What was your VERY first impression of Michael?


Ok. This is the question LOL. How do you remember your VERY FIRST time seeing or hearing Michael? How was it? Was it on TV, concert, radio etc? What was your VERY FIRST impression?
Did you like him right away or it was average reaction? Anybody remembers what EXACTLY you were thinking at this moment?
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yes, 1997!

my cousin brought this VHS tape of MJ's videos.
I thought he was the most beautiful human being ever... i was dazzled all right.
and though i couldn't understand English [back then] I loved his music.

and i just remember saying

"I'm gonna marry him one day"...
Hmm...I'm only 16, and my first memory of him is watching Thriller in the early 2000s...obviously I thought it was great.

I didn't start REALLY liking him until December 28th 2008, but I've always respected him...never thought he was a freak or anything like that either.

I remember there being some program about him around 2003, his plastic surgery, the blanket incident, etc and I asked my dad "Why is he white now?" he said "Because he was ashamed to be black, so he bleached his skin".

There was just something about it all...it just didn't seem right, I felt sorry for him and didn't believe what my dad said...

Although I vaguely remember in 2004, saying something about him that made a friend say something like 'Don't say that! He's not a freak and he has the best music ever!" I felt really bad after that.
yes, 1997!

my cousin brought this VHS tape of MJ's videos.
I thought he was the most beautiful human being ever... i was dazzled all right.
and though i couldn't understand English [back then] I loved his music.

and i just remember saying

"I'm gonna marry him one day"...

This is funny lol Which/song video gave you the strongest impression? Mine was Billie Jean LOL
Yeah. I knew MJ ever since I was little but I just thought he was an extremely different person who simply did out of the ordinary things. Like he was sort of crazy to me because I never really knew him.

I didn't even know he was Black until I watched the Bashir Documentary. I didn't know a whole lot about him to tell you the truth but that documentary really changed me. I fell in love with MJ overnight.
People made a big fuss over what MJ said and did on that Doc but I couldn't understand what everyone else was beating themselves over for. While everyone was bashing him, I was slowly falling in Love with him. I thought there was something wrong with me because everything they were hating on him for, I was loving him for more and more but I realized how misunderstood he was simply because he chose to be seperate from the mold. I started to understand why he did certain things. I started to identify with him.
Where was Michael Jackson my whole life? I felt so bad for not having known who this man really was aside from what the media and friends wanted you to think. But it's better to have known him later than never.

That Billie Jean background song on the Documentary that came on and off during commercial breaks really did it for me too. I never heard a song like that before, truly captivating.

but yeah I love threads like this, It's always refreshing to relive your truly first MJ moment.
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I was in line at the super market and saw his face plastered on a tabloid, I took one look at him and thought, "Must be some famous devil worshipper...."

Glad thats all changed! Now I know better, :yes: Tabliods give bad first impressions, thank god I had the brain to do my own investigating on him!
1995. when I was 4 years old I think this is my first MJ moment.. :lol:

Bear in mind I wasn't a fan then but I clearly remember referring to him as the King of Pop.
I was in line at the super market and saw his face plastered on a tabloid, I took one look at him and thought, "Must be some famous devil worshipper...."

Glad thats all changed! Now I know better, :yes: Tabliods give bad first impressions, thank god I had the brain to do my own investigating on him!

WOW This is very interesting. What year was it? Funny, how ppl remember their very first thoughts about MJ. LOL
All I remember was seeing Black or White on T.V when I was younger. Don't know what age that was, but I'm 17 now, so yea. I just remember liking the song but not really thinking anything else of him. lol I feel bad. Then I saw that Michael Jackson Private Home Movies on T.V and I just remember begging my mom to take me to Neverland after I watched it. :lol: yeaa... didn't happen. She said it was "too far away."
Oh yea, this is quite shallow but I remember watching Billie Jean back in the day (I had no idea it was MJ- yes, I know...unforgivable.. :shock:) and I thought he was just the most prettiest thing I've ever seen. I was 3-4 years old. >_< Haha!!

I remember being so fascinated by that video. The beat of the music, the visuals in the video, the tiles glowing as he steps on them.

It's such a shame I didn't know that was Michael J. I would have become a fan so much more earlier...
1995. when I was 4 years old I think this is my first MJ moment.. :lol:

Bear in mind I wasn't a fan then but I clearly remember referring to him as the King of Pop.

