What was Michael Jackson life from 2002-2009?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What was Michael Jackson life lik from 2001-2009?... Was he happy for from that time? Cause you have the release of his New CD in 2001 then 9/11 HAPPEN then 2002 came bla bla..what do you think ?
OMG...what planet have you been on? The last few years were perfect! With all the accusations and lawsuits. I am sick and tired of these new 'fans' try google man! Im going back to not posting. Peace
From 2002-2009, A LOT has happened. 2003 is the second trial. Big news. Also, in 2003, 'Number Ones' is released. Don't forget 'Living With Michael Jackson'!. From then until 2008 there was very little coming from him. 2008 saw the release of Thriller 25. Remixes and a new track spawn from that. 2009 rolls around with the promise of a new tour. This is It! Or, This WAS It. As on June 25th 2009, MJ dies.

Pretty much it.
OMG...what planet have you been on? The last few years were perfect! With all the accusations and lawsuits. I am sick and tired of these new 'fans' try google man! Im going back to not posting. Peace

Theres no need to attack osmeone asking questions.

To the OP 2002 Michael had his new son, affectionatly known as Blanket. :) So im sure he was happy - estatic about that.
Well, there was the accusations and the trial which played out over two years (2003-2005). It's fair to say that this was the worst period of MJ's life. I think over the last few years MJ has been working on new music sporadically but has spent most of his time just being there for his children, playing Dad. Giving them back some of the time they maybe missed out on between 03 and 05. I think MJ was probably a very forward thinking person and had known for the last few years that 2009 is when he would be getting back on stage, new music etc.
OMG...what planet have you been on? The last few years were perfect! With all the accusations and lawsuits. I am sick and tired of these new 'fans' try google man! Im going back to not posting. Peace

uhh, the OP joined this board in August, 2003.

how can he/she be a new fan? more like she/he's thinking aloud and posted his meanderings LOL. either way, it's a legit question in terms of Michael's life aside from the trial.

I would hope that the children made him happy. I have a feeling that he did a lot of reading, thinking, mulling. all things very Michael.
well dont forget the baby incident in Berlin and plenty more, he made headlines just walking inside toilets if i can relate from where i am in dubai lol.......
well dont forget the baby incident in Berlin and plenty more, he made headlines just walking inside toilets if i can relate from where i am in dubai lol.......

Sorry to go off topic, but I've stood in front of that hotel! Hotel Adlon it's called, or as they call it 'The Michael Jackson Hotel' :p
OMG...what planet have you been on? The last few years were perfect! With all the accusations and lawsuits. I am sick and tired of these new 'fans' try google man! Im going back to not posting. Peace

Wow and I'm sick and tired of members attacking one another - it's a rule remember.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T one another.
No need for personal attacks, it was just a question! We should encourage people to want to know more about Michael, not beat them down and make people feel uncomfortable. Also, some people were fans of Michael's music alone before recently, so apart from the courtcase may not have kep up with other goings-on that occurred in Michael's life over those years. *deep breath* ok enough of the negative!

Don't forget Michael's appearance at the WMA's in London in 2006! And his rumoured recording of new material over here! :p
Don't forget Michael's appearance at the WMA's in London in 2006! And his rumoured recording of new material over here! :p

Definitely. I'd love to hear about what the Irish thought of Michael's stay there. And I love how you called the WMA's an 'appearance' rather than a 'performance'! :D
What was Michael Jackson life lik from 2001-2009?... Was he happy for from that time? Cause you have the release of his New CD in 2001 then 9/11 HAPPEN then 2002 came bla bla..what do you think ?

