What was MJJC like before 25-6-09?

I think Michael had a birthday-wish when he became 50 that we should take care of the planet, were there any discussions about the environment?
Were there discussions about how to heal the world, stories and pictures of Michael visiting children in hospitals and orphanages?
^ Virtually all the threads from that time still exist in the forum. You can just go through and look. Michael's fans have always been concerned about the environment and have known about his love for children. :)
I think its this one... when Michael took Prince and Paris to a video shoot???


No, the first pic came out in late May around the 29th May or something. It was another pic
^ Was it the one when we could see his hair poking out from under the surgical cap? Oh my God, I remember that day though because I was trying to convince everyone that I could see his real hair under it, and they were like, "he's still wearing a weave!" and I was all, whatever you can totally see the curls haha!
^ Oh my God, its been a hot minute since I saw that photo haha! Oh Michael. I remember we were trying to guess what was written on that CD on his finger, and I think its actually one of his own CDs or movies? I can't remember.
^ Oh my God, its been a hot minute since I saw that photo haha! Oh Michael. I remember we were trying to guess what was written on that CD on his finger, and I think its actually one of his own CDs or movies? I can't remember.

Yeh it was so funny how we all were trying to figure out what the cd/dvd was :lol:
I have always wondered how many members did MJJC had before MJ died. And i was also wondered about his page on facebook. Did it had many members or the majority came when he died?
Hmm in 2000 Watts (that's where I was/still am lurking most of the time) there is no more activity.There were a lot of members 2 years ago :(.

I remember when HIStory/Royal Brunei concerts leaked :(.
There were/are a few thousand people registered here
before that ill-fated day in June 2009....how many active? :dntknw:

I would say that alot of fans have not been active here since mjs death. It way to hard for them to be here, as it reminds them too much of the pain of losing mj
It was was fun! I joined MJJF and when it closed Most of the and moved to MJJC. Most o the people I interacted with dispursed to other boards and one fan member who was once here never wants to be involved. She took it very hard as all of did. We still are in contact with one another allthough, she once lived in Europe and is moving this month to Canada. I will get to see her more since I live in the US. :)
I joined MJJC in July 2009, right after Michael died. I was not even close to as big a fan as I am now.. I'd say I first got into Michael around 2001 or 02 and I did however have Invincible, Thriller, Number Ones and The Essential Michael Jackson (4 albums of any artist was big for me back then) and a couple of Michael DVDs. I literally listened to him almost every day for about 4 months prior to his death. I also always supported him during the case and stood up for him when people teased him. I knew about all the vitiligo and that - it took a simple Google search.. You'd think it wouldn't be that hard for the public to do would you..

Anyway, one of my biggest regrets is not being the fan I am now.. when Michael was alive. :( I've read many threads from the past on here.. but I really don't think they capture a great lot of perspective for me on what the average day on MJJC was like before that horrible day :cry:

I wish I was here then :( I really wish I was. I feel sometimes that the saying 'you don't know what you've got till its gone' applies to me and I hate it. It's a big regret of mine not to have found this wonderful place until after Michael's passing.

What I want to know.. is what was MJJC like before 25/6? Was it a happy place? What was the typical day like? What typically happened? What did you talk about? How did the members interact with each other? How would you define your personal experience (for those pre-25/6 members) with MJJC?

MJJC post-25/6 is all I've ever known.


L.O.V.E :wub:


MJJC prior tot June 25th 2009 was home, for me. I was on this forum every day checking thew news about Michael to make sure he was well, and to see what he was up to ;) Lots of fan-friends, great discussion (with a few arguments here and there, quickly solved by the mods :lol:) and lots of support. We were like a family, most of us knew eachother from other forums or MJJC itself. It was fun, I loved being here.

Lots of people disappeared after Michael passed away, including me. We all got lost and try to find a way to live our life through the pain of missing someone who brought us all together in the first place. If it wasn't for Michael, I wouldn't have met some of the amazing people in my life. Some I'm not in touch with anymore, but they left a mark in my heart. I will always remember these people, and of course Michael.
I have always wondered how many members did MJJC had before MJ died. And i was also wondered about his page on facebook. Did it had many members or the majority came when he died?

If i remember correct which I think I do, his facebook page had around 13 million likes in April/May 2009... now its almost 40 million
I remember the curls topic. :) Now correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it revealed not long after Michael's death that he was reading the curls topic and staff bumped it so he could find it.