Same here, I think I associated him with being the King of Pop before I actually learned that his name was Michael Jackson though, which was much later and don't ask what planet I was living on lol I was just a ditsy little Pocahontas obssessed Barbie girl:no:
LOL I guess I have to be completely honest here. The first time I ever laid eyes on MJ was when I was about 3 or 4 years old, I got a glimpse of him in a newspaper and I thought he was a girl *hides* My dad and I had a huge argument over this :lmao: He insisted Michael Jackson was a boy, and I was trying to tell him that he was a girl because he had long hair. When you're that age you distinguish girls from boys by the length of their hair :lol: And MJ had long hair (I can't believe I still remember this :lol:). But anyway, once I saw him on television performing, I was blown away. His dancing, his signing, everything was like magic. I don't know what it was about him, but he really had the ability to pull you in and you couldn't help but watch him when he was on stage. He was a magnet.

So, to answer your question, my first impression of him was that he was a girl *hides again* but that he was super special. Like no one else.
LOL I guess I have to be completely honest here. The first time I ever laid eyes on MJ was when I was about 3 or 4 years old, I got a glimpse of him in a newspaper and I thought he was a girl *hides* My dad and I had a huge argument over this :lmao: He insisted Michael Jackson was a boy, and I was trying to tell him that he was a girl because he had long hair. When you're that age you distinguish girls from boys by the length of their hair :lol: And MJ had long hair (I can't believe I still remember this :lol:). But anyway, once I saw him on television performing, I was blown away. His dancing, his signing, everything was like magic. I don't know what it was about him, but he really had the ability to pull you in and you couldn't help but watch him when he was on stage. He was a magnet.

So, to answer your question, my first impression of him was that he was a girl *hides again* but that he was super special. Like no one else.

Cuute-ness! :D
I'm 16 and my earliest memory of Michael was probably somewhere around 1995-1997 maybe? And it was of Thriller and I was absolutely terrified of Michael. lmao. But I was always fascinated by Michael. He always amazed me and I loveeee his voice. :heart:
For me, it was Thriller, that's the first time I really saw Michael...I remember my parents had the Thriller album on vinyl...and, it was a tradition to watch Thriller on MuchMusic (Canada's version of MTV) every year on Halloween night...My dad would call us downstairs to watch it, and I remember my sister and I being really scared of it, but of course, we couldn't keep our eyes off the screen..lol...I also remember dressing like him when I was little, I would wear a little red jacket, sunglasses, and a microphone...and TWO gloves, haha..not sure why two...lol

I remember thinking that Michael was pretty amazing, even at a young age...My parents, especially my mother, really loved him too, so they encouraged me quite a bit as well..
My very first impression was when I was ..about 11. The first time I listened to "Heal the World" and totally felt in love with the song. I was like "That must be the sweetest song I have ever known",at that time I didn't understand even a single word in HTW [I'm not native English] but his angelic voice amazed me a lot
LOL I guess I have to be completely honest here. The first time I ever laid eyes on MJ was when I was about 3 or 4 years old, I got a glimpse of him in a newspaper and I thought he was a girl *hides* My dad and I had a huge argument over this :lmao: He insisted Michael Jackson was a boy, and I was trying to tell him that he was a girl because he had long hair. When you're that age you distinguish girls from boys by the length of their hair :lol: And MJ had long hair (I can't believe I still remember this :lol:). But anyway, once I saw him on television performing, I was blown away. His dancing, his signing, everything was like magic. I don't know what it was about him, but he really had the ability to pull you in and you couldn't help but watch him when he was on stage. He was a magnet.

So, to answer your question, my first impression of him was that he was a girl *hides again* but that he was super special. Like no one else.

hehehe...Don't feel bad...When I heard TWYMMF, I think I was probably about 6 or 7, I thought he was a girl as well, the chorus part anyways...I remember thinking he sounded like a girl, but I knew it was Michael Jackson, but I also thought he had the greatest voice I had ever heard....

hahaha...this reminds me, when my sister was little, she thought Michael and Prince were brothers..lol
I was so young that I don't really recall what it was, but I do remember when I was a little kid that I pretty much wanted to be him, along with Superman and Hulk Hogan.
The very first impression I can remember having of him, was while watching Moonwalker/Smooth Criminal. I was thinking he was the coolest person ever and I wish I could hang out with him. I saw him as like a heroic figure (I still do). I might have been around 3-5 years old.
I'm 46 so my first impression of him had to come from a J5 record! Soulful!