As all the other said...but he had also been writing some new material here and there, and i can tell you its fantastic ;)
Ok, first off, im sorry for coming out swinging like that! Its just that things have completely turned sour for me since the morning of june 25th... Ive been a follower of mike since the minute ive been able to speak, and i still cant believe hes not with us anymore. My apologies to the original threatstarter, its just frustration, and im not yet able to let go. Love always
I think he was happy in the end with the sell of his concerts and to see that the public still loved him. even in Ebony 2007 he said he did not look follow what some people were saying in the media. Michael recieve great outpour from Ebony, when he came back to James Brown funeral, his Thriller 25, these concerts, etc. he was back on top and had nothing to fret over. Michael knows the media and how dirty they can be and sometimes I think we take the attacks from the media more to heart than Michael. Michael give on seem to give a crap about what the media say in fact he may have wanted them to talk which gives him attention.
Ok, first off, im sorry for coming out swinging like that! Its just that things have completely turned sour for me since the morning of june 25th... Ive been a follower of mike since the minute ive been able to speak, and i still cant believe hes not with us anymore. My apologies to the original threatstarter, its just frustration, and im not yet able to let go. Love always
Remember Michael is here in spirit (right now, we are worst off than he is. he is fine. It still hurts but that is how I see it).
i think this is a good question.. cos for me something wasnt right around 2000 onwards... thats just my opinion.. im sure MJ was happy with his kids and that brought hiom more joy than anything.. but in every other aspect... i mean... a series of disasters for MJ... probably too much medication...

reading the fans discussions on Karens facebook has really made me make sense of the last 10 years, well understand michaels actions.. people were taking advantage of the state he was in.. he was signing contract he had no intention of honouring, legal battles would follow, people began to have power of attorney so we have the whole auction disaster, world music awards disaster, baby dangling, terrible bashir doc (obv i 90% blame bashir for this), random attendance at award ceremonies to pick up made up awards, looking totally 'not there' at MSG, looking 'not there' an Vince signing, 'lip' thing....... then the trial... it cant imagine how he coped with all he had to deal with :( .. wish someone had stopped the cycle of events that led to june 25th...
just when you thought the 00's couldnt get any worse they did.
He had a lot to deal with...much. much more than he should have had to.

But he had his kids so I'm sure that brightened his life in so many ways...
those kids prob kept him around for a long time. bless them
did this really deserve a thread? i mean we all know what happened from 01-09
OMG I did not now people were so depressed about MJ this century. I have to agree, everything got wrong. He ruled 80's and 90's. I think his Ghost video/film was his latest really good thing. But I became in fan in 2001, so he got me there. But YRMW is not near as good as ghost. MJ looked perfect in Ghost video, he was so cool :( God bless you Michael.

I think he was happy 2006-2009. He looked better then for many years imo. And this year he got his magic Michael Jackson look back, looking ready to rule the world. Though I wish he would look like in bad era/dangerous era forever. Now that is possible, now we can choose how to remember him.
whats this lip thing ur talking about? and i think michael looked fine during invincible signing and msg performance , whats so wrong with it?

i think this is a good question.. cos for me something wasnt right around 2000 onwards... thats just my opinion.. im sure MJ was happy with his kids and that brought hiom more joy than anything.. but in every other aspect... i mean... a series of disasters for MJ... probably too much medication...

reading the fans discussions on Karens facebook has really made me make sense of the last 10 years, well understand michaels actions.. people were taking advantage of the state he was in.. he was signing contract he had no intention of honouring, legal battles would follow, people began to have power of attorney so we have the whole auction disaster, world music awards disaster, baby dangling, terrible bashir doc (obv i 90% blame bashir for this), random attendance at award ceremonies to pick up made up awards, looking totally 'not there' at MSG, looking 'not there' an Vince signing, 'lip' thing....... then the trial... it cant imagine how he coped with all he had to deal with :( .. wish someone had stopped the cycle of events that led to june 25th...
whats this lip thing ur talking about? and i think michael looked fine during invincible signing and msg performance , whats so wrong with it?


judging by the fans that were around him alot over the past ten years.. he wasnt fine and was more often than not totally 'out of it'

in June a photographer knocked him on the head and he fell to the ground and had to grab one of the wheels of his car.. next day he didnt remember when asked about it....