What was your VERY first impression of Michael?

Apparently I saw Captain EO when I was 5 (1988) in Disney World but I don't remember it! :( My parents said I was afraid of the movie though! :lol:

The first thing I actually remember was watching his videos on MTV at my friend's house in the early 1990s. We would imitate the "AOW"s and the crotch grab. My friend's mom laughed -- and since we were eight-year-old girls I understand why it was funny! I thought Michael was beautiful and exciting, and of course I thought his dance moves were extraordinary.

This is a total side note, but this is reminding me of my first memories of Madonna in the early 90s when Erotica and the Sex book came out -- my mom explained to me that she was a singer but "let people take pictures of her during private moments." I couldn't figure out what "private" really meant so I thought she meant.... she took pictures of herself in the bathroom! :lol: Haha, children's views of the world!
Oh man...hard to remember it exactly, cause i was like a toddler back then.
It must have been Thriller, i loved that like crazy, and i was scared of it like
crazy at the same time, lol. Let's just keep it at 'incredible awesome' as a first
Mmmmmm...This thread is so cozy! It feels like sitting around the fireplace during a winter night as we all speak to relive our first MJ moments.

Thank you.This is why I started it... .
I don't remember. Michael has always been there ever since I was a tiny baby. I grew up with him so I cant even remember my first impression of him I was that young.
Hahaha ohhh memories!!! :heart:
I was in kinder and I was afraid of him couse he was a warewolf and a zombie :D
Then I saw Moonwalker and feel in love with him from the very first second. I fall in love with his feet and his shoes and his socks and then BAM MITM started. The rest is history :wub::wub::wub:
So it was not love at firts sight but almost :cheeky:
From what I can remember the first impression I got from seeing him on TV was that there was something very magical and surreal about him.
Going back into the time machine for this one...

Mid-70s, my entire extended family was a J5 fan, when they moved to CBS, even more so.

I remember MJ being the leader of the group and I loved his voice. My brothers and I would mimic the robot dance MJ did with electric boogie moves.

Then Off the Wall came out and FLIPPED OUT over MJ. Been a fan since then.
Well im only 14 and i truely fell in love with him when i was about 9, even though ive loved his music mum says scince i was tiny i dont truely count myself a fan till around 2004. I heard what people were saying that he was a (i hate to say it) and i just remeber thinking no way. The first time i layed eyes on him i knew this was a beautiful man, he couldnt hurt anyone. His music was the only thing i feel kept me going when i was younger, i was being so badley bullied, i told no one though, it hust to much to say what i was feeling then, but his music showed me there is true beauty out there in the world. My love for him is undoubtable because i know if it wasnt for him i would have faild this life long ago! He is the only thing to have ever given me true strength!
I was very little and I know I was blown away, because he seems so magical to me, like he was a magician actually (because of scenes of Moonwalker and advertisment of Captain EO).

One memory I know FOR SURE is when I saw the dangerous live concert in 1992 on tv (Idk if it was Bukarest) and Michael was doing the moonwalk, I thought he was using a treadmill... not only thought, I was CONVINCED that he must have use one and I was telling and asking my mum about it, I was so blown away, I couldn't believe that someone could do this :lol:
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My first impression was amzing , it was when I heard Bad for the first time, I think I were about 7 years old. But I went a "fan" first 2005 .
my first impression was that of a magical innocent human being, that was alone in this world, with his innocence. although it was clear that he had that magnetism that set off many fans, to not be able to get enough of him. always leaving them wanting more. unlike any other artist i have ever seen, whose magnetism was very limited. watching motown 25 video.
I was 6 when the Motown 25 show aired on tv. I vaguely remember the commercials the network played to advertise the show and how there would be a "special performance by Michael Jackson." My brother and I were super excited because my parents had just bought the Thriller album and we couldn't wait to see the show. I don't remember ANY of the show before the Jacksons and Michael came on. I really only remember Michael's performance of Billie Jean and watching him perform with the fedora and the black sequin jacket (which I heard was his mom's) and his now trademark white sequin glove. Man, watching him perform the moonwalk for the first time....incredible. My brother and I went absolutely nuts!!! Big fan after that.
I guess I have to be honest here.

My earliest memory is the Earth Song video. I guess I was about 3 or 4 years old then so I dont think I really had an impresson of him.

The next thing I remember is LWMJ in 2003. By this time I was 11. I had never seen or heard anyone like him before, so I did think he was slightly weird.......

A year or so later, my mu got me the number ones dvd and I watched it once and was hooked.

When she bought it me I thought, :| what has she got me this for!? I like Billie Jean and You Rock My World and thats it!

Thinking back on that thought makes me laugh so much. Just simply knowing what it started. It was quite a journey from 2003 to 2009.......one which I thought would have a happy ending and Michael would shut everyone up. It upsets me to know that it would end with him passing away.

I believe we have started a new journey now, after his death.
I guess I have to be honest here.

My earliest memory is the Earth Song video. I guess I was about 3 or 4 years old then so I dont think I really had an impresson of him.

When I saw the Earth Song vid for the first time I was quite scared of that bit at the end where he gets into it and the huge wind comes with all the lightening. As a 4 year old kid, I was like wow, I hope that never happens....

But yeah I also remember my sister showing me the Dangerous album and I was just fascinated by the artwork of the album - it was just so interesting with the eyes and that. And she told me about Bubbles and I was like omg, I wish I could have a monkey!
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I was 12 and thought I just saw a Magician at work. I was standing in front a TV that was playing "Live in Bucharest". His stage presence blew me away. By the time "Man in the Mirror" came on I was so mesmerized, I thought he's the most beautiful being on the planet, so intense.
I just couldn't move away.
Going back into the time machine for this one...

Mid-70s, my entire extended family was a J5 fan, when they moved to CBS, even more so.

I remember MJ being the leader of the group and I loved his voice. My brothers and I would mimic the robot dance MJ did with electric boogie moves.

Then Off the Wall came out and FLIPPED OUT over MJ. Been a fan since then.

Yeah, The Robot. I do remember watching him do that back then. And I remember watching little Janet do her Mae West impressions. So cute.
Yeah, The Robot. I do remember watching him do that back then. And I remember watching little Janet do her Mae West impressions. So cute.

Janet was sooo CUTE!!!!!!

And you remember her from Good Times as Penny - lawdy lawd did I cry when she first came on to the show. I remember being terrified of irons after that.
OMG.... *hiding* ... I haven't read everyone else's responses yet, but I know exactly what I was thinking. I was 11 years old (um, a little sheltered, lol... we didn't have MTV yet and it was January 1984). I was watching the AMA's and out came this person all gorgeous and sparkly and shy and my honest-to-God reaction was "They said the name 'Michael'? Wait... that's a guy?" *hiding again* His voice was so high and he was too beautiful, lol. But in my defense, if I need any,... I was a kid. :cheeky: I thought he was quite interesting and he totally intrigued me, mesmerized me. After I got over the initial confusion, lol. Over the next two months I read everything I could possibly find, every interview ever, even going through the library for them. God, i remember that whole "for the girls in the balcony" sunglasses removal moment on the Grammy's a month after the AMA's. ::faint:: By that summer I was in LOVE. Forever and ever. I always think of the J5 song 'Forever Came Today' when I think of how I fell in love with him back then. Awww, Michael :cry: :wub:

To add:
LOL I guess I have to be completely honest here. The first time I ever laid eyes on MJ was when I was about 3 or 4 years old, I got a glimpse of him in a newspaper and I thought he was a girl *hides*
LOL, you don't have to hide alone. Let's cower together, lolol.
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