what was the Oprah Winfrey interview like?


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2008
for those of you who were alive when the 90min interview was aired, were you excited? what was it like when you found out that he had agreed to do the interview?
I mean, this is a really vivid memory...
I was in my youth sitting in front of the TV watching Michael, recording the show on my mono VHS. (Wonder if I still got the tape somewhere)
My English wasn't really good at the age of 9 (I'm from Sweden) so I didn't understand half of it, but back then it was amazing just to see Michael.
I mean, I speak probably for a lot of early 80's babies when I say that we bought magazines from countries that we didn't even know the language just to cut out the pictures and post them on the wall. Internet wasn't really popping off back then, so that's how we got pictures.
Man, whatever happened to posting pictures on the wall? I think that today's youth is missing out. I mean I had pictures on my ceiling and in my locker in school.

I mean, of course as soon as Michael opens his mouth or is seen, the media is starting to go crazy and say this and that.
But what I remember the most from were 3 things:
1. Seeing neverland (I had never seen it before)
2. Michael doing the beatbox and doing some dance steps
3. The premier of Give in to me.

Oh and Oprah asking Michael why he grabbed his crotch so much and if he was a virgin haha. I was so embarrassed when Oprah asked that, I still get all uncomfortable whenever I watch it.
I stayed up at night while i had to go to school. I was nervous and exited at the same time. I had to watch it on the German channel with my mother who aired it live. I was trembling and shaking seeing him talk with that sweet voice. I was madly in love with him :wub: and absorbed every word he said. :D
^ I still stick things on my wall everywhere u look in my room you see mj lol! :p

Sounds like my bedroom.

I remember watching that interview like it happen yesterday. All I could think about that day was watching that interview. I had such a hard time on concentrating on my school work that day. Cause I was just so excited on seeing that interview. I remember having to cut my mother's trip to K-mart a little short because I had to be home in time to see that interview. Because it is my first MJ interview to see. I was 13 years old when I had saw it. I was just so in love with Michael during that interview. And after it was over I had loved Michael even more then. The only thing that I had regreted since then was not taping that interview. But luckily years later Ebay had the interview so I bought it both on vhs tape and dvd.
i remember it as it was last night.... i was so excited all day through... and when night came i had yhe tv on really loud, i made sure everyone was quiet. I tapet in on my VHS player, and have watched it approx a tousand times..... I really fell in LOVE that night and have been ever since, my man dont mind though, he knows michael was my first love, and always will be....
I loved it and recorded it to rewatch many times! My favourite bit was the singing and beatboxing of 'Who is it.' Sony had to release the single because there was such demand after MJ sang it on the show! I wish there was more footage of Michael beatboxing and singing acapella - it's AMAZING!
I'm not sure what age I was when I first watched it. It aired when I saw 5 so I was maybe 5 or 6when I watched my cousin's tape of it. I think I fell in love with him then :)

But I remember feeling the suspense of seeing Michael. He was so mysterious before that and in the introduction to the actual interview.

And then when Michael spoke he was so happy and smiley. *sigh* lol. I was smitten I think.
Michael looked so cute in that interview
Adorable smile

But then again he's always looked good huh? :)
ah i thought it was awesome, love Oprah and Michael was just great, the little bit of dancing the beatboxing was just lovely!!!! he looked A.M.A.Z.I.N.G and also when Elizabeth Taylor said some words ohhh was just great lol!!!
It was an awesome interview. That interview was the first time Michael ever spoke in depth about himself. I once saw him do an interview with a weekly program that Ebony/Jet magazine had during the Bad tour, but he only talked about his music and it was a short interview. I think that interview help make Oprah a household name.
i didnt know English at that time so i was watching in translation. but doesnt matter cause anyway i was sitting there with my jaw dropped. i was a fan already at the time but i knew very few facts about him. he was like a miracle unfolding before my eyes. i was constantly running to another room during advertisement breaks and was checking whether my VCR was recording this miracle. everything felt like a big gift at that time.

when she asked about Elephant man i actually had no idea what they were talking about. :)

the only thing that stroke me most was his laughter. and i can never forget this look on his face at the end of the interview when they were leaving.

ah and it made me laugh the way they used to sit in this theatre - Michael was always moving closer to her and she was always moving off him to keep the distance and so they "travelled" along the stage. he made me laugh

and i was so curious to see what's on the painting that was in this room. in the left corner. where he is in red and as a knight. but i saw it only this year 2009 - it was one of these paintings on the auction :(
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The oprah Winfrey interview had shown in HK last 2weeks(In my memory).
I just understand 2/3 of the content of the interview because I'm 14years old now and I'm just a Form2 student~~
But i think michael is very cute on that time and he made me smile^^
For people who wants to watch the full thing it's up on Youtube. Someones already said this probably but it's worth it. I know people hate Oprah here, but imo i think she was very respectful and genuine in this interview.
It was a really big deal. Even non-fans watched it. Michael had been so remote, not giivng many interviews etc for so long that this was a massive step forwards.

I didn't think Oprah did a very good job interviewing persoanlly, I think she was overawed, she could have done so much more and got so much more from him.
It was hyped for weeks before. The first commercial I saw for it was right after his Superbowl performance. As mentioned before, people from all walks of life watched it. The day after the special, news programs went out in the street to get reactions on it from the public. Dangerous had been out of the Top Ten for months, but it climbed up to #8 after the interview.

One odd thing is that everyone heard him say he had vitiligo in the interview, but most people seemed to 'forget' in a couple of years or so.
Living with Michael Jackson was like the oprah interivew but for the late Gen Y'ers like me who would've been like 1 years old hence wouldn't of been able to watch this and understand anything.
The Oprah interview was much much more positive than the Bashir one, however i remember the hype and buzz tha was surrouding the Bashir one which parallels itself to the acclaim of the Oprah one
I was around 13 at the time, I remember being really excited and seeing Michael Jackson. It's a good interview although I feel that Oprah does cut him off at times, my favourite bit is when he sings who is it accapella and when he giggles and says think I'm pretty cute today. I love MJ's smile. I'm going to miss it.
I love that part when they are sitting on the stage and he keeps on trying to get closer and closer to her. It's probably just a trivial detail but for me it symbolizes his yearning to just feel 'close' and 'intimate' with people. Im probably just glamorizing it, but i really enjoyed that gesture from him
I was sooo looking forward to watch that interview, after hearing he would do live tv interview. I was so looking forward to see him, hear his gorgous voice, and to see his home. I felt I just wanted to go there after seeing it. I just adored his laugh so much.
I think I remember I was getting worried if she would ask some awkward questions, didn't want him to get upset or angry. It was funny when he was asked 'why do you grab your croth'. I just went a bit red and laughed.
I've still got it on my vhs video among all my thousands of videos in my little vault. Wish I could transfer them on to DVD. I've still got only 1 video player.
I loved the promo photos he did with Oprah. He looked soooo sexy in those!
l was with my big brother and we watched this interview in moroccan channel ,it was not free channel and we watched crypted ..........
The result was, as Entertainment Weekly put it, Michael repositioned himself from Genius-Weirdo to Genius-Victim. 1993 was shaping up to be one of the best years of Michael's career (Grammy Legend, AMAs, Super Bowl, Oprah) until the summer of that year....
ah and it made me laugh the way they used to sit in this theatre - Michael was always moving closer to her and she was always moving off him to keep the distance and so they "travelled" along the stage. he made me laugh

Hahahaha!!!!! i remember that.. i kept thinking "what is going on here"?? :lol: :lol: