense but only a :smarty: person could make a gramatically flawless nonsense that not even I could make sense of :D
:lol: you callin me an idiot :huh:........................................I bitechu now..............!

turning this thread into a hilariously fun debate about grammar
Not exactly...just saying that even an idiot could come up with something like "I am when I was"

arguing with whisper about imortals or something
trying to get Silent Hill Shattered Memories to work on the PCSX2 emulator on my pc..shame they didn't make a pc version