What song did you listen to after Michaels passing?

Last song before Michael's passing> Prince - lovesexy.

After> Michael - Gone Too Soon (Clinton Inauguration Galla '93).
"Smile" which made me cry so much :-(. I can't even listen to that song anymore.
i listen to smile as it always made me feel better when things where bad in the past
Last song beffore was Joe Cocker, Summer in the city

Today was the first day i started listening to music again in was, Who Is It
I couldn't listen to anything for the first couple of days, but then I listened to You are not alone. It comforted me.
When I listened to Gone too soon, it broke me down.
i havent listened to one of MJs songs since last thursday when he passed over to the better side.

I am holding out until his new songs or if you count the reherasals as listening to his songs then i guess it would have to be they dont care about us/ Why you wanna trip on me medley
I was listening to the radio on the way home from work because I knew he was taken to the hospital after suffering cardiac arrest which I knew right from that point that it wasnt good but on the way home they confirmed that he had passed and they went right into "Man in the Mirror" so that was the first song I heard after hearing the news. That was a very fitting song for me to hear because that has always been my favorite song of his.
Michael's song Fall Again was the first song I had listen to. Fall Again and Someone Put Your Hand Out are the 2 MJ songs I had to listen to the most during this past week. In fact Michael is all I've been wanting to hear now. I totally lost interest in listening to my Bollywood music right now.
In 5 days after 25th I finally could listen his songs.. Not a lot, acually.. I've listened Man in the Mirror - 10 or 15 times... And then almost all songs from Bad. Except "Leave me alone", I just can't stop loving you...