What was Michael Jackson life from 2002-2009?

Yes this was the worst period of Michael's life, we all know why. But don't you think some of this period was some of the best too - being with his children & watching them grow, being so happy and delighted about his comeback, being on stage performing and doing what he loved most, and actually seeing with the sales of tickets that he is still loved and in demand, seeing he is still the greatest.

As he said himself 'If you enter this world knowing that you are loved, and leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with'
In the spotlight there were some real bad times.
But in his personal life. In his own world. He was being the great Dad that he was and bringing up his children. Im sure that he must of been in some of the greatest times through the last decade because of his 3 children. But sadly some of the hardest with the trial.
I think if it were not for his 3 kids, the world would of lost Michael alot earlier.
In the spotlight there were some real bad times.
But in his personal life. In his own world. He was being the great Dad that he was and bringing up his children. Im sure that he must of been in some of the greatest times through the last decade because of his 3 children. But sadly some of the hardest with the trial.
I think if it were not for his 3 kids, the world would of lost Michael alot earlier.[/quote]

I agree actually. He may not have died, but he would have been a shadow of what he was, certainly. 'This Is It' would also never have been in the pipeline. Those kids kept him strong, and he brought them up so well :)
No michael was always strong. He would have live no matter what have heppn to him. His death was not supposed to happen in the next 10-20-30- years, under any circumstances.
But if MJ took this propfol during last decade he may have died later in his life, like this. I have to trust me on that, so it dont feel he died just like that :/ If you understand me.

If he had survived the overdose, things would be different. He would have stopped used it, and everything would be fine. But on the other hand, its good he did not survive and got brain damage rest of his life. That would be even worse, IMO.
To me it seems ridiculous to think that we DID know what was going on in his life in those 7 years (or any time in his life) other than the trial and all the things we see publicly, but even then, we don't know how he was, or what was going through his head, or what experiences he had even through these things. For fans to boldly proclaim that you had to have been living under a shell to not know what he was going through.. well alright.. Sure we can know some of the things that happened, some major things happening in his life, but we shouldn't presume to know his state of mind or what he was doing or who was in his life. It bugs me that so many people think they know him so well just by looking from afar. By afar I mean anyone not spending private close time, often, with him. My own family had no idea about my life for years but they thought they did because they assumed all kinds of things based on the events of my life. Without even taking time to visit me they thought they knew and could judge based on that. We are further away from him than my family was to me and they had no clue about my life though they thought they did. It's just a bit of an analogy and I hope it makes sense to others.

I wonder how he was really doing too. I can't really expect an answer, but I do wonder.
It all started with Sony not releasing the 9/11 tribute song 'What More Can I Give', and it just went spiraling out of place from there.

Next thing you know there's news that Michael is in dispute with his record label, and that Sony quietly killed promotion to the 2001 Invincible album.

A shame even to today when I listen to songs from Invincible that I feel should have been made into a music video. :(

2000 Watts
What Ever Happens

I still have various ideas on how those videos should look that I'm willing to tell if anyone is interested in wanting to know. :D
there was highs. there were lows. it was the best of times. it was the worst of times. there were murmurings of planned comebacks but each time they stalled and the final one, well he died. so overall the years could have been better but you deal with the hand youve been given and to the end he was the consumate professional
OMG yes! i have been seeing it EVERYWHERE!!!! its becoming too much lol and what exactly happened in june with the photographer? i've never heard of that. and I do strongly believed that he would have made an awesome come back after the this is it tour. I've heard some of his un-released songs and they are amazing. and idk, if he would have been in a coma or something in the hospital there always would have been hope. Hope that he would come back or something. idk just me
It all started with Sony not releasing the 9/11 tribute song 'What More Can I Give', and it just went spiraling out of place from there.

Next thing you know there's news that Michael is in dispute with his record label, and that Sony quietly killed promotion to the 2001 Invincible album.

A shame even to today when I listen to songs from Invincible that I feel should have been made into a music video. :(

2000 Watts
What Ever Happens

yes...invincible was an amazing album that SHOULD have been promoted better.