Classic wow that's what't up. I'm first impression of him was his voice and his style was nice michael will rock the hell out of a gitter shirt
My first impression of him was "Wow WHO is THAT!!!???" when I saw a tape of the Dangerous concert in Bucharest - I was almost 10. Then I went home and started to borrow MJ tapes from friends and making copies ( :blush:we didn't even have a music store in my town), I wanted to hear EVERYTHING he did.
Loved him ever since.
It was christmas when I was 6 years old, and Santa Clause is coming to Town came on my mum's christmas tape. I asked who the little boy was that was singing on the tape, and she told me that it was Michael Jackson and that he's now a grown-up man, not a little boy. A few weeks later I remember there being a documentary shown on MJ and Janet, and so my mum recorded it so that I could watch and discover who this 'Michael Jackson' was :lol: They were showing clips from his J5/Jacksons days, and I was hooked! I've always loved Michael, although I've only been a fan for 9 years.
My first impression of him was "Wow WHO is THAT!!!???" when I saw a tape of the Dangerous concert in Bucharest - I was almost 10. Then I went home and started to borrow MJ tapes from friends and making copies ( :blush:we didn't even have a music store in my town), I wanted to hear EVERYTHING he did.
Loved him ever since.
same here only i saw it live ... i remember i went to bed w my heart full of love for him... i didn't even knew what love was back then :smilerolleyes:eek:h..great times ...
On TV, I think it should be bad tour in Japan, that's the first time I saw a superstar with so many crazy fans screaming and crying. He had that curls and shinning outfit, so unique and mysterious, I was shocked! Actually he was the first western star I ever knew. Then I thought all the western stars were like that, that's why I get so disappointed with others later on...
I was about 4 or 5 years old, when i first saw his video Remember the time on T.V.

my first impression was: wow how beautiful he is !
I was excited to see such a beautiful human... :baby:

I was fascinated, when i saw how he vanished, and than appeard and he was shining... and was all in gold,
and than at the end when he became a sand ... :shock:

god i thought he was doing it really, and he was not a human, just something more... :D
and i was asking, wow how can he do it? magic!
yes my first impression on michael was _ MAGIC.
that he was Magical !

than me and my friend were playing in the yard and she said that her lover was Vandam,
and i said my lover was Michael Jackson ! :D:wub:

and we imagined how we huged our lovers.... :blush:
gosh, i was only five... :baby:
I usually do not post on forums like this, but this discussion brought back some old memories.

My earliest memory of Michael when somewhere during the late 80s. My family always went south for vacation and my mom would bring tapes of her favorite music to play while my dad drive. The first song I have ever heard of Michael's was Man in the Mirror. I fell in love with that song and his voice. So did my older brother. I was even more impress when I asked my mom who that was and said that is Michael Jackson and he is from the same hometown as me, Gary, Indiana.

My next real memory was the premiere of Remember the Times. I clearly remember getting into argument with my brother because I thought Michael was white and a woman. My mom was the one who straighten me. When I asked what happen, she specially said he had a skin disease. This was before the Oprah interview, so I have no idea how my mom and dad knew he was sick. I couldn't believe that a disease could strip color from you like that, but I didn't questioned it. Nonetheless, my brother and I thought the video was great.

My next full memory was when the American Dream came out and my mom taped the very first showing of it. I asked her what was she taping and she said the story of the Jacksons. I got so excited and asked, they showing Michael Jackson? She said yes and his brothers, the Jackson 5. My eyes widen and I said, Michael had brothers? Who is the Jackson 5? My first impression of Michael as a person was that miniseries.

Every one in my family and my extended family love Michael. He used to blast his music on the record player all night and my mom used to excise to Billy Jean. My aunt with a similar name used to always say it was about her and he would come back to Gary for her. He pretty much the music of my entire childhood.

Sorry for the long post, but this kind of flowed out.
My memory of MJ: 1990, me little girl watching a tribute show to John Lennon. They show 'Come together' with our Mike. And my life was never the